AP/ADMS 2400 3.0
Winter 2012
Dr. Sabrina Deutsch Salamon
Course Syllabus
Contact Information
Dr. Sabrina Deutsch Salamon
Telephone: 416-736-2100, ext. 70844
Office: Atkinson Building, Room 236
Office Hours: Tuesdays 2:30-3:30 and by appointment
If you would like to discuss your progress in the course or if you need assistance with the course material, please send me an e-mail to set up an appointment. I encourage you to meet with me as soon as possible if you have any questions or concerns.
Course DescriptionIntroduces concepts of individual and group behaviour as they affect performance in organizations. Topics covered include motivation, communication, decision-making, leadership and structural issues. Lectures and case discussions are employed to develop theoretical models and illustrate their use.
AK/ADMS 1000 3.00. Note: AK/ADMS 1000 3.00 cannot be taken concurrently with AK/ADMS 2400 3.00.
Required Text
Custom Textbook Packet: Colquitt, Organizational Behaviour 1st Canadian edition with Kreitner Custom, © 2010. This shrink-wrapped packet is available at the York University Bookstore, ISBN 0071059695). The packet includes:
· Colquitt, Wesson, LePine & Gellatly (2010). Organizational Behaviour: Improving Performance and Commitment in the Workplace, Canadian Edition. McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd. Canada.
· Custom publication for York University: Kreitner, Kinicki, Cole & Digby (2010), OB: Key Concepts, Skills, and Best Practices (Excerpts for AP/ADMS2400). Includes Chapters 2 and 7 from Fundamentals of Organizational Behaviour, 3rd Canadian Edition. McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd. Canada.
· Connect: Enclosed with the packet is a Connect Access Card to on-line password protected resources provided by the publisher. To register, go to www.mcgrawhillconnect.ca. For more details about this website, see the “Additional Information/Notes” section below on this outline.
Additional Information/Notes
· The companion “Connect Website” is a website provided by the publisher of our textbook. This website is optional for your use and is in addition to the course website managed by your course instructor. Through this Connect website you will have access to is a generic website for all in-class AP/ADMS2400 sections that contains an eBook for the text that is included in the packet (all the Colquitt et al. chapters, and the two Kreitner et al. chapters). You may find some additional features of this site as useful for your studies. To activate your Connect account, you will need to register at www.mcgrawhillconnect.ca. Click on “Register as a student” and enter your e-mail address and the pin code found on the enclosed Connect Access Card. Follow the onscreen directions and select York University and AP/ADMS2400 as your course. For technical support with the Connect website, contact McGraw-Hill Ryerson at www.mcgrawhill.ca/support. Your course instructor will not be able to assist you with technical issues with the Connect website.
Tentative Schedule
Class # / Topic / Readings
1 / What Is Organizational Behaviour? / Colquitt Ch. 1
2 / Perception and Individual Differences / Kreitner Ch. 2 Colquitt Ch. 8 (only pp. 202-207) & Ch. 9
3 / Communication / Kreitner Ch. 7
4 / Behavioral Outcomes / Colquitt Ch. 2
5 / Motivation / Colquitt Ch. 6
6 / Attitudes, Moods and Emotions
Midterm Exam: Sunday Feb 12, 2-5pm / Colquitt Chs. 3 & 4
7 / Trust and Justice
/ Colquitt Ch. 7 (except pp. 174-178)
Team Characteristics and Processes / Colquitt Ch. 10
9 / Decision Making / Colquitt Ch. 8 (except pp. 192-197)
10 / Power, Influence and Conflict / Colquitt Ch. 11
11 / Leadership / Colquitt Ch. 12
12 / Organizational Culture / Colquitt Ch. 14
Course Evaluation
Mid-Term Examination: 45%
A mid-term examination will be held on Sunday Feb 12, 2-5pm. Please mark your calendar. The mid-term exam is a closed-book exam covering materials covered in class as well as the relevant material in the textbook. The format will most likely be a combination of multiple choice and short questions/cases.
· Students who have missed the midterm exam for medical reasons must communicate this by e-mail to Carolyn Sebastian () and cc Dr. Deutsch Salamon () no later than 12 noon on Friday, February 17, 2012.
· An Attending Physician's Statement form must be submitted to Carolyn Sebastian at Atkinson 282. A “Doctor’s Note” will not be accepted.
· The weight of the Midterm Examination cannot be transferred to the Final Examination.
Final Examination: 55%
The exam will be held during the formal examination period for the semester. You will be advised of the format prior to the exam date.