Class Expectations:Campus Ministry 2016
- Live the philosophy of the school. Be a person of character. Follow the rules “You may be the only Bible some people read.”
- Be in your seat with notes open when the bell rings or you will receive a violation!
- Stand for the Pledge and Prayer (silently and respectfully)
- Every day class begins with a reflection which will be briefly discussed or a written response will be turned in for credit.
- Keep a daily notebook. You must take notes every day and date each day with respective notes taken. You will need this for quizzes.
- Grading policy is on the back of the course description.
- All homework/ assignments are to be turned in typed. Please apply your English skills and write well thought out essays.
- When I am gone on retreats, there will be a substitute. You will be assigned written work. It is IMPERATIVE that you work quietly. You should be on you BEST behavior. I will leave specific directions whenever I am gone.
- If someone comes into speak with me during class, please keep busy and quiet. Do not begin talking and visiting. Show initiative—study or write your grandmother!
- If a violation is issued to you, fill it out and return it to me at the end of class. Do not begin a discussion and or question, comment during class time.
- Extra credit can be done on just about anything. The assignment is for you to take class content and relate that to your life. You can do research, oral presentations, teach a lesson, arrange for a guest speaker, etc.
- Retreats are a privileged to lead. You need to be in good standing with all of your teachers. Keep up on your schoolwork so that problems do not arise. Let me know if you are behind in other classes. We can reschedule your leading of retreats to another time.
- Come to Mass at 7:30; Morning Prayer @ 7:45 on days when Fr. Ken is not here. Sign in sheet is in the back of chapel. (days of attendance: 5X=100% A+; 4X=90% A; 3X=80% B; 2X=75% C; 1X=70% C- 0 times 0 grade for that week! If you want an A…you MUST come often. PRAYER IS Ministry! You are assigned a specific day to prepare Morning Prayer or proclaim God’s WORD at Mass. Please see to it that you do this ministry thoughtfully.
- If for some reason you do not make it to MP, you may submit a reflection essay. This must be turned in each Friday.
- Denim Days benefits the school and is a key part of meeting the needs of our community. Please plan to minister in this way by going above and beyond your allotted number &/or participation in outreach.
- Enjoy this class! Share your opinions, thoughts, ideas. Experience and create a faith community. L.I.F.E. Living In Faith Experience!