Moulton Parish Council

Minutes of the General Meeting of Moulton Parish Council held on Tuesday 3rd September 2013 at the Community Centre, Moulton at 6.30 pm under the Chairmanship of Cllr G Cooper, who presided over Cllrs Poll, Butterworth, Walker & Briggs

In attendance – 5 parishioners & PCSO Robinson

6.30 p.m. open Forum

Please note, in line with LALC advice, members of the public can ask a question or make a statement, but this is not required to be recorded in the minutes. If an item is on the agenda it will be debated by councillors at that agenda point (when the public may not take part) or, if it is not on the agenda, with the agreement of council, the item will be placed on the agenda of the next meeting for debate by council.

1.  Chairman’s remarks

The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2.  Apologies for Absence and acceptance of reasons given

a. Cllr Wakefield due to work, Cllr Goad due to hospital, Cllr Scarsbrook due to family commitment & Cllr Hahn due to holiday.

3. Additional Declarations of Interest

a. Cllr Butterworth declared an interest in the forthcoming discussions relating to St John’s College tenancy.

4. Police Matters

a. PCSO Robinson reported that there had been 6 RTC’s, 4 ASBO’s (garden bonfire, adult party, adult tweet and tractors), 9 Suspicious circumstances/people & 2 Criminal damages. Cllr Briggs asked if these were due to the school holidays and it was felt that generally this was not the case. Cllr Poll thanked our PCSO for attending. The police report was received nem.con.

b. The next Community Policing panel meeting will be on 30th September at 7 pm at Moulton Chapel Youth & Community Centre. Cllr Scarsbrook will be made aware of this date as council representative.

5. To consider any suitable candidates to co-opt for vacant seats

Abigail Walters introduced herself as a candidate for the village ward. Abigail lives in Moulton with her young family & is interested in ensuring that the village retains all necessary facilities both now & in the future. As a solicitor practising in the area of town & country planning she has a background of working in local government and private practice and has knowledge of issues around planning, highways and localism. It was proposed Dave Briggs and seconded Eddy Poll that Abigail be co-opted. Agreed nem.con. Forms will be duly signed for acceptance of office.

Tracy Andrew also introduced herself as a potential candidate for the Seas End ward. Tracy trained in mental health work and has spent considerable time lecturing on the subject. After raising a family she became a child minder and is currently pursuing a degree in Education. Tracy has agreed to give consideration to taking on this post as her involvement with the play area in Moulton Seas End may well give rise to close work with the Parish Council. This post will be discussed at the October meeting.

6. Approval of Notes from 6th August 2013

The notes from the previous meeting were approved and signed by the Chairman. Proposed Cllr Poll, seconded Cllr Briggs. Agreed – nem.con.

7. To receive the clerk’s report on matters outstanding

a. The clerk’s report was received nem.con. It was reported that a set of Accounts had now been received for Moulton Seas End Recreational Trust.

8. Cemetery & Churchyard matters

a. The cemetery report was received nem con

b It was agreed that the Burial Board inspection will take place on Tuesday 17th September at 6 pm meeting at the cemetery.

9. Highway matters

a. Two temporary traffic restrictions had been received from Highways for essential maintenance works, the first being the A151 High Road, Moulton (Spalding Gate to Hockney Hole Lane) between 18th & 27th October, the second being Shivean Gate, Moulton between 21st & 31st October. Cllr Butterworth suggested a letter be sent to Highways regarding access to the cemetery gates along Shivean Gate should there be a funeral on their proposed dates for maintenance.

10. Planning matters

a. The planning report was received nem. con. It was pointed out that application H13-0547-13 had since been granted permission.

11. Financial matters

a. The payments list totalling £6,256.15 was approved, proposed Cllr Poll, seconded Cllr Briggs. The clerk had also received an additional invoice for £1,630.13 from Came & Co for the Insurance renewal. Further quotes had been requested but due to the long term agreement until September 2014 they were not prepared to quote. It was agreed to add this to the payment list giving a revised total of £7,886.28. Agreed nem con.

b. The financial statements for August were considered. Income was £974.39, Expenditure was £52,936.21. Bank balances comprised £19,589.42 & £35,036.83.

Agreed nem.con.

