Minutes of a meeting of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council held on Tuesday 6th March 2007 in Bracebridge Heath Village Hall at 8.15pm following the Annual Parish Meeting.

Present:Cllr P Burley (Chairman)

Cllrs J Ward, WH Rawson MBE, M Spencer, Mrs K Storey, Mrs S Manders, G Fletcher, R Clements, Mrs B Young and GP Young

The Clerk, J E Stanley, was in attendance.


All items had been covered during the Annual Parish Meeting, no further points were raised.


032/2007 - Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Mrs M Burton, County Councillor Mrs C Talbot and District Councillors Gallagher & Mrs Hubbard.

033/2007 - Declarations of interest in items on the Agenda

No declarations of interest were made

034/2007 - To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 6th February 2007

Council received the minutes of the meeting held 6th February 2007; it was proposed and seconded that the Minutes be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman.


Resolved:The minutes of the meeting held on 6th February 2007, be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman

035/2007 - Clerks Report on ongoing matters

The Clerk updated the Council on the following matters:

Youth ClubCounty Council investigation in ongoing, email sent to County Councillor Mrs Talbot for update.

ArenwayCorrespondence sent to Arenway via Wentworth Anderson, holding reply received pending the matters being looked into - Ongoing

Section 106 MoniesFurther quotations are awaited from potential suppliers for the schemes identified - ongoing

Bus SheltersCorrespondence sent to Highways to identify ownership of land on St John's Road

HedgingCorrespondence sent to residents re overgrown hedging

NKDCUpdate received re Section 106, Barrett Estate

NKDCMeeting documents received re St John’s Development, passed to Cllr Mrs Manders

Bowling Greenrequest for maintenance sent to Inbowls

036/2007 - Recent decisions of Standards Board for England

The recent decisions of the Standards Board for England in regard to complaints made against Council members were discussed and noted.

037/2007 - Review and consider for approval the payment of accounts to 28thFebruary 2007

The Clerk to Council presented the accounts for payment and confirmed all accounts were in order and within the budget. It was proposed and seconded that Council approve the payment of the accounts.


Resolved:That payment of the accounts to 28th February 2007 be approved by Council

400706 / Parish Dog Warden Services / February Account / £227.50
400707 / Stonebow Home Imp / Pavilion Repairs / £180.00
400708 / Bracebridge Heath Village Hall / Room Hire –Feb 2007 / £22.50
400709 / Church Commissioners / Allotments Rent / £441.13
400710 / Powergen / Pavilion Charges / £188.42
400711 / SLCC / Subscriptions / £105.00
400712 / ABB / Street Lighting Maintenance / £723.78
400713/4 / Salaries, Allowances / £676.49

038/2007 Clerks report on items of correspondence received to 28thFebruary 2007

The Clerk reported that the following correspondence had been received:

Lincs PoliceDetails of compliance check re licensing laws

NKDCUpdate re Section 106, Sleaford Road

Longhurst Homes Offer of meeting re Affordable Housing

NKDCInformation re phasing of development at St John'sHospital

039/2007 - Items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting to be held on 3rd April 2007

The following items were requested to be placed on the agenda for the meeting to be held on 3rd April; date of the May meeting, Lincoln Eastern Bypass and the proposed changed to the code of conduct.

040/2007 - Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public.{As per the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings Act) 1960}

It was proposed and seconded that under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press

and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of minute no 41/07 & 42/07 on the grounds

that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of

Schedule 12A of the Act.


Resolved:That under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press

and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of minute no 41/07 & 42/07 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

041/2007 – Correspondence from Langleys Solicitors re Public Open Spaces

Correspondence and advice had been received from Langleys Solicitors re Public Open Spaces and were discussed; the contents of the correspondence were noted.

042/2007 – Grass Cutting & Maintenance contract for 2007

It was proposed and seconded that Executive Powers be granted to the Playing Fields, Allotments & Open Spaces Committee to select the Contractor for grass cutting and maintenance for 2007.


Resolved:That Executive Powers be granted to the Playing Fields, Allotments & Open Spaces Committee to select the Contractor for grass cutting and maintenance for 2007

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.20pm.

Signed______Chairman3rd April 2007