Subject Coaching Network
Evaluation Form for Delegates
Event and region: / Seventh SLC network mathsYorkshire and the Humber / Date:
Venue: / 16th November 2007
Leeds Hilton
Name: / 38 delegates attended the event, of whom 11 have not been before / Organisation: / there are 37 evaluations
We value your feedback and would be very grateful if you would let us have your views about the event. Please complete this form and hand it to one of your facilitators at the end of the day
How useful overall did you find the event?Very useful Useful Not very useful Not at all useful
28 (76%)
9 (24%) 0 0
Your network event Overall Evaluation
Question / Yes / No / CommentsDid you receive clear details/information in advance? / 37
100% / Plenty of notice given with agenda and email to follow.
Was the event well planned/organised? / 37
100% / Organised but flexible/relaxed.
Were there clear objectives for the event? / 37
Did the event meet these objectives? / 37
100% / Mostly.
I think so. I had fun, so yes. It opened me up to new ideas; well new to me.
Would you describe the atmosphere as supportive? / 37
100% / Very supportive and always helpful and encouraging.
Very – as usual.
Very friendly.
Did you feel able to actively participate in the event? / 36.5
99% / 0.5 / Mostly I do find activities involving card/dominoes difficult because they rely on visual memory.
Good range of activities to ensure this – both reflective and practical.
Actively encouraged to participate.
Was the venue appropriate? / 37
100% / Great food!
Very easily accessible – good choice.
Ideal for the station.
Nice room. Good food.
Yes – car park as well.
Very good especially lunch!!
Leeds is an excellent venue.
More than appropriate and very handy for public transport.
Which aspects of the event were the most useful? / Meeting other teachers and sharing ideas. Additional questioning techniques.
Collaboration. Networking.
Keeping in touch with recent thinking in schools and colleges.
Talking to other tutors.
Exchange of ideas. Collaborative planning.
Questioning ideas.
Ideas and strategies.
Talking to colleagues.
The coaching network aspects, discussion about data handling, ways of dealing with wrong answers positively.
“All” but dyslexia session was particularly interesting.
Everything except the talk about learning difficulties.
Cards for time/story.
As always meeting with other practitioners and sharing ideas.
Actually all of it was good – balance, range and sharing ideas was very informative. Dyslexia session could be developed in future sessions.
Recapping questioning methods, group activity in the afternoon.
Getting ideas, activities etc. from everyone.
All practical resources.
The presentations this time.
All aspects particularly the collaborative working on ratios.
Viewpoint on dyslexia, effectiveness of maths session, revisiting types of questions to advance learning.
Talking to others, listening to personal solutions for class problems.
Addressing misconceptions/questioning. Collaborative planning – if it works!
Collaborating with other teachers.
Collaborative planning, Susan Wall – mathematical misconceptions and questioning.
Nice ideas, good contributions. Most felt able to contribute in a safe environment.
Misconceptions and questioning.
Questioning techniques. Opportunity to network.
Sessions on good practice in lesson resources/questioning.
Collaborative session was very useful.
Questioning techniques. Chance to collaborate/discuss with colleagues around the region.
Collaborative planning activity.
Planning session.
Networking with other numeracy and maths people. I enjoyed the section on questioning (Susan). It was so useful to hear Paul talking about what it is like to be dyslexic.
Discussing with Paul Hare the ways of supporting students with dyslexia problems.
Which aspects of the event were the least useful? / The last activity did not seem relevant if you are not a subject learning coach.
11:05 – 12:45.
Some aspects of teaching ideas.
Dyslexia but only because I taught in a school with a high proportion of dyslexic/dyscalular/dyspraxic kids. But the personal perspective was interesting.
(Final matching exercise N/A for me).
The fraction workshop.
I’m chuffed my ‘object’ was highly rated but I think these could be more useful with (brief) lesson plans to explain how they are used.
Dyslexia input – a very brave input, would have liked more on learning styles, thinking scaffolds (etc.) that help lead to better learning.
Collaborative planning – not really sure of what it was about.
