The element air is, maybe, the most important substance that a healer should understand and use, because it can help with the most usual complaints of the clients. It is a substance whose presence or absence correlates with pain, tiredness, anxiety, lack of balance, thoughts that repeat again and again, lack of self-confidence and other important functions of the body, emotions and mind.

As we already know, element air is not the air that we breathe, but an invisible substance that old persians, as well as indians, greeks and other ancient cultures, called air. It is one of the five invisible simple elements of nature.

Air is present inside and outside of the human body. Outside of the body, it forms what some people call the "aura". The human aura, of course, is also formed by water, earth, etc., but I believe that most people able to perceive the aura are perceiving only the element air present in it.

Air in the human aura forms an atmosphere that should extend about 1 or 2 meters beyond the skin, in the case of healthy people. From the point of view of Avicenna Therapy, the aura is an emanation of our invisible bodies, energy that gets "radiated" and in almost all cases finally lost to other people, and to objects outside us.

Inside the body, air concentrates specially in muscles, tendons, hair, fascias, ligaments, inner ear, pericardium, peripheral nervous system, liver, gallbladder, endocrine glands, and eyes. This suggests the role of element air in the musculoeskeletal system, balance (inner ear), hepatic function, anxiety (pericardium), and endocrine balance.

Air inside the body circulates in very thin channels, that we might call meridians. There are probably thousands of these small meridians. Although air is a simple element, most of the air that circulates inside our body comes from the mixture and transformation of earth, fire and blood inside the solar plexus chakra.

Appart from the meridians, we have, inside us, a body of air which is made from totally different frequencies of air, that are not produced by the chakras.


Inside most people there are several invisible bodies, made from the different simple elements. There are bodies of earth, fire, air, water and blood. These are not exact copies of our physical body of flesh, but they look reasonably similar. I will talk about the different bodies in future articles about the corresponding invisible substances.

The invisible body or air is sometimes located outside our physical body and sometimes inside. When the body of air is outside, it is usually because it is so uncomplete that it cannot do almost any funcion. It cannot work well. Once this body works well enough, or in other words, is finished, it migrates inside our physical body. In order for this migration to take place it is important not to lose air to the outside world, that is, either not to have any aura, to have less of an aura, or to be able to reabsorb our own aura.

From what I have seen, most people with a body of air able to work, reabsorb their own aura. They have, as a consequence, very small (or weak) auras.

The body of air has some important functions. I'll talk about some of them.

It connects people with their "invisible helpers". Most people, maybe everybody, have invisible people who would like to help them. I am not talking about spiritual masters, but about dead people, in some case dead ancestors, who take care of us and help us from "beyond this world". The way we can communicate with these "invisible helpers" is to have a body of air able to function.

All these "invisible helpers " are honest and well meaning. The body of air connects us with people who, after death, are living in what we could call "Paradise", or "Heaven". As everybody knows, only good and honest people go there.

I will talk about two real cases that I know, to try to explain better who can be these "invisible helpers " and which kind of function they might fulfill.

A man that I know completed his body of air some years ago. From this moment on, he started receiving information from several dead healers, some of them from the very far past. Luckily the man from my example was also a healer and he could make use of the information that he was receiving. These healers from the past didn't send him frequencies (also called energies) to heal people, but they communicated him what was worrying his clients, which were the reasons behind their depressions or sadness, which kind of advice could be good for his clients, which emotion they were really feeling most of the time, etc.

Another real example. A woman that I know (she is a musician) completed her body of air two months ago. I remember very well the case because I was healing her when, suddenly, her body of air migrated from her outside to her inside. I don't know why it happened. I didn't do it. To be more explicit, I don't know how to do it. From this moment on she contacted with a dead ancestor of her who was also a musician and she started receiving melodies and ideas for her future musical pieces. Because she still has an aura and is not reabsorbing the air that she is emanating and losing to the outside world, I wonder for how long her body of air will stay able to function. The air from her aura comes directly from her body of air, which, in the two months elapsed, has diminished about 5%, but is still working at full capacity.

