Dale F. DeNardo
Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences W: 480-965-3325
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-4501
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1994. Department of Integrative Biology. Dissertation title: The Effects of Steroids on the Reproduction of the Side-Blotched Lizard, Uta stansburiana. Advisor: Paul Licht.
Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis, 1988. Zoological Medicine track.
Bachelor of Science (with highest honors), Zoology, University of California, Davis, 1984.
Job Experience:
8/08 – present Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
9/14 – presentAttending Veterinarian and Director, Department of Animal Care and Technologies, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
1/14 – 8/14 Interim Attending Veterinarian, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
9/08 – 8/14Chair, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, Office of Knowledge Enterprise Development, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
4/08 – 4/11Special Graduate Faculty, Department of Pathobiology, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
9/98 – 8/08 University Veterinarian, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
9/98 –7/08 Assistant Professor, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
9/97 – 9/98 Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA
6/88 – 9/98 Office of Laboratory Animal Care, Univ. of CA, Berkeley, CA
12/93 – 9/98Associate Veterinarian (full-time)
6/88 – 12/93Assistant Veterinarian (30-50% appointment)
2 post-doctoral fellows, 9 Ph.D. students, 2 Master’s students, 28 other graduate student committees, 79 undergraduate researchers
Publications:(underlined names are students in my lab when data were collected)
Primary literature:
94. Lourdais, O., Dupoué, A., Guillon, M., Guiller, G., Michaud, B., and DeNardo, D. F. 2017. Hydric "costs" of reproduction: pregnancy increases evaporative water loss in the snake Vipera aspis, Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, in press.
93.Brusch, G. A., Billy, G., Blattman, J. N., and DeNardo, D. F.2017. Reproduction alters hydration state but does not impact the positive effects of dehydration on innate immune function in Children's pythons (Antaresia childreni), Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, in press.
92. Smith, G., Neuman-Lee, L. A., Webb, A. C., Angilletta, M. J., DeNardo, D. F., and French, S. S. 2017. Metabolic responses to different immune challenges and varying resource availability in the side-blotched lizard (Uta stansburiana). Journal of Comparative Physiology B, in press.
91. Brashears, J. A., Hoffman, T. C. M., and DeNardo, D. F. 2017. Modeling the costs and benefits associated with the evolution of endothermy using a robotic python. Journal of Experimental Biology 220 2409-2417.
90. Tollis, M., DeNardo, D. F., Cornelius, J. A., Dolby, G. A., Edwards, T., T. Henen, B. T., Karl, A. E., Murphy, R. W., and Kusumi. K. 2017. The Agassiz’s desert tortoise genome provides a resource for the conservation of a threatened species. PLOS ONE 12:
89. Brusch, G. A. and DeNardo, D. F. 2017. When less means more: dehydration improves innate immunity in rattlesnakes. Journal of Experimental Biology 220: 2287-2295.
88. Moeller, K. T., Demare, G., Davies, S., and DeNardo. D. F. 2017. Dehydration enhances multiple physiological defense mechanisms in a desert lizard, Heloderma suspectum. Journal of Experimental Biology 220: 2166-2174.
87.French, S. S., Neuman-Lee, L. A., Terletzky, P., Kiriazis, N. M., Taylor, E., and DeNardo, D. F. 2017. Too much of a good thing? Human disturbance linked to ecotourism has a “dose-dependent” impact on innate immunity and oxidative stress in marine iguanas, Amblyrhynchus cristatus. Biological Conservation 210A: 37-47.
86. Dupoue, A., Angelier, F., Brischoux, F., DeNardo, D. F., Trouve, C., Parenteau, C., and Lourdais, O. 2016. Water deprivation increases maternal corticosterone levels and enhances offspring growth in the snake Vipera aspis. Journal of Experimental Biology 219: 658-667.
85.Lourdais, O., Lorioux, S., Dupoue, A., Wright, C., and DeNardo, D. F. 2015. Embryonic water uptake during pregnancy is stage- and fecundity-dependent in the snake Vipera aspis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A – Molecular and Integrative Physiology 189: 102-106.
84. Brashears, J., and DeNardo, D. F. 2015. Facultative thermogenesis during brooding is not the norm among pythons. Journal of Comparative Physiology A – Neuroethology, sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology 201: 817-825.
83. Zylstra, E. R., Seward, M. T., Schuett, G. W., Repp, R. A., DeNardo, D. F., and Beck, D. D. 2015. Heloderma suspectum (Gila Monster). Probable courtship and mating behavior. Herpetological Review 46: 258-259.