Some of the questioning, as I have heard similar things at several different sessions.
Questioning – have had this talk before.
Would be keen to do something relating to Further Maths (FM/D2).
All good.
I can’t think of any at present. I learnt something from every part.
One second page was not printed and some of the references to the programme was not relevant for 2 LA advisers and 2 ITT tutors
Please tick ALL statements that apply to you30 I have used the SU and/or M4L resources 9 This is my first regional network
(One delegate attended the NE networks last year because she was wrongly directed there but this was her first Y&H one).
7 I sometimes attend the networks 24 I usually attend the networks
4 I am a participant on the Professional Training Programme for Subject Learning Coaches
9 I have completed the Professional Training Programme for Subject Learning Coaches
6 I have management support for my role as mathematics Subject Learning Coach
1 delegate commented they would like to know more about the programme.
=What impact is your engagement with this programme having on:
a) You? / You may like to comment on how you have adapted resources/ developed lesson plans and the impact this has had on teaching and learning and on lesson observation grades. If you are on the Professional Training Programme what is the impact of coaching having on others?
I’m becoming more innovative tho’ I still lack time to implement some ideas. Usually down-grade the numbers as the lesson plans as given take more than 1 lesson each, so I simplify things.
Generates enthusiasm. Have used/adapted several resources from ‘Thinking Through Mathematics’ and standards unit materials.
Motivating me to adapt and try out different resources to encourage more group and paired work, discussion and practical activities.
Good impact. I am now doing level 5 numeracy specialist cert.
A determination to put into practice ideas from SU and M4L, + other sites.
Given me more ideas.
Developed resources and approaches. More use of mini whiteboards in class. Somewhere to discuss and talk things through is great.
Using M4L etc., accessing NCETM portal regularly, beginning to apply with teaching and planning.
Altered my approach to teaching and learning.
Lots of ideas.
Gained confidence in own methods of teaching i.e. collaboratively.
Widening view of education post 16.
I now realise what coaching is and that I was actually doing it in my life in general.
Ideas and information.
Ideas and information.
Loads of ideas! Ideas, ideas, ideas!!! I have used jigsaw and developed my own activity similar to “Pizza Parlour” with real menus.
I will use different questioning techniques.
I have used Standards Unit and discussed with line manager who also attends these meetings.
I find the ideas very useful in the classroom.
Ideas to use in the classroom.
More variety in teaching methods. Trying new ideas – always more after a network meeting but since the start I have built up ideas/resources which I re use next year.
A positive one!
Will go and design the mechanics card activity.
I structure my lesson in different way to allow time for mathematical discussion.
Excellent advice on lesson good practice.
None yet but I am hopeful!
Broadening my approaches to delivery and networking.
Renewed enthusiasm for subjects/teaching.
Changed my understanding what teaching mathematics is about.
I still attempt to use the approaches I have learned and am learning. As usual, the enemy is Time. However, I shall go back inspired, as I always do after the network meetings. Many thanks.
Re-energised my enthusiasm for education.
It has helped me to be confident enough to more risky activities. It is improving my questioning techniques.
I constantly reflect on my teaching and the quality of learning that takes place.
b) Your learners?
(In particular, is there any evidence
relating to achievement and
retention rates in 06 – 07?) / Providing learners with a wide variety of resources and ways of challenging individuals to enhance their learning process.
New class started beginning Nov 07. 3rd week class new learners each class. Started with 5 learners now got 9.
My learners have enjoyed practical activities and discussions – so far the retention of the learners has been encouraging.
Learners really enjoy activity learning.
Mainly dealing with key skills and retention is related to main course. Learners have enjoyed jigsaw use, ordering cards and more practical aspects particularly for lower level learners.
Most claim to enjoy maths more and say they’ve learnt something. Retention usually depends on factors other than maths.
Positive comments on SPOCS (student perception of college survey) for teaching.
Do not have responsibility for this.
More interesting delivery/ideas.
Good kinaesthetic activities they enjoy. Engaged – love variety of approach. Weak kids particularly appreciate the idea that I’ve spent time for them.
More use of collaborative learning.
It appears to be having impact on results.
The learners enjoy the activities. The meetings encourage me to use the approaches and stimulate my imagination.
Enjoyment of activities stimulates learning.
Improved AS results – the programme or something else?
Continue in use more ‘active learning’ resources with the learners.
There is some evidence of improvement, however very subjective in this case.
Too early to say.
More enjoyable lessons. A2 maths – 100% pass and 60% A – B grades.
No evidence in terms of achievement as yet – but it’s probably due to our data systems – plus it is KS rather than straight maths. Learners enjoy active learning for underpinning however they arrive having no real process skills – maybe more attention should be paid to rich extendable tasks where learners develop strategy rather than search for abstract un contextualised solutions.
I can’t comment on this yet as I am only 2 months into a new job.
Pupils respond positively to the various activities – jigsaw materials have been positively evaluated by the pupils.
c) Your colleagues / 1 colleague has asked to co-train with me.
Capacity last year was as a manager. There has been continuous improvement at Dearne Valley College for 5 years.
Good or better observation grades across team.
New atmosphere of trying things and passing ideas on (not totally to do with me!). Coaching within maths dept is good, almost regular sessions happening.
Feel it is helping to create more of a ‘sharing’ ethos within the team. In terms of the coaching programme I feel I am taking a different approach when working with colleagues.
Sharing of ideas has resulted in a better approach to teaching adults and 14 – 19.
Some like the activities – others dubious.
Posted resources on intranet and passed on ideas to try.
Thought of as a person to approach to discuss ideas.
Sharing ideas.
Enthusiasm has spread for collaborative activities and management have paid for extra resources to support this.
Sharing of resources/ideas.
Hard to identify for my colleagues but it may be having an effect on managers.
Shared info.
Not sure. I’ve passed on all information but I’m not sure how much they use.
Feedback to the department.
Others a bit more cynical – it takes time.
Colleagues are aware of the Standards Unit approaches and are willing to use in their teaching.
Cascading ideas have been useful.
Hexagon jigsaws are spreading around various subjects. Within dept. we have built up resources.
I will share appropriate resources with other maths tutors.
I have tried to involve all my colleagues into coaching. We all use SU resources, planning together. We discuss impact of teaching, share appropriate pts, open questions used by all etc.
Too early to say.
Advising on new approaches especially to non specialist numeracy/maths teachers.
Helped them to use resources.
Colleagues enjoy using active learning materials with learners.
I keep wittering on about it, so I hope I’m encouraging them to take part, rather than boring them to death.
Some colleagues have used the SU resources with favourable results – however not all teachers have been receptive – preferring more traditional methods of achieving learning objectives.
d) Your organisation as a whole / New to Longley Park Sixth Form College. Ideas have been
adopted and continually developing resources to improve learning. Teams committed to raising standards.
Community Centre busier with learning sessions.
Hopefully better retention and achievement in key skills and overcoming some of negative views held about key skills classes.
Little impact.
Better achievement?
Hard to say – it is a new post.
Shared info.
All the SU and some M4L. I’ve used both and lots of us use SU but use of M4L limited to special needs.
Not sure.
The college is committed to the subject learning coach programme in all areas.
Feedback to division manager.
Too early to say.
Improvement – AS results.
Trained a few colleagues in using resources.
The SLC programme is making an impact – however the future should involve cross college themes – it would be useful to have guest SLC’s from other programmes at future meetings so we can develop joined up strategies and place mathematics at the forefront of problem solving.
I met two other people from my organisation, Olga and Paul, who I now know and can contact.
Question / Comments
What actions do you intend to take as a result of the network meeting? / Look at functional skills website.
Produce some resources (interlocking discs). Look up functional maths references.
Deliver a session based on a session planned with colleagues during the meeting. Use SLC e-portal more often.
I will inform colleagues about training. Draw their attention to different ways of discussing wrong answers. I will use approaches to introduce differentiation we discussed in collaborative planning.