I am curious to see what will happen once her body of air is no longer "solid" (we could also say "crystalized") enough to continue working inside her physical body. Will she be able to "crystalize" it again, or will the now vaporous body of air migrate outside her physical body? Even if she loses the contact with this ancestor, the melodies and ideas received should stay within her and help her create new and wonderful music.

As for the reason why these two persons completed their body of air and maybe 99,9% of the rest don't, I simply don't know. It is not, in my opinion, because they had a special degree of spiritual development or anything like that. Maybe it was just genetics, maybe it was luck, maybe it was divine grace. The only factor that I can recognize as necessary for the body of air to "crystalize" is a big amount of good karma, but I am sure that there are also other factors which are unknown to me.

Another function of the body of air is that it protects us against the impulse of hate. People who have a body of air able to work won't feel hate towards most people, even if part of their behaviour looks disgusting to them. In most people, the impulse for hate is produced in their ninth animal chakra. A body of air able to work connects with this ninth animal chakra and diminishes its action.

Besides having human chakras which produce human impulses and emotions, we also have animal chakras which produce animal impulses (sloth, aggression, lust, deception, jealousy, hate, disbelief...)

Not only the body of air, but each invisible body connect with a different set of animal chakras. The body of blood is different because it connects with all the animal chakras, and works as a second layer, further diminishing our animal impulses. Each invisible body diminishes the action of the corresponding animal chakras. When one invisible body becomes stronger, the effects of the corresponding animal chakra is further reduced.

Another function of the body of air is to help us understand, in part, what is right and what is wrong. Every invisible body is a part of our human consciousness, and they care about correct behaviour. Each invisible body, once it starts to work, will give us new information about what behaviours to avoid. When the body of air starts to work it also starts to communicate us new kinds of behaviour that are wrong, making it much easier to avoid.


Element air places us in contact with our emotions. Very few people know what they might be feeling. In most cases, their emotions are unconscious and, in consequence, unrecognized. Only when a emotion reaches a certain level of intensity it becomes conscious.

This means that a lot of people might suffer from anxiety, from example, and they don't know it. Because the anxiety is there, it will be felt somehow, but maybe not as anxiety. Most of these people will tell the healer that they feel tired.

There are also people who are angry, or sad, but the intensity of the anger or sadness has not reached the level of intensity necessary to be noticed by their consciousness. Obviously they will feel some kind of disconfort. They might report tiredness or even pain to the healer.

One of the techniques that Avicenna Therapy teaches includes helping people to make contact with their own emotions. If somebody is sad and he doesn't know it, he doesn't have any chance to solve the problem that is creating his sadness. In case he perceives his sadness as tiredness, maybe he will start to take vitamins, or to do physical exercice, and this won't help him. After all, his real problem is sadness and not tiredness. Maybe he needs to talk with his boss in order for his "tiredness" to be solved.

I will repeat it, because it is important: if a client doesn't know what he is feeling he cannot solve the problem that is producing the unrecognized emotion.

Many usual emotions are felt in the solar plexus, heart and thymus chakras. All chakras are linked with each other through special connections, in many cases made from air. For most people, consciousness lies in the navel chakra. (Some people have their center of consciousness in the third eye, but this is quite uncommon). If the connection between the chakras where emotions are felt and the navel chakra is not wide enough, many emotions will stay unrecognized by our conscious mind, and will therefore cause us every kind of possible problem.

As far as I know, the frequencies of air that links higher chakras with the navel chakra comes from two sources. The first one is the grace of God, which cannot be forced. The second source is accepted suffering.

Any kind of suffering will do. Even unconscious suffering, or suffering that comes from burning our very deserved bad karma when we have grossly missbehaved. The important thing is that we accept it, that is, that we don't immediately think: "This suffering is unjust, it shouldn't be happening", or "What have I done to deserve it?", or "In which kind of world do we live?" etc. These attitudes can only lead to disconnection from our emotions.

In fact, when we have the wrong kind of relationship with our suffering, that is, when we don't try to accept it, at least in part, a result is still produced but it doesn't stay within us. To explain it better: suffering always produces a result. If we accept, or try to accept, our suffering, the result will be for ourselves. If we reject it (the "What have I done to deserve this unjust suffering?" attitude) the result will be transfered to people who accept, or try to accept, their own suffering. Nothing gets lost in Nature. What one person rejects will be given to another one. Sometimes I get the impression that the Universe has been created by an accountant.

