Drama Showcase
Performance Project Evaluation
This assignment is due:
SENIORS -Friday, May 19 by 2 p.m.
UNDERCLASSMEN – Tuesday, May 23 by 2 p.m.
Section 1* Describe production job (i.e. publicity, costume etc.)
-List all duties you (not your group) completed to effectively carry out your job
-Place copies of evidence in production section of report
Responsibility / Task/Steps / Dates and Amount of TimeDesign logo w/program & tickets / Work on Rough Draft of Logo / April 7 10 minutes
April 12, 13 30 min/day
Hang and focus lights / Hanging backstage lights / April 18
***************INCLUDE SUPPORT EVIDENCE*******************
Section 2a* Group Member Input (i.e. publicity, costume etc.)
-Talk about group member(s) contribution(s).
Name / Contributions / CommentsBob Smith / Worked on logo design
Typed up program
Folded programs / Bob contributed his ideas for the logo but really took control of the program.
Nelson Smith / Helped fold programs / Nelson didn’t help a lot even when we asked him to contribute.
Section 2b* Class Member Input
-Who outside of your group helped as well.
-Give credit to those who want extra credit.
Name / Contributions / CommentsSally Summers / Helped post flyers and paint posters / She asked every day what she could do to help. She spent 6 days ( 10 minutes each day) helping us
Billy Holmes / Took Jim’s in Reader’s Theatre at a rehearsal when Jim was absent / Sept. 6 20 minutes
Section 3* Describe performance role (non-performers should describe work on research paper.)
-List each task you performed.
-Place copies of evidence in acting section of report.
Task / Dates and Amount of Time / Problems (remember to put notes Ms. D gave in this section)Received piece and fixed problems
Memorized Lines / May 5-9, 12-16 10 min/day / None
Memorization Test
Rehearsed with partners (or self) / May 7, 10 30 min/day / Bob absent on 5/7
Rehearsed with director
Went over entrances and exits with Stage Manager/Others
1st Run of the play for Ms. D / Notes from Ms. D:
Louder, enunciate,
Hug Bob after I say “I love you”
Dress Rehearsal
Work with Advanced students on performance
Performance / None
***************INCLUDE SUPPORT EVIDENCE*******************
Section 4* Description of extra duties or items you provided for the performance.
Task / Date(s) and Amount of Time / Confirming Person / Journal Entry Date(s)Helped hang lights / May 1 / Jennifer Torres / May 1
Cleaned up after Showcase Performance.. / May 20 / Ms. D / May 20
Section 5* Typed Journals
- Typed Journals (numbered and highlighted)
- Rough Draft of Journals numbered AND Title Highlighted
Journal Entry #1 September 7
- Accomplished
- Worked on rough draft of set additions
- 30 minutes
- Bob, Sarah, and me
- Homework
- None
- Extra Credit
- Helped paint house decorations
- 10 minutes
- James Fisk
Sections 1-5 must be typed or the assignment will not be graded.
Common sense when writing:
¨ Develop a cover page with name, student number, date and period on it.
¨ Use BLACK ink on WHITE paper.
¨ Use a separate page for each section
¨ Don’t forget support evidence and rough drafts of journals.
¨ Use a standard font: times, arial, helvetica, or geneva.
¨ Use 12 or 14 point size.
¨ Label each section at the top of the page.
¨ Spell check.
¨ Grammar check.