Newham Circuit Newsletter
Good news stories taking place
in YOUR circuit!
If you have ANY good news for this newsletter please email Sanya on
This combines news from the Newham Methodist Youth NewMeY.
A letter from our Superintendent
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ
You may have heard that, following much prayer and discussion in our churches through the autumn, the December Circuit Meeting decided against reducing the number of ministers at this time.
The churches have committed themselves to balancing the budget by raising extra money. Expect sermons on tithing and Gift Aid in the months ahead! Support the Circuit’s fund raising social in the New Year, advertised in this newsletter.
Personal giving is very important, but it isn’t just about people putting their hands in their pockets. It is about encouraging new people to come to church. Look out for a seminar for church stewards and others early in March to encourage us to rediscover the lost art of invitation.
And we must never lose sight of the main task facing ministers, local preachers and church members: to share the love of God in our homes, work places and the communities where our churches are set. We do this in our deeds as well as by our words.
As we prepare to celebrate once again the Christmas story, let us take time to think about what God did in entering this world as a baby. Let us reflect on the costly gift of Jesus, who ‘emptied himself of all but love’ (Hymns and Psalms 216) and ask ourselves what this might require of us.
Have a very happy Christmas, and a blessed New Year.
With all good wishes
New Mey present
Christmas Carol Talent Showcase
The Christmas Story told through song, dance, comedy and food.
Join us on
Saturday 15th December
At Manor Park Methodist Church
Children and young people from all the churches around the circuit will be represented so come and show your support.
NewMeY News
We took 6 of our young people to 3 Generate and they will give presentations to all our churches in the circuit over the coming months.
Youth Mentors
If you are interested in being a mentor please get in touch.
HANGOUTSEvery last Saturday of the month
From 2013
School Term 2012/13
School year starts Monday 10th September 2012.
Half Term Monday 29th October – Friday 2nd November 2012
CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Monday 24th December 2012 – Friday 4th January 2013.
Half Term Monday 18th February – Friday 22nd February 2013
EASTER HOLIDAYS Friday 29th March – Friday 12th April 2013
Half Term Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May 2013
School years finishes Friday 26th July 2013.
Newham Circuit Social
Fashion Show Food Talent Show
Includes two course meal, drinks, entertainment and a chance to help the Circuit raise much-needed funds.
Phone Dorothy BY SUNDAY 30TH DECEMBER to book
020 8552 7103
Bryant Street Methodist Church Watch-night Service
Monday 31st December at 11pm.
All are welcome.
Come let us give Thanks to God, for all that is past and to trust Him for all that is to come.
The Methodist Conference
London 2013
Diary Date
Volunteers Required
When? 4th—11th July 2013
Where? Central Hall
Come and be part of the team of volunteers that help to make The Methodist Conference work.
Various roles available.
If you are interested make initial contact with Nwabisa.
More details in February - Watch this space
First Aid at work training event
at Harold Road
Tuesday 29th January
all day
Please ring Deacon Debbie @ Harold Road to book your place and for further information.
Price depends on how many want to do the course.
Stratford church's winter shelter
Volunteers needed in January to help.
This is planned for every night during January.
We need people to help early evening with food and drinks, others to stay over night and others to help with breakfast and help tidy up. If this is something you feel you can help with even just one session will lighten the load for others. If lots of people volunteer for one session then we can get this covered. For more information please contact Deacon Debbie or Rev Claude Bailey for more information.
The Team
Rev Ian Parker (Superintendent) |020 8478 5938 |
Rev Claude Bailey |020 8555 0218 |
Deacon Debbie Buckley|01277 215 127 |
Rev Nicola Vidamour |020 8548 4945 |
Circuit Stewards
Dorothy Greaves| 020 8552 7103
Joan Samuel| 020 8548 1947
David Mensah| 07956 110 415
Newham Methodist Youth Coordinators (NewMeY)
Jones Agyeman |07932 564 984 |
Sanya Strachan | 07952 263 365 |
FACEBOOK: Search “Newham Methodist Youths”
POSTAL ADDRESS: Bryant Street Methodist Church, Bryant Street, London, E15 4RU
Circuit Local Preachers (preaching this quarter)
Diana Bolton
Marion Gamia
Fred Sarpong Boateng
Debbie Buckley
Susan Mthimkulu
Sanya Strachan
On Trial (preaching this quarter)
Jones Agyeman
Mary Daniels
Charity Nzegwu
John Andoh
Please pray for all who are leading worship in the circuit this quarter
and who those you are unable to preach this quarter.
Methodist Churches in Newham
Bryant Streetcontact: 020 8534 0085 (Claude)
Forest Gatecontact: 020 8472 2676 (Evelyn)
Keir Hardiecontact: 020 7474 1466 (Alfred)
High Street Southcontact: 01708 521501 (Joseph)
Manor Parkcontact: 020 8989 8489 (Diane)
Newtowncontact: 020 8257 7181 (Dick)
Pilgrims Waycontact: 020 8552 7103 (Dorothy)