The Embassyof Canada in Warsaw, Polandispleasedtoannouncethatitisacceptingproposalsforthe Canada Fund forLocal Initiatives (CFLI) smallprojectsforthe 2018-2019Fiscal Year.
Information regardingthe project eligibility, applicationprocedures and thedeadlineforsubmissionisfoundbelow.
Program: Canada Fund for Local Initiatives 2018-2019
Recipient country:
- Belarus
Recipient country partners:
- Non-governmental organizations or other types of community groups.
Eligible projects:
In the Fiscal Year 2018-2019, the CFLI program will focus on the following key priorities in Belarus:
- Gender quality and the empowerment of women and girls.
- Inclusive governance, including diversity, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.
- Environment and climate action focusing on adaptation and mitigation, as well as on water management.
The Canada Fund for Local Initiativesin Belarus is a program administered by the Canadian Embassy in Warsaw. It supports specific grassroots development initiatives in order to advance social, democratic and economic reforms in Belarus. Through small grants provided by the CFLI to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) for the benefit of local communities, Canada promotes improved governance and civil society capacity building. The overall objective of the projects is to foster sustainable development of society and empower local democratic structures.
General Guidelines
- The project proposed must conform to the principles and priorities of the CFLI.
- Project activities should be carried out in Belarus.
- Materials and supplies required for the project should be procured locally wherever possible and feasible.
- The request for funds must not exceed CAD 25,000.
- All activities under an approved project should be completed by February 28, 2019. No project-related funding can extend beyond the end of the current Fiscal Year, i.e. March 31, 2019.Final reports must be received by March 15, 2019.
- On an exceptional basis, we may offer funding for projects with longer time horizons (max 2 year projects).
- Exchanges, such as bringing experts over from Canada or sending people to Canada to participate in training, are NOT eligible for funding. Feasibilitystudiesarealsoineligible.
- Direct assistance to individuals is not provided.
- Proposals should be submitted in English or French by e-mail to:
- If, for some reason, it is impossible to submit a proposal by e-mail, its hard copy can be mailed to the Embassy address specified at the bottom of this page (in an envelope marked “CFLI”).
Project proposalsshould include the following information:
1)project name (title)
2)name of the applicant organization; name of the contact person, contact information (phone number, address, e-mail address);
3)background of the proposal, i.e. what motivated you to raise the idea of the current proposal;
4)one CFLI thematic priority which the project will cover;
5)description of the idea, and justification of its urgency;
6)implementation plan (will the applicant organization implement the project itself or with partner organizations);
7)expected results, including type and number of project beneficiaries;
8)budget: i.e. how do you plan to use the funds; will your organization make its own contribution to the project (if “yes”, please indicate how much, and whether it is in-kind or monetary);
9)the applicant organization’s bank account information, including the currency of the bank account;
10)past experience with CFLI or similar projects.
- Financial proposals should be presented in Canadian Dollars (CAD). The currency converter can be found at
- The Embassy will only consider proposals which have reached our office email before midnight CET May 27, 2018.
For advice and assistance on how to make a submission please contact:
Canada Fund for Local Initiatives Coordinator (CFLI Coordinator)
The Embassy of Canada
ul. Jana Matejki 1/5
00-481 Warsaw
Tel.: (+48 22) 584 3253
Fax (+48 22) 584 3192
If you wish to receive a Project Application Form, send an email to us.