PeopleSoft – Functional Specifications
(To be completed by Functional Team Lead)Requestor: / IRP / Requested Date: / 01/31/02
Priority: / High / Target Date: / Prior to SS2002
Business Reason: / Compliance Reporting - State
Business Process: / Annual student credit hours by student level and Classification of Instructiona Program (CIP)
Tracking #: / Module(s) Affected: / Student
Special Instructions: / The credit hours reported were at one time audited by the state. The potential is that they will again be audited.
Application Lead:
Specification Detail
Description of Modification:
Student credit hour totals on the DHE 15-1 should be reported annually at the end of each fiscal year (July 1 through June 30th).
Include in this report all student credit hours that were generated from courses that can be applied toward a degree, certificate or other formal award including remedial courses.
oInclude credit hours from residence centers as on-campus.
oInclude credit hours earned by high school students.
oInclude any credit hours generated by auditing students.
oInclude credit hours generated by students in non-credit courses.
oInclude credit hours earned by students in TV or radio courses as on-campus.
oInclude credit hours earned by students in correspondence or newspaper courses as off-campus.
oInclude credit hours of off-schedule courses.
oInclude credit hours of remedial courses.
oInclude credit hours of donated and contract courses.
The distribution of student credit hours by student level is based on the location of the course, the Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code of the course, and the total number of credit hours completed by the student toward the degree or formal award in which the student is enrolled.
Exclude from this report the categories of credit hours listed below. Specifically:oExclude credit hours in courses not creditable toward a formal award or vocational program except remedial courses.
oExclude credit hours from courses taught at a branch in a foreign country.
oExclude credit hours of students whose registration was cancelled and whose fees were refunded or forgiven in full.
oExclude credit hours of students who withdrew from classes and received a refund or forgiveness of a portion, but not all, of the fees assessed.
A.EDIT CHECK FOR EACH ROW. Column D (total credit hours) is the sum of columns A + B + C.B.EDIT CHECK FOR EACH COLUMN. For each column, line 99 is the sum lines 01 through 52.
Please respond to these questions by supplying the number of credit hours generated in the categories identified.Security Classes Impacted:
Suggested End-User Contacts:
System and Campus IR; Campus Registrars
Special Instructions:
Data source for the DHE 15 should be census point frozen files or warehouse.
Related Production Information and Roles and Responsibilities:
- Report and related files should be run on demand
- Process owners/data custodians should control the running of the program
- Output is a text file.
- Review of output should be completed jointly by process owners/data custodians and System IR.
- Related electronic file be sent to CBHE by UM Planning & Budget
Additional Information Furnished:
___ Source table definition ___Naming Standards ___Data mapping template
___ Target table definition ___Cross-walk tables ___Acceptance Test Scenario Chklist – PT1
___ Testing Scripts - Required
ASP Executive Director:______
Report Transmittal Record
PS Object Name ______
Report Name Database/Instance
Unit Test Complete* ______
Developer Approval Date
Team Lead Review ______
Team Lead Approval Date
Process Owner Review ______
Approval Date
User Tested ______
Accepted for Testing Date
User Accepted ______
Accepted Date
*Attach the following to transmittal form prior to submission:
- Copy of technical specifications form
- Copy of printed unit-tested report (first 3 pages only)
University of Missouri – ASP DRAFT
P:\IRP\Compliance_Reports\Documentation\Compliance Report Finals\Report Specifications Template.doc