On page 15 you have the “Identify” points for each of 4 evaluation paragraphs. Below are the “Justify” and “elaborate” sentences to finish each of these. Work out which parts match up (use a key to help you, e.g. 1J, 1E, 2J, 2E….). Ensure you read the points on p.15 as this will give you a hint. Use a process of elimination, work out the easier ones first and then see what you have left!
NB – Justify often starts with “This is because”, “Eg”
Elaborate is when you finish off the point and what it means for the theory, so it often starts with “consequently” “Therefore” “This suggests “
For example, genetic explanations can account for why some people develop addictions to smoking and gambling and yet others, who have the same environmental experiences and life pressures, do not. Some people are more vulnerable due to their genetic predisposition (such as the A1 variant of the DRD2 gene).
This is because the concordance rates (such as those in the study by Shields on smoking) are never 100% for MZ twins. This is problematic as it means that in some cases, having the ‘addiction gene’ has not led to addictive behaviour.
Consequently, this strengthens the validity of the approach in its ability to explain addiction.
This is problematic for the model as it presents a moral question as to whether individuals can be held accountable for the behaviour they engage in as an addict. Whereas, the cognitive approach suggests that an individual actively chooses to take an addictive substance/gamble and therefore are completely responsible for their actions.
For example, it is suggested that situational characteristics, such as advertising or the availability of cash machines in casinos, are equally important and have a direct impact on the initiation of addiction.
This means that focussing on biology is to some extent limited in that it ignores the complexity of the environments we operate in, and how susceptible we are to manipulation by advertising campaigns, for example.
This is because it suggests that addictive behaviour is controlled by internal forces such as low levels of dopamine (and dopamine receptors) or possession of the A1 variant of the DRD2 gene. This is deterministic because it suggests that the individual has no free will or choice over their decision to smoke or gamble.
Therefore, this suggests that genetics play a role in addictive behaviours, but that other factors, such as environmental triggers are also necessary (i.e. the diathesis-stress model).