HUNCH Training for Quality Assurance Personnel
The purpose of this document is to explain the process, knowledge, and standards that will be required of HUNCH personnel that are stamping quality assurance documents associated with filling out and stamping forms 881 and 829 for the fabrication of flight hardware.
Accurate linear measurements of flight hardware are vital to insuring that quality products are fabricated to specifications. Knowing the tolerances and understanding how to apply these tolerances assures that the hardware will be able to handle the desired loads and meet the form, fit and functional requirements.
Knowledge Requirements:
The Quality Assurance (QA) person stamping hardware documentations shall know how to fill out the necessary blanks on forms 881 and 829.
The QA person stamping form 829 is given a Linear Measurement (LM) stamp with an assigned number. That person shall be skilled at reading and using a USlinear scale of measurement and the tools used to make these measurements. The “LM” stamp goes in the last column of the form called QA/DV Tech stamp as circled in red below. When this column is stamped by the Quality Assurance person that indicates that all the measurements on this row meet the tolerances for that measurement. If there is one or more parts that do not fall within the allowable tolerance please do NOT stamp the last column. Please do highlight the measurements in yellow that are not within tolerance.
Personnel inspecting hardware will be given a written exam. QA students given LM (Linear Measurement) and QC (Quality Control) stamps will be required to make a 100% on an exam of the information in this tutorial. If the person does not pass, but wants to perform this task then an oral test, over the subject matter that they missed will be provided. It will be up to the test administrator to decide if they pass or if they are allowed to retest. The teacher or HUNCH mentor will keep the test results on file. Each school/class will be issued stamps for the Quality Assurance students and the teacher(s). These stampswill be specifically assigned to QA students and teachers. The stamps are not interchangeable for users. Stamps will be kept in a safe location. Students will not take their stamps home. If the student is not in the program the following year the stamp will be reassigned to another student.
881 Subassembly Process Sheet and 829 Dimensional Inspection Report
The purpose of these documents is to allowNASA hardware technicians and NASA quality control personnel the ability to document the fabrication process. There are important pieces of quality information that need to be recorded on forms 881 and 829. The following tutorial will help you fill out these documents accurately.
IMPORTANT: When sending fabricated parts to Johnson Space Center it is essential that you include in your package the following 4 documents:
- Completed and Stamped Form 881
- Completed and Stamped Form 829
- A copy of the Certificate of Conformance for the material used to fabricate the part
- A drawing of the part
Tutorial for Subassembly Process Sheet Form 881
The top part of the form is filled out already for each drawing’s
- Assembly Description
- Part number
- Drawing Revision Number
- The only part you must fill in on the top part of form 881 is the Date (It is the row reading Redline Number/Date We do not have a Redline Number
Important: All dates on all the forms must have the month/day/year (Ex 9/12/2016)
Please use your best handwriting for both forms 881 and 829 or type in your measurements. We want these forms to appear professional.Please use a black or blue pen to fill out this form. Pencil is not allowed.
Step1 Verify fabrication to current revision of drawing.
Record rev: ______
This is where you check your drawing for its Revision (rev) letter and fill it in. The rev letter is found on your drawing. If nothing is listed please write None.
Step 2 Checkout material for fabrication from controlled storage
Record RAW MATERIALThis section is for describing the Raw Material not the part that you are constructing.
- Description: Of Raw Material EX: AL ALY
Part Number: Of Raw MaterialEX: 6061-T6
Specification: Of Raw MaterialEX: QQ-A-250/11
Lot Number:or Heat Number of Raw Material
First Line of the Bill Of Material
- Description: Is found on the drawing in the Bill of Material above where it indicates “Material.”You may include the numbers that are written before the type of material is indicated (In the example above it would be 6061-T6 AL ALY). It is important to check the Notes on the drawing. If the Notes call for a special Heat Treat record it in the Description. The material that is ordered must meet these qualifications including any heat treatment. After the material is given, the dimensions of the material suggested is given (in the above example SH .062 THK X .8 X 1.2) You do not write the dimensions on form 881.
- Part Numberis found in the Bill of Material. Itis the number part above the word “Material” but not the dimensions (In the example above it is 6061-T6). You may also include this number in the Description, but that is not necessary.
- Specifications of the raw materialis found on the drawingin the Bill of Material above “Specifications” Please do check the Notes on the drawing for any additional information to include here. In the example above it is QQ-A-250/11. The raw material must meet these specifications.
- Lot Number is sometimes called the Heat Number and is found on the Certificate of Conformance (CoC) that comes with the material when it is purchased. Please save the CoC in a safe spot.
Example for step 2 in drawing SDG46117030 Tool Guide, Single Stowage Locker
- Description is AL ALY
- Part Numberis 6061-T6
- Specification is QQ-A-250/11
- Lot Number or Heat Number ison Certificate of Conformance -971434. You need a CoC from the supplier to acquire this number. Only purchase material that comes with a Certificate of Conformance. Save the CoC and record the lot number which is specific for your order in Step 2.
Step 3 is Machine part per drawing
The QC person fills in the date (Month/Day/Year).The technician who builds the partinitials the Tech column and the QC personstamps the last column in this step.
Step4 is Perform Sharp Edge Inspection
This is a very important step and may require special tools or equipment to make sure your part is as smooth as possible. All parts should be manufactured to produce the smoothest part possible. The technician and QC student perform an inspection for sharp edges. They should be careful not to hurt themselves while doing this inspection. NASA will also check for sharp edges by running a gloved hand over the part. Please eliminate all sharp edges carefully without affecting any dimensions. Most prints have specifications for chamfers in the notes as shown below. Please do check these specifications during this verification step.
