Instructions for using the RPL Assessment Kit
The RPL Assessment Tool Kit has been developed to provide both Assessors and Candidates with the required information to make the RPL process as easy as possible. The candidate will require support through every step of the process. The kit is made up of three parts.
PART 1 – Assessor Information
Part 1 contains information for the Assessor, together with relevant assessment tools to conduct the RPL Assessment. This includes:
Section 1 – Instructions for the Assessor
Section 2 – List of competencies contained in the RPL Assessment Kit for that Qualification
Section 3 – Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets
The interview question bank is the second stage of the RPL process where the assessor and the candidate confirm the candidate’s skills and knowledge by discussing a series of questions. Each of these questions includes a list of key points, which may assist the assessor in guiding the discussion.
Section 4 – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets
These tools are designed to guide the assessor and the candidate through a workplace observation, with the aim of proving the candidate’s ability to complete the specific tasks and skills required for recognition of competence in the particular area.
PART 2 – Candidate Information
Part 2 is for the Candidate. This part contains information that can be provided to the Candidate about the RPL process. This includes:
Section 5 – Candidate Information and Self Evaluation
This document is to enable the candidate to assess their suitability for the RPL process, by asking them to consider each of the points and assessing their ability against the task. It has been broken into smaller skill groups, clustering like activities together to enable ease of completion.
Section 6 – Third Party Report and Supporting Documentation
A third party report is usually completed by a candidate’s supervisor or employer, who verify the candidate’s experience, skills and knowledge as demonstrated during their work activity.
The report must address the candidate’s performance specifically in relation to relevant unit/s of competency. Third party reports should establish the writer’s working relationship with the candidate, provide examples of what the third party has observed and must be signed and dated.
PART 3 – Mapping of Assessment Tools
Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools
This section is not required to conduct the assessment. It has been placed at the end of the document so it can easily be removed and kept on record for validation and audit purposes.
This section demonstrates how each of the Assessment tasks meets the requirements of each unit of competency in the particular skill sets or cluster.