Ms. Villa
12th Grade English Program
College Thinking, College Writing
Instructor: Ms. Villa
Course:12th gradeRhetoric & Composition
Course Description
This course aims to train VPPHS seniors how to think about and write up two kinds of argumentative papers. The first kind is the short argumentative essay now set by the College Board on the new SAT Verbal Exam. The second kind is the longer argumentative essay that students are expected to produce on most major exams and essays written outside of class.
The first semester of this course will emphasize the SAT argumentative essay, recognizing, outlining, summarizing, and critiquing an argument as well as reading many non fiction texts. It is imperative that students are able to evaluate arguments and be able to respond to arguments with sound evidence to produce a logical, complex, and coherent understanding of what is read.
The second semester will emphasize argument literacy at the college level—in other words the ability to read, summarize, and contribute to sophisticated arguments mainly on political, social, and moral issues. Surveys show that only twenty percent of American students know that summarizing and making arguments is the name of the game in academia. By the end of the second semester VPPHS seniors will be among the twenty percent who know the game and how to play it.
Dates / Unit / DurationSept. 8, 2009-
Sept. 12, 2009 / Policies and Procedures / 1 week
Sept 14, 2009-
October 2, 2009 / Unit 1: The Writing Portion of the SAT / 3 weeks
Key Assignment 1: SAT Timed Essay
October 5, 2009-
October 9, 2009 / Unit 2a: Critiquing an Argument Using the TIPP / 1 week
Key Assignment 2: TIPP Outline & Summary of Letter 6
October 13, 2009-
October 30, 2009 / Unit 2b: Rhetoric of the OpEd Page
Introduction of MLA / 3 weeks
Key Portfolio Assignment 3: Writing Exercise: “Quote, Paraphrase, Respond”
Key Assignment 4: Letter to the Editor
November 2, 2009-November 20, 2009 / Unit 3: Fast Food / 3 weeks
Key Assignment 5—BENCHMARK: Summary and Critique of an Article
November 23 & 24 / Film: Super Size Me / 2 Days
Thanksgiving Break
November 30, 2009-
December 18, 2009 / Unit 4: Appearance and Discrimination / 2 weeks
Key Assignment 5: Critique of Argument in The Look
January 4, 2010-
January 29, 2010 / Unit 5: Teen Drinking
Argumentative Structure/Introducing an Issue / 3 weeks
Key Assignment 6—FINAL EXAM: 500 word paper on Teen Drinking
Grading Policy
The English Department has implemented the following grading breakdown. Class work, participation, and homework will be worth no more than 50% of the final grade. Assessments will be worth no less than 50% of the final grade. At the end of a quarter, your total points earned will be divided by the total points possible. If you end up with a “borderline” score of, say, 89.6%, that score with be rounded up to 90%, which translates into an A- grade. An 89.5% score, however, will translate into a B+ grade.
Assignments will be worth the following amount of points
Homework: 10 pts. Final Essay: 70 pts.
Essays: 35 pts.
Late/Missing Assignments
The English Department mandates that ABSOLUTELY NO late work will be turned in after the completion of a unit.
The following materials are required for class. Students must bring them EVERYDAY.
1. Blue or Black ink PENS (more than one!)
2. One red pen
3. Highlighters
4. Loose leaf college ruled paper (start with 40 pages)
5. A pocket dictionary
6. Post-It Tabs (essential for annotating texts)
7. One pack of Index Cards
8. One 1” three ring binder
9. Los Angeles Public Library Card (sign up at your local library, visit:
English Notebook Requirement
All students must have an English notebook (1” three ring binder) that contains the following sections: 1) Warm-Ups 2) Notes 3) Vocabulary
To best succeed in school, you ought to be in class everyday. But if an absence is unavoidable, then you are responsible for making up all class work and homework within forty-eight hours of your return. Students will find all assignments posted on Powerschool and/or the school website. Remember, taking the initiative to do this make-up work is solely your responsibility.
Hall Passes
Time spent to focus on literature and writing is essential for class. Therefore, the English Department has decided that students will be granted three hall passes per semester.
In order to get the most out of your classroom experience, you must behave. Acceptable behavior is clearly spelled out in the View Park Prep Student Handbook.
Technology is integrated in the course throughout the year. Students and teachers utilize Microsoft Office, including Word, PowerPoint, and Excel, for assignments, presentations, activities and projects. Students will also utilize the internet for interactive blogs, project research, and the school website for download of assignments and homework.The English Departments requires that students interact with technology as a part of each unit. Students will be required to participate in a discussion via their grade level blog.
------Return Portion Below to Teacher------
By signing my name to this syllabus, I agree to the following:
1) I have read and reviewed this syllabus with my student;
2) My student has agreed to put forth his or her best effort in complying with the requirements
as articulated in the course syllabus;
3) As the parent, I will do my best to make sure that my student adheres to the requirements
as articulated in the course syllabus and;
4) At the English department’s discretion, failure to adhere to the requirements articulated
in the syllabus may negatively affect my student’s final semester grade.
Parent Signature Date
Student Signature Date