Step 5 Inspect part(s) per drawing. Record dimensions on JSC Form 829
This step requires that Form 829 is completed. The QC person who completes form 881 should complete all the columns in this step according to directions below:
- The first column is the Date (Month-day- year)
- The second column is the initials of the technician helping to fill out form 829
- The final column is for the QC stamp. The person doing these measurements must be authorized to use a particular QC stamp that indicates he or she checked these measurements.
IMPORTANT: You only have to fill out steps 1-5. JSC will fill out steps 6-10.
Dimensional Inspection Report Form 829
Obtain the correct Form 829 from your teacher. This form will already have the
- Part Name
- Drawing #
- Print Dimensions
The only part you must fill in on the top part of form 829 is the Date
Important: All dates on all the forms must have the month/day/year (Ex 9/12/2016).
This form should be filled out with a black or blue pen. Please do not use pencil.
The 1stcolumn is the Print Zone. Drawings are read similar to maps. The letters are on the vertical column and the numbers are horizontal across the top of the drawing.
The 2nd column is the Print Dimension. This has already been filled out for you and is a tremendous help so make sure you have the correct 829 form for your drawing.
The next 6 columns are for you to record the actual dimensions of 6 of your fabricated parts. Write their part numbers at the top of the column for that part. Please only write 1 measurement in each square. Choose the measurement that best represents the linear measurements if you have generated several different measurements. Please make sure that each of your parts has an individual part # that corresponds to its measurements on Form 829 and the part # on its labeled individual bag.
The Tool M# column is to indicate what tool was used to calibrate your calipers or other measuring tools. For example if you use a 1-2-3 block to calibrate your caliper write that in this column. If your 1-2-3 block is damaged in any way please request a new one. The accuracy of your measurements are dependent on the condition of your measuring tools.
The last columns are for when you have 6 items measured. The QA person with the LM stamp should stamp the last column only if all the measurements are within tolerance.
If a measurement is outside the allowable tolerance listed on the bottom of form 829 or sometimes indicated in the drawing, please highlight it in yellow and do not initial or stamp the last QA column.
When checking tolerances the tolerances on the drawing always supersedes the tolerances listed on form 829. If you do see a discrepancy between these two tolerances please do tell your HUNCH mentor.
The person assigned a QC stamp can stamp both form 881 and form 829. The person with the LM stamp can only stamp form 829.
It is tricky to read the caliper so please make sure you watch the following video for instructions on taking measurements and care of the caliper.
You will be tested on reading the caliper as well as the correct procedures for filling out forms 881 and 829.
It is always best to work in pairs when taking these measurements. Time is saved if one person records the measurements and the other uses the caliper. In addition, time is saved if you lay out all 6 of the similar items on a clean surface (use paper if necessary to prevent scratches to your parts) and take the same measurement for all 6 items each time.
R stands for Radius and Dia stands for Diameter. Please use the correct tool for all measurements. The following are a list of tools that you may need depending on what part you are measuring. Please keep tools, stamps, and hardware in a secure, clean location. If your measurement tool is not in good shape please request a new one. Your measurements are only as reliable as your tool.
- 1-2-3 block
- 6 inch dial caliper
- 24 inch digital electronic caliper
- .061-.25 inch diameter plug and pin gage set
- Radius gauge set .010-.500 inches
- Emery paper
Unless the dimension states a specific tolerance next to it or in the drawing itself, tolerances vary according to how many figures after the decimal point are specified in the drawing. The tolerances are specified at the bottom of form 829. Examples of such tolerances are as follows:
- + .100 if the measurement is .X or measured in tenths
- + .020 if the measurement is .XX or measured in hundredths
- +.005 if the measurement is .XXX or measured in thousandths
- For example, if the measurement should be 1.435 then any measurement within the range of 1.430 to 1.440 is within the tolerance. If your actual measurement is beyond these limits, please highlight it in yellow and do not initial or stamp that row.
Reading the drawing can be tricky so please consult the machinist if you are not sure of what the measurement isfor. It is important to remember that the measurements for the parts areonly in the zone indicated on the drawing. If it indicates 2x 1.73 for example, this indicates that you are taking 2 measurements that are in the indicated drawing zone.
You may find duplicate measurements which you do not have to be measured twice. Duplicates are shown inside parentheses on the drawing, but are sometimes listed on form 829 twice.
This last column is where you put your “LM” stamp after the row has been filled out.
- Please do take a close look at the drawing notes, flags, and boxes at the edges of the drawing. It is full of valuable information that will assist you.
- Please make sure all items do not have sharp edges. Holes and edges must be carefully deburred. It is important to do this with finesse so that measurements are not changed.
- Please put the forms 829, 881, the Drawing and the Certificate of Conformance into a sealed zip lock bag to keep it clean.
Bag and label each partseparately with the following information in the indicated order. If you do not have a strong plastic bag that fits your part, please ask your HUNCH mentor to supply you with the zip lock bags.
The labels should have the following information:
- NASA facility abbreviation-Initials of school-SY1718 (this stands for School Year 2017-2018) Drawing number- and item____ (where you fill in the item number of the part).
- For example JSC-JRCTC-SY1718-SDG1234567-001- Item 5___.
Item ______
IMPORTANT Note: Please check the first few pieces that you make with form 829 to make sure your part is within all tolerances before you proceed making more parts. It is requested that you fill out forms 881 and 829 and have your NASA HUNCH mentor check that your first 6 parts are within all tolerances before you proceed to make the quantity required.
Thank you for working on this project. It is sincerely appreciated by NASA.