When we accept suffering, we transform a frequency of fire (as far as I know, suffering corresponds to a set of frequencies of element fire) into at least three different frequencies of air:

The first one will create interconexions between some of our chakras, that will help us to be more in touch with our own emotions. A sufficient amount of this air should help us to control our own negative emotions too (to a certain extent): fears, depressions, anxiety..., using our own willpower.

The second frequency will augment the contact with the sufferings of other people. That is, will help us to be more empathic. Empathy doesn't depend only on having enough of this frequency of air, but without it, empathy cannot work. This second frequency will connect our solar plexus chakra with the heart chakra of other people. True empathy requires that both our solar plexus and heart chakras are connected with the heart chakra of the other person. I will talk in a future article about which kind of frequency is needed to connect our heart chakra with another heart chakra. There is also a minimal size that our heart chakra should have in order to connect with another person. It is a good moment to remember that the most important technique to increase the size of our heart chakra is to give real help to other people.

The third frequency will create a connection between we and our destiny. Everybody has one or more possible destinies, but most people don't know which they could be, and much less can fulfill them. To be able to fulfill our destiny requires a huge amount of good karma, but even if we are not fulfilling it, we could know which could be our destiny. To know this, we need the third frequency of air that comes from accepting (or trying to accept) suffering.

If we were able to know, not because some healer tells us, but because we could feel it, which could be our destiny, we would immediately start working to accumulate the good karma that is necessary to fulfill it. This would totally change how we behave towards each other, and it would also change our lives.

It is obvious that very few people are able to accept their suffering to a significant degree and, as a consequence, very few people ever come in contact with their emotions, unless they are very intense. Luckily there is an easier way: a healer can help his client to receive this frequency of air.


There are several different kinds of pain, but the most common, which is musculoeskeletal pain, involves a special frequency of air that travels from the place where we feel the pain to the pineal gland. When I have observed good healers who are able to deal with pain, I have seen that in 8 out of 10 cases they were closing this connection.

Some the healers that I have observed doing this include massage therapists, accupunctors, and physical therapists. When we receive a good massage that takes away our pain, in most cases the channel of "painful air" closes or half closes.

There are other ways to deal with pain, also using air frequencies. We can help the client to receive this "painful air" into his pineal gland, and the antialgic effect will stay for much longer. I have observed chiropractors, osteopaths and craniosacral therapists take out the pain of their clients exactly like this.

I consider that these techniques are very important and every healer should know how to help people with musculoesqueletal pain.


From my point of view, lack of balance is one of the most important problems that plague older people. Just consider that, if they break a bone, this could lead to permanent damage or maybe to their death. In order to avoid falling to the floor, most old people adopt very bad bodily postures, that improve their stability, but at the same time decrease their self esteem, create many different kinds of musculoeskeletal pains and problems, etc.

There are several frequencies of air that accumulate in the inner ear of the people. When one of these is lacking, the result might be a problem with balance. This problem can be bad balance, vertigo, dizziness, bad bodily position, etc.

The Avicenna Therapy knows at least four different techniques to help people with poor balance.


Most cases of anxiety correlate with lack of air in the pericardium. Once the supply of air is restored, the anxiety goes away. It is important not to confuse anxiety with depression, which depends on the vitality of the heart. Lack of air in the pericardium correlates with anxiety, lack of earth and blood in the heart correlates with depression.

Some cases of anxiety are because the client is not able to produce enough pericardial air. In these cases, Avicenna Therapy can usually help.

Some other cases of anxiety are because other people steal our pericardial air. This air is very easy to steal. It is not necesary to be a sophisticated vampire to do it. When somebody gives us some piece of bad news that is not relevant to our daily life, in 9 cases out of 10 he is stealing our pericardial air. When somebody is always complaining, or when somebody tries to frustrate us, or is giving us the wrong kind of help, when somebody says that he is trying to help us but he gives us obviously bad advice, he can be also stealing our pericardial air.