12. To consider Moulton Seas End play area

Tracy Andrew was invited to give a brief summary of evidence for increasing the size and versatility of the play area in Moulton Seas End. The following ideas were suggested-conversion of one set of swings for toddlers, disabled swing, larger and smaller climbing frame, larger roundabout, weaving stepping stones, better entrance with gate. It was agreed that lots of consultation would be necessary to support any application. Tracy has spoken to Karen Johnson at SHDC who has suggested that there may be some match funding available. If the total project were in the region of £55k then 10% would need to be raised perhaps from 3rd party funding. The parish council are waiting for the Rospa annual report which can be used as a guideline for improvement. PCSO Robinson said that the police would be supportive of any such project. In principal the Council were supportive of a Grant application with Wren and Cllr Briggs agreed to liaise with Tracy going forward. The Parish Council will be visiting the play area on 23rd September for a site visit.

13. To consider Moulton Chapel playing field

The Council have been approached by Carter Jonas, the agents for the Crown, with view to taking over the play area in Moulton Chapel. The current playing field committee have said that they cannot afford to run it anymore and that it is not used. The Crown would consider offering a 20 year lease with rent at £360 per annum. There are currently 3 items of play equipment which would cost in the region of £100 to insure. The council would also have to consider additional costs of £65+vat for an annual Rospa inspection. The PC currently pay for the grass cutting of the playing field.

After much discussion Cllr Poll felt that the playing field would be better situated behind the Youth & Community Centre but that the Crown were reluctant to allow this. There is also a play area linked with the new development along Roman Road which is utilised. It was agreed generally that no decision would be made as other ward members and councillors needed to have their opinions considered. Cllr Briggs and the clerk would get together with view to having a village consultation to find out exactly what the villagers would like. Mr Breach made the council aware that there is still funding for sport as a follow up from the Olympic Games and that it would be a shame to lose a potential sports facility i.e football pitch.

14 Appointment of Officers:

a. It was proposed Cllr Walker & seconded Cllr Poll that Cllr Scarsbrook be the representative on the Community Police panel. Agreed nem.con.

15. To consider an application for a Free Tree pack for the Community

Due to the application deadline being 13th September, it was agreed that there was insufficient time to find a suitable site and with the planting of trees, there are often root and maintenance problems which can be costly.

16. Correspondence

a. General correspondence was made available for inspection after the meeting.

17. Crown Estate update

It was confirmed that the Crown Estate has, since 1907, let approximately 950 acres of land including 19 cottages to the council. The council have subsequently sub-let the properties and land. In order to bring new investment to the estate, the Council have reached an agreement to relinquish the lease and for the Crown Estate to manage directly the tenants across the estate. The new arrangements are effective from 9th August and all tenants have been made aware of the changes. Carter Jonas, the Crown’s agents and the clerk have met with the tenants and are working closely together in order to ensure a smooth handover. This decision did not come without much consideration however, it was agreed that the estate needed investment to bring it up to 21st century standards and that the Crown had considerable experience. The Crown Estate is committed to careful stewardship of its land and assets and will endeavour to work with all its’ tenants.

18. The Allotment Inspection

It was confirmed that the date for the allotment inspection would be 23rd September meeting at the play area in Moulton Seas End at 5 pm before heading back to Moulton to view the allotments and smallholdings.

19. Minor matters not included elsewhere on the agenda and items for inclusion on the next agenda

a. Churchyard-Confirmation that the tidy up would commence at 10 am on 7th September. Two large wooden boxes will be used for the bulk of the waste and the remainder will be shredded by Bob & Terry Marriott. Marcus Goose has also carried out maintenance on a number of trees at the front of the churchyard.

b. Church clock-A request for a donation towards the spire clock has been requested and will be added to the October agenda for a decision to be made.

c. Best Kept Village-Confirmation has been received advising us that Moulton ward has reached the final round for the competition which runs between 2nd & 22nd September. Winners will be notified and presentation of prizes will take place on 18th October at the presentation evening.

d. Both new notice boards have been erected in Moulton Chapel & Moulton Seas End. The clerk will contact the press and District Councillors with view to a photo-shoot.

20. To confirm the date of next meeting

The date of the next meeting will be held on Tuesday 1st October 2013 at 6.30 pm at the Village Hall, Moulton Seas End. Agreed nem.con.

21. Exclusion of public, press & police

It was resolved to exclude public, press & police. Proposed Cllr Poll , seconded Cllr Butterworth . Agreed nem.con.

22. To consider St John’s College tenancy

Cllr Butterworth left the meeting. The St John’s college tenancy was discussed and it was reported that a rent review will take place in October 2014and notices will be sent to all tenants.