Conventional Grazing Farm Producer

1200 lb. cows and 6 months feeding hay (mid Oct. thru mid April)

20 Head 30 Head 45 Head

24,000 lbs. 36,000 lbs. 54,000 lbs.

x 3% x 3% x 3%

720 lbs./day 1080 lbs./day 1620 lbs./day

x 180 days x 180 days x 180 days

129,600 lbs. 194,400 lbs. 291,600 lbs.

÷ 2000 lbs. ÷ 2000 lbs. ÷ 2000 lbs.

65 ton or 130 bale 97 ton or 195 bale 146 ton or 292 bale

Number bales / $20/bale / $30/bale / $40/bale / $50/bale
130 / $2600 / $3900 / $5200 / $6500
195 / $3900 / $5850 / $7800 / $9750
292 / $5840 / $8760 / $11,680 / $14,600

Rotational Grazing Farm Producer

1200 lb. cows and 3 months feeding hay (mid January thru mid April)

20 Head 30 Head 45 Head

24,000 lbs. 36,000 lbs. 54,000 lbs.

x 3% x 3% x 3%

720 lbs./day 1080 lbs./day 1620 lbs./day

x 90 days x 90 days x 90 days

64,800 lbs. 97,200 lbs. 145,800 lbs.

÷ 2000 lbs. ÷ 2000 lbs. ÷ 2000 lbs.

32.5 ton or 65 bale 48.6 ton or 98 bale 73 ton or 146 bale

Number bales / $20/bale / $30/bale / $40/bale / $50/bale
65 / $1300 / $1950 / $2600 / $3250
98 / $1960 / $2940 / $3920 / $4900
146 / $2920 / $4380 / $5840 / $7300

Current Nutrient Costs 8/2/10

Urea @ $410/ton 46% N 920 lbs. actual N = $ 0.45/lb

DAP @ $520/ton 46% P 920 lbs. actual P = $ 0.57/lb.

Potash @$ 470/ton 60% K 1200 lbs. actual K = $ 0.39/lb.

Is Hay Worth Purchasing???

Nutrients in 1 ton of Grass Hay According to the Ohio Agronomy Guide

Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium Total

40 lbs. 13 lbs. 50 lbs.

x $0 .45 x $0.57 x $0.39

$ 18.00 $ 7.41 $ 19.50 $44.91/ton

$44.91 ÷ 2 (1000 lb. bales/ton) = $22.46 worth of nutrients/ bale*

* (Note-This does not include the hay’s feed value used by the livestock)