2017SEHS Fashion Show Participant Requirements
- Participants must be enrolled in Fibers and have taken at least one otherArt class at SEHS
- Participants must have basic sewing skills
- This is an advanced Art class with rigorous content and projects similar to an honors class, participants should have a minimum 85 overall GPA, 85 Art GPA (All Art classes combined), good attendance and no major behavior infractions to be successful in this class.
2017 Fashion Show Rules
- Fashion Designers are required to attend all meetings and events related to the fashion show, there will be four meetings held after or before school.
- Every aspect of a designer’s work must be completely student done. No professional help is permitted. No parent help is permitted. Students may have a sewing “coach/mentor”, but that person may NOT work on the student outfits.
- All designers must work independently, no designers may work in teams
- One outfit per category is required from each designer.
- No adults, including parents, are allowed back stage or in the dressing areas.
- Only SEHS students are allowed to participate in the show. This includes modeling, designing, and hair and make-up. The exception is if professional help is brought in for all participants.
- Designs for all categories must be made from scratch unless otherwise specified by the design category.
- Designers may not use designs from a previous year nor the designs of others found online. All work must be the intellectual property of the designer and originate in the sketches and designs created in this class.
- Designerswill be furnished with information regarding procurement of materials. Please do not purchase anything now.
- All garments must be school appropriate as to be determined by the advisors. No excessive cleavage should show. No garments should be “sexy”. The length of the garments should be no shorter than the model’s fingertips.
- Designers may model up to one of their own garments. NO ONE MAY MODEL MORE THAN ONE DESIGN. All models must be SEHS students. Models must be approved by the Advisors and each model will have to fill out a Model Application. The administration reserves the right to not allow participation based on grades, attendance or behavior.
- The date and time of the show is Saturday, February 18, 2017. All designers and models must be available on the following dates:
Thursday, February 16, 2017 (4:00 – 7:00) Rehearsal
Friday, February 17, 2017 (4:00 – 9:30) Rehearsal
Saturday, February 18, 2017 (12:00 am – 11:00 pm) Rehearsal / Show / Cleanup
Only excused absences will be accepted for missing any meeting or rehearsal. Students who are not present may be replaced without notice. Excused absences do not include work or family commitments. The success of the show depends on everyone being present and prepared. There are approximately 100 students and adults involved in the fashion show and each of them are important to its success.
- All designs must be completed by the due dates specified. A component of your grade in this class will be based upon meeting specified due dates and being present (and on time) at all rehearsals, required meetings and after school work days. Additionally the craftsmanship of your work will directly affect your grade as will participation in the Fibers class. Failure of ANY designer to meet these requirements may result in their designs being excluded from the show or their designs being excluded from award eligibility.
Designer Timeline
Idea / Design Development (August 5th – August 26th)
• Lesson on Illustrating Fashion DesignAugust 5th – 10th
• Categories announcedAugust 11th
• Theme Research August 12th – 15th
• Designers will create5 ideas sketched out for each design(10 total images Due August 26th).Designer’s designs should explore the theme and show their interpretation of a solution to the presented design problems. August 16th – August 26th
Model Designation
byAugust 5th
• Designers will create a list of potential models and give out model applications to those students.
byAugust 24th
• Models are measured on your own time
Material Development (August 29th – September 2nd)
• Designers will create detailed sketches of their best design for each category and create color swatches using colored pencils to indicate colors and textures that will be used in each design.(2 total images Due September 2nd).
• Since this year’s show is a true “Junk to Funk” show, students will be required to use ONLY used, previously worn dresses purchased at the local Goodwill. (A field trip will be scheduled for August, 30thduring school hours for students to visit the Goodwill to purchase the dresses)These dresses will serve as the “Junk” upon which the “Funk” or design elements will be added. Dresses may be altered as needed to fit the designs envisioned by the designers. Students will be given a small stipend to purchase these two dresses.
• Students will use only recycled materials or very inexpensive new materials to complete their designs. Students will keep a journal documenting in writing and photos the collection of these materials. The maximum value of any purchased materials should not exceed 15.00 in total for each dress.
• NAHS will provide and assortment of clothe, paints and dyes that everyone will have access to while in class. Nothing will be purchased for an individual student. Instead everyone will have access to the exact same “palette” of materials excluding the recycled materials that students collect for their deigns.
Design 1 (September 6th – October 25th) 32 Class Days
September 14th
• First Progress Check
September 28th
• Second Progress Check
• First Design Final Check (Completed Outfit Due on Mannequin)
October 19th – October 24thModel Check Week (Reserve time on sign up sheet)
• First Design Final Check on Model
October 25th
• First Dress Due with Commentary and Journal
Design 2 (October 26th – December 15th) 32 Class Days
November 2nd
• First Progress Check
November 16th
• Second Progress Check
December 9th
• Second Design Final Check (Completed Outfit Due on Mannequin)
December 12th – December 26th Model Check Week (Reserve time on sign up sheet)
• Second Design Final Check on Model
December 16th
• First Dress Due with Commentary and Journal
January 2nd – January 6thFinal Prep - Any changes will NOT impact grade
• Designers have the opportunity to complete any final adjustments for the Judge Book Photo Shoot
January 9th – 13thJudges Book Photo Shoot - No Make Up
I have thoroughly read the guidelines in the attached packet. I understand that this (Fibers) is a rigorous class that will require work outside of the classroom and that I am required to attend the listed functions. I understand that a component of my grade in this class will be based upon meeting specified due dates and being present (and on time) at all rehearsals, required meetings and possibly after school work days. I understand that participation in the Fashion Show and all rehearsals is a requirement of this class.
Student Signature ______Date ______
I have thoroughly read the guidelines in the attached packet. I understand that this (Fibers) is a rigorous class that will require my daughter / son to work outside of the classroom and that they are required to attend the listed functions. I understand that a component of their grade in this class will be based upon meeting specified due dates and being present (and on time) at all rehearsals, required meetings and possibly after school work days. I understand that their participation in the Fashion Show and all rehearsals is a requirement of this class.
Parent Signature ______Date ______