
atom Alliance Marketing Brief

Social Media Update (If you don’t already, LIKE, FOLLOW and PIN atom Alliance today!)

Twitter –

·  189 Followers (up 10)

Facebook –

·  133 Likes (up 3)

LinkedIn –

·  1273 Connections (up 143)

Pinterest –

·  112 Followers (up 2)

Trending Social Media Themes

General Website Updates:
News: / CMS announces additional opportunities for clinicians to join innovative care approaches under the Quality Payment Program
powerUp! / Strategic Plan Task Order Diagram Draft 11


B1. Cardiac

Website Updates:
Blogs: / Bless Your Heart

B2. Diabetes

Website Updates:
Blogs: / Promote Self-Management for National Diabetes Month
Materials: / KY DSME Testimonials

G1. Behavioral Health

Website Updates:
Blogs: / Effective Co-Management of Mental & Physical Chronic Conditions
Constant Contact eBlasts: / Substance Use Disorders Webinar Login Details