Syllabus for 7th Grade Social StudiesRoom 301
taught by Mr. Curtis E. Horne
School # 252-435-2566 or Home # 252-330-2613
Web page:
World Geography, History and Culture: Patterns of Continuity and Change
Mr. Horne’s Goal:
My goal is to prepare our students for the real world that awaits them. To do so, I challenge myself and each student to discover and create connections with classroom material and the world in which we dwell. Only then will knowledge be useful.
Materials Needed:
You only need one, 3 inch, 3 ring binder for all your classes. You can add dividers to them when your teachers talk with you about your binder. You should also have loose leaf paper, pencils/pens (blue or black), glue sticks, ruler, pen/pencil 3 ring binder pouch.
Grading Policy:
Grades will be determined on a point system. Each assignment, quiz, test, project, etc. is worth so many points. When you earn a grade on one of these (9 out of 10 correct) it will be in the form of a fraction (9/10). Divide the bottom number into the top number and that will give you a decimal grade (.90). Compare that number to the grade scale below to get your letter
grade (85-92 = “B”).
Grade Scale:
100-93 Outstanding Work(A)
85-92 Above Average Work(B)
77-84 Average Work(C)
70-76 Passing Work(D)
0-69 Unacceptable Product(F)
If absent, YOU must make the effort to find out what you missed and turn in assignments due the day you were out. Because time in class is limited, appropriate times for further help from me are 7:45-8:20 A.M, lunch time. You may also contact me at home if you need to. I will work with you, but YOU need to work with me.
General Information:
Homework/Class Work will include study, reaction, reflection and discussion questions, creative writing, group activities, the creation of maps and graphs as well as vocabulary. Homework is posted daily in the same place and it is the student’s responsibility to copy down, not the teacher’s. Bring your work to class as you will not be allowed to go out to your locker to get forgotten homework.
Class work not finished in class, automatically becomes homework.
Late items already gone over (questions, fill in the blank, etc,) in class will not be accepted late. However, “Original Work” such as things you create will be taken late with points taken off.
Bring your work to class as you will not be allowed to go out to your locker to get forgotten work.
Tests are given at the end of chapter/topic of study. If you are absent, YOU have 3 days to make-up the Test.
Projects will be assigned once every 9 weeks to enrich class material.
Quizzes will be given to offer feedback on how well the students comprehend the material being uncovered in class. To succeed on quizzes, a student merely needs to complete assignments and review notes on a daily basis.
Mini-projectsThese will comprise of maps, timelines, charts, multicultural awareness activities, biographies, activities from the book, etc. Materials will be made available to aid the student in completing the assignment.
Current Events are reading, summarizing and writing assignments designed to help students learn about and interact intelligently withour world while increasing their writing and reading comprehension skills.
Teacher Observables consist of student participation, attitude, preparedness, as well as their willingness to follow the school, team and class guidelines for behavior. This is in the form of points added to the final grade.
Documents sent home to be signed are expected to be signed and returned within 3 days.
Class Rules:H onor yourself by doing your best!
O wn up to your mistakes and be proud of your successes!
R espect yourself, others and their property!
N ever resort to violence to settle problems!
E veryone deserves a chance to succeed!
I truly look forward to working with you and your child in the continuation of their education. The opportunities are ever present to fashion a positive or negative impact on the daily lives of our youth. I do not take lightly the trust you have engendered in our school and myself for the welfare of your child’s education. I will strive to craft a positive contribution in their continual growth as a student and as a person. Thank you.
Curtis Horne
Return this part of the form to Mr. Horne signed by a parent or guardian and student
Student Promise
I, ______(student signature) have read and I understand
Mr. Horne’s policies, procedures and rules. I will strive to adhere to these guidelines.
Parent/Guardian Promise
I have read and discussed the policies, procedures, and rules for Mr. Horne’s class with ______(student name).
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______
Student Record
Parent or Guardian: please fill out this information so I can better contact you if needed
Student Name______
Parent or Guardian ______Home #______Work # ______Cell #______
Relationship to student______
Parent or Guardian ______Home #______Work # ______Cell #______
Relationship to student______
Parent or Guardian ______Home #______Work # ______Cell #______
Relationship to student______
Parent or Guardian ______Home #______Work # ______Cell #______
Relationship to student______
Date / Type of Contact / CommentsDate / Type of Contact / Comments