Friday, May 22, 2015
1:00 – 2:00 PM EST
TIME / ITEM / SPEAKER / DISCUSSION/NOTES / F/U PERSON1:00 PM / Call to order and roll call / David Caulder / David Caulder, Sandy Dye, Melissa Leffue. Denise Potter, President, could not attend due to prior obligation. She did send some questions regarding the agenda which will be included below.
Update and Minutes Approval / David Caulder / To be done via email. / Melissa Leffue
Treasurer Report / Melissa Leffue / *The incoming treasurer for the 2015-2017 term is Sandy Dye. Welcome Sandy! The transition of the association checking account, treasurer’s excel files, etc. still needs to be taken care of. Denise also needs to be added as an additional authorized signature on the account. Denise asked that we follow up on this and let her know. Sandy will f/u with Tonya Deborde on both of these items. This should be accomplished as quickly as possible.
*David asked if the additional person on the checking would have to co-sign all checks or if this was just a backup for the treasurer. It was explained that this was solely to have a backup for the treasurer in the event that the treasurer was unable to perform their duties for some reason. / Sandy Dye
Spring Conference Update / David Caulder, Melissa Leffue / *Feedback was overall positive. Members shared ideas for topics for upcoming conferences. Attendance was down compared to the last couple of years – 17 in attendance including SWVHIMA officers. Discussion was held about how to increase attendance.
*Melissa proposed offering CEU forms with the specific AHIMA domains listed (as VHIMA does) to make it easier for membership when reporting CEU’s. Everyone was in agreement to move in that direction.
*Discussion about when to have Fall conference. It was suggested earlier that we hold the Fall Conference prior to ICD 10 go live. Melissa brought up the point that HIM/Coding departments as well as outsource companies were closing vacation/PTO time in the months prior to go live and that this may hurt attendance as obviously there will be a push to get DNB’s etc as low as possible before October 1. For now we will leave the Fall Conference date in mid-November as in years prior but will revisit the issue at our August meeting.
Membership Drive Letters & New Membership Forms / Melissa Leffue / Melissa offered to do the mailing of the membership drive letters for any who had not sent theirs out yet. Denise already sent hers and heard back from 2 individuals who have been added to our mailing list. Melissa and David have not sent theirs yet. Melissa will f/u with Tonya Deborde to see if she mailed hers. If not, Melissa will send out the remaining letters on the spreadsheet that Denise provided. We agreed to include a membership form in the letters. Melissa will be re-doing the membership form and sending it to the officers for approval first. We also agreed to include SWVIMA’s website and Facebook page info in the letters. / Melissa Leffue
SWVHIMA Website & Facebook Page / David Caulder / *Both are now up and running! Denise asked who will be in charge of the website and facebook page. For now it will be David. However before our next meeing, David will look into shared access for the officers.
*Officers unanimously agreed to include our meeting minutes on the website as VHIMA does after the minutes are reviewed and approved by the 4 officers.
*Melissa will send out an announcement to the membership about the website and facebook page and ask for feedback.
*David has yet to be reimbursed for the cost of the website start-up fee. Melissa sent an email to Tonya Deborde to request that this be taken care of. Tonya indicated she would get a check in the mail to David the week of May 25.
*Denise indicated she had a couple of corrections for the website and would send those out. She also provided the officers with her new contact information. / Melissa Leffue, David Caulder, Denise Potter
VHIMA Scholarship Fund / Melissa Leffue / SWVHIMA was to donate $100 to the VHIMA Scholarship fund which was to be delivered by Tonya Deborde at the VHIMA State Meeting in May. Sandy will f/u on this when she talks with Tonya about transitioning the association’s checking account. / Sandy Dye
SWVHIMA Bylaws / David Caulder / We will begin the update process at our next meeting. In the meantime, officers will review our bylaws and be prepared to discuss needed changes. The bylaws are available on the SWVHIMA website The goal is to have the bylaws updated and ready for a vote by membership at our Fall 2015 Conference. **Meeting adjourned at 2:03PM. / All
Next Meeting / June 19th @ 1:00PM