82. Ackley, J. W., Angilletta, M. J., DeNardo, D., Sullivan, B., Wu, J. 2015. Urban heat island mitigation strategies and lizard thermal ecology: Landscaping can quadruple potential activity time in an arid city. Urban Ecosystems, in press.
81. Moeller, K. T.,Elms, R.,Sampson, S.,Jackson, M., Seward,M., and DeNardo, D. F.2015. Does feeding frequency, independent of total energyconsumption, affect lizard digestive efficiency or growth?Journal of Zoology 296: 225-230.
80. Dupoue, A., Brischoux, F., Angelier, F., DeNardo, D. F., Wright, C. D., Lourdais, O. 2014. Intergenerational trade-off for water may induce amother-offspring conflict in favour of embryos in aviviparous snake. Functional Ecologydoi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12349
79.Hutchins, E. D., Markov, G. J., Eckalbar, W. L., George, R. M., King, J. M., Tokuyama, M. A., Geiger, L. A., Emmert, N., Ammar, M. J., Allen, A. N., Siniard, A. L., Corneveaux, J. J., Fisher, R. E., Wade, J., DeNardo, D. F., Rawls, J. A., Huentelman, M. J., Wilson-Rawls, J., and Kusumi. K. 2014. Transcriptomic Analysis of tail regeneration in the lizard Anolis carolinensis reveals activation of conserved vertebrate developmental and repair mechanisms, PLOS ONE 9: e105004.(IF 3.53)
78.Foucart, T., Lourdais, O., DeNardo. D., and Heulin, B. 2014. Influence of reproductive mode on metabolic costs of reproduction:insight from a bimodal lizard Zootoca vivipara. Journal of Experimental Biology 217: 4049-4056. (IF 3.00)
77. Santander, J., Kilbourne, J., Park, J.-Y., Martin, T., Loh, A., Diaz, I., Rojas, R., Segovia, C., DeNardo, D., and Curtiss, R. III. 2014.Inflammatory effects of Edwardsiella ictalurilypopolysaccharide modifications in catfish gut, Infection and Immunity82: 3394-3404.(IF 4.07)
76.McCartney, K. L., Ligon, R. A., Butler, M. W., DeNardo, D. F., and McGraw, K. J. 2014. The effect of carotenoid supplementation on immune system development in juvenile male veiled chameleons (Chamaeleo calyptratus). Frontiers in Zoology 11: 26 (IF 2.30)
75. Guillon, M., Guiller, G.,DeNardo, D. F., and Lourdais, O. 2014. Microclimate preferences correlate with contrasted evaporative water loss in parapatric vipers at their contact zone. Canadian Journal of Zoology 92: 81-86.(IF 1.50)
74.Myers, E. A., Rodríguez-Robles, J. A., DeNardo, D. F., Staub, R. E., Stropoli, A., Ruane1, S., and Burbrink, F. T. 2013. Multilocus phylogeographic assessment of the California Mountain Kingsnake (Lampropeltis zonata) suggests alternative patterns of diversification for the California Floristic Province.Molecular Ecology22: 5418-5429.(IF 5.52)
73.Lourdais, O., Guillon, M., DeNardo, D. F., and Blouin-Demers,G. 2013. Cold climate specialization: adaptive covariation between metabolic rate and thermoregulation in pregnant vipers, Physiology and Behavior 119: 149-155.(IF 2.87)
72.Moeller K. T., Butler, M. W. and DeNardo, D. F. 2013. The effect of hydration state and energy balance on innate immunity of a desert reptile. Frontiers in Zoology10: 23, (IF 4.46)
71.Lorioux, S., Vaugoyeau, M., DeNardo, D. F., Clobert, J., Guillon, M., and Lourdais, O. 2013.Stage-dependence of phenotypical and phenological maternal effects: insight into squamate reptile reproductive strategies. American Naturalist 182: 223-233.(IF 4.73)
70.Butler, M. W., Stahlschmidt, Z. R., Ardia, D. R., Davies, S., Davis, J. R., Guillette, L. J., Johnson, N., McCormick, S. D., McGraw, K. J., and DeNardo, D. F. 2013. Thermal sensitivity of immune function: evidence against a generalist-specialist tradeoff among endothermic and ectothermic vertebrates. American Naturalist 181: 761-774. (IF 4.73)
69.Stahlschmidt, Z. R., Lourdais, O., Lorioux, S., Butler, M. W., Davis, J. R., Salin, K., Voituron, Y., and DeNardo, D. F. 2013. Morphological and physiological changes during reproduction and their relationships to reproductive performance in a capital breeder. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology86: 398-409. (IF 2.20)
68.Wright, C. W., Jackson, M. L., and DeNardo, D. F. 2013. Meal consumption is ineffective at maintaining or correcting water balance in a desert lizard, Heloderma suspectum. Journal of Experimental Biology 216: 1439-1447.(IF 3.00) [featured as April 2013 Editors’ Choice]
67.Lourdais, O., Lorioux, S., and DeNardo, D. F. 2013. Structural and performance costs of reproduction in a pure capital breeder, the Children's python, Antaresia children. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology86: 176-183. (IF 2.20)
66.Brashears, J. A., and DeNardo, D. F. 2013. Revisiting python thermogenesis: brooding Burmese pythons (Python bivittatus) cue on body, not clutch, temperature. Journal of Herpetology 47: 440-444.(IF 1.08)
65.Alibardi, L., and DeNardo, D. F. 2013. Ultrastructural and immunocytochemical features of theepidermis of the lizard Heloderma suspectum indicaterichness in lipids and lack of a specialized sheddingcomplex. Acta Zoologica 94: 35-43. (IF 1.13)
64.Brashears, J. A., and DeNardo, D. F.2012.Do brooding pythons recognize their clutches? Investigating external cues for offspring recognition in the Children’s python, Antaresia childreni. Ethology 118: 793-798.(IF 2.01)
63.Fisher, R. E. Geiger, L., Stroik, L. K.., Hutchins, E. D., George, R., DeNardo, D. F., Kusumi, K. J., Rawls, J. A., and Wilson-Rawls, J. 2012.A histological comparison of the original and regenerated tail in the green anole, Anolis carolinensis. The Anatomical Record295: 1609-1619. (IF 1.47)
62.Ritzman, T. B., Stroik, L. K., Julik, E., Hutchins, E. D., Lasku, E.,DeNardo, D. F., Wilson-Rawls, J., Rawls, J. A., Kusumi, K., Fisher, R. E. 2012.The gross anatomy of the original and regenerated tail in the green anole(Anolis carolinensis). The Anatomical Record 295: 1596-1608. (IF 1.47)
61.Stahlschmidt, Z. R., Shine,R., and DeNardo, D. F. 2012.The consequences of alternative parental care tactics in free-ranging pythons in tropical Australia.Functional Ecology 26: 812-821.(IF 4.57)
60.Stahlschmidt, Z. R., Shine, R., and DeNardo, D. F.2012.Temporal and spatial complexity of maternal thermoregulation in tropical pythons. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology85: 219-230.(IF 2.20)
59.Lorioux, S., DeNardo, D. F., Gorelick, R., and Lourdais, O. 2012. Maternal influences on early development: preferred temperature prior to oviposition hastens embryogenesis and enhances offspring traits in the Children’s python (Antaresia childreni). Journal of Experimental Biology215: 1346-1353.(IF 3.00)
58.Eckalbar, W. L., Lasku, E., Infante, C. R., Elsey, R. M., Markov, G. J., Allen, A. N., Corneveaux, J. J., Losos, J. B., DeNardo, D. F., Huentelman, M. J., Wilson-Rawls, J., Rawls, A., Kusumi, K.2012.Somitogenesis in the anole lizard and alligator reveals evolutionary convergence and divergence in the amniote segmentation clock. Developmental Biology363: 308-319.(IF 4.07)
57.Cooper-Bailey, K., Smith, S. A., Zimmerman, K., Lane, R., Raskin, R. E., and DeNardo, D. F. 2011. Hematology, blood chemistry and plasma electrophoresis of wild-caught and captive-bred Gila Monsters (Heloderma suspectum). Veterinary Clinical Pathology 40:316-323. (IF 1.56)
56.Stahlschmidt, Z. R., Brashears, J.A., and DeNardo, D. F. 2011.The use of ultrasound to assess reproductive investment and output in pythons.Biological Journal of the Linnean Society103:772-778. (IF 2.19)
55.Stahlschmidt, Z.R., DeNardo, D.F., Holland, J. N., Kotler, B. P.,and Kruse-Peebles, M. 2011.Tolerance mechanisms in North American deserts: Biological and societal approaches to climate change. Journal of Arid Environments 75:681-687.(IF 1.72)
54.Stahlschmidt, Z. R., Brashears, J.A., and DeNardo, D. F. 2011. The role of temperature and humidity in python nest-site selection.Animal Behaviour 81:1077-1081. (IF 3.49)
53.Stahlschmidt, Z. R., Davis, J. R., and DeNardo, D. F. 2011.Sexual variation in assimilation efficiency: its link to phenotype and potential role in sexual dimorphism.Journal of Comparative Physiology B181:383-389.(IF 1.97)
52.Yokoyama, S., Altun, A., and DeNardo, D. F. 2011.Molecular convergence of infrared vision in snakes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 28:45-48. (IF 5.55)
51.French, S. S., DeNardo, D. F., Greives, T. J., Strand, C. R., and Demas, G. E. 2010. Human disturbance alters endocrine and immune responses in the Galapagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus).Hormones and Behavior 58:792-799. (IF 3.87)
50.Stahlschmidt, Z. R., Heulin, B., and DeNardo, D. F.2010.The role of python eggshell permeability dynamics in a respiration-hydration tradeoff.Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 83:576-586. (IF 2.20)
49.Stahlschmidt, Z. R., and DeNardo, D. F.2010.Parental behavior in pythons is responsive to both the hydric andthermal dynamics of the nest. Journal of Experimental Biology 213:1691-1696.(IF 3.00) [featured in “Inside JEB”, on the BBC web site’s “The Big Picture”, and on CNBC radio show “Quirks and Quarks”]
48.Davis, J. R., and DeNardo, D. F.2010.Seasonal patterns of body condition, hydration state, and activity of Gila Monsters (Heloderma suspectum) at a Sonoran Desert Site. Journal of Herpetology44:83-93.(IF 1.08)
47.Stahlschmidt, Z. R., and DeNardo, D. F.2009. Effect of nest temperature on egg-brooding dynamics in Children's pythons. Physiology and Behavior98:302-306. (IF 2.87)
46.Davis, J. R., and DeNardo, D. F.2009.Water supplementation affects the behavioral and physiological ecology of Gila monsters (Heloderma suspectum) in the Sonoran Desert.Physiological and Biochemical Zoology82:739-748. (IF 2.20)
45.Stahlschmidt, Z. R., and DeNardo, D. F.2009.Obligate costs of parental care to offspring: Egg-brooding induced hypoxia creates smaller, slower, and weaker python offspring. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society98:414-421.(IF 2.19)
44.Taylor, E. N., and DeNardo, D. F. 2008.Proximate determinants of sexual size dimorphism in the western diamond-backed rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox), In The Biology of Rattlesnakes (W. K. Hayes, K. R. Beaman, M. D. Cardwell, S. P. Bush, eds.).Loma Linda University Press, Loma Linda, California, Pp. 91-100.
43.Stahlschmidt, Z. R., Hoffman, T. C.M., and DeNardo, D. F.2008.Postural shifts during egg-brooding and their impact on egg water balance in Children’s pythons (Antaresia childreni). Ethology. 114:1113–1121.(IF 2.01)
42.Davis, J. R., and DeNardo, D. F. 2008. Water storage compromises endurance in an active forager: evidence of a trade-off between osmoregulation and locomotor performance. Journal of Comparative Physiology A. 194:713–718.(IF 2.01)
41.Davis, J. R., Taylor, E. N., and DeNardo, D. F.2008.An automated temperature-based option for estimating surface activity and refuge use patterns in free-ranging animals. Journal of Arid Environments.72:1414-1422. (IF 1.72)
40.Stahlschmidt, Z. R., and DeNardo D. F.2008.Alternating egg brooding behaviors create and modulate a hypoxic developmental micro-environment in Children’s pythons (Antaresia childreni). Journal of Experimental Biology211:1535-1540.(IF 3.00)
39.Lourdais, O., Heulin, B., and DeNardo, D. F. 2008.Thermoregulation during gravidity in the Children’s python (Antaresia childreni): a test of the pre-adaptation hypothesis for maternal thermophily in snakes. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society93:499-508.(IF 2.19)
38.French, S. S., DeNardo, D. F., and Moore, M. C. 2007. Trade-offs between the reproductive and immune systems: facultative responses to resources or obligate responses to sex steroid hormones?American Naturalist. 170:79-89.(IF 4.73)
37.Christel, C. M., Secor, S. M., and DeNardo, D. F.2007. Metabolic and digestive response to food ingestion in a binge-feeding lizard, the Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum). Journal of Experimental Biology210:3430-3439.(IF 3.00)
36.Lourdais, O., Hoffman, T. and DeNardo, D. F. 2007.Maternal brooding in the Children's python (Antaresia childreni) promotes egg water balance. Journal of Comparative Physiology B177: 569-577.(IF 1.97)