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Suppl.Table 1: Counts of chromosome numbers in microspores produced by triploid individuals. Microspores from developing flower buds were used for chromosome counts by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) usingA. thaliana centromeric DNA probes. Chromosomes were counted in microspores from 11 CWW triploid individuals and 10 WWC triploid individuals (columns A and B). For each microspore, the number of chromosomes observed varied between 4 and 12 (columns C through K). Percentages of microspores in each chromosome number class are indicated in columns L through T. Expected numbers and percentages, are indicated in row 24 and based on the assumption that, for each chromosome type, two of the three chromosomal copies migrated towards one pole while the remaining copy migrated towards the other pole and that the migrations of the different chromosome types were independent of each other.
50-word description:
Suppl.Table 1: Counts of chromosome numbers in microspores produced by triploid individuals.Microspores from developing flower buds were used for chromosome counts by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) usingA. thaliana centromeric DNA probes.
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Suppl.Table 2: Genome content and karyotype of the progeny of the crosses between triploids and diploid or tetraploid individuals. The plant number is indicated in column A and the type of cross in column C. For each marker, the ratio of fluorescence peak heights for the C and W alleles as well as the inferred karyotypes are indicated in columns AB through AY. Homozygote C genotypes(ratio of 0) do not bear any information regarding chromosome number. Inference of genotype from raw fluorescence ratio can only be made by comparing results from DNA samples in the same PCR batch because PCR efficiency varies significantly between runs.Column B indicates which individuals were run simultaneously in the same PCR plate. Gametic genotypes were inferred from individual genotypes by subtraction of 1 or 2 Col-0 alleles, depending on whether the triploid individual had been crossed to diploid Col-0 or tetraploid 4x-Col, respectively (columns D through P). Gametic chromosome numbers for each chromosome type were inferred from the gametic genotypes at all markers present on each chromosome (columns Q through U). The total number of chromosomes in the gametes and the resulting plant are indicated in columns V and W, respectively. Gametic genome content values (column X) were calculated according to the following formula:gGC =(24.5 x #Chr1 + 15 x #Chr2 + 20 x #Chr3 + 18.5 x #Chr4 + 22 x #Chr5) /100, where #Chr1 represents the number of copies of chromosome 1 present in the gametic karyotype (Henry et al, 2006). The plant genome content (column Y) was calculated by adding 1 (for crosses to diploid Col-0) or 2 (for crosses to tetraploid 4x-Col) to the gametic genome content. Genome content values obtained using flow cytometric measurement of genomic DNA content are indicated in column Z. Finally, column AA indicates which individuals are euploid and which are aneuploid based on their inferred karyotypes. A detailed description of the markers analyzed and of the calculations used to infer genotypes was published previously (Henry et al, 2006).
50-word description:
Suppl.Table 2: Genome content and karyotype of the progeny of crosses between triploids and diploid or tetraploid individuals. Genome content values were obtained from flow cytometric measurement of nuclear DNA content. Karyotypes were inferred from semi-quantitative fluorescent PCR, as previously described(Henry et al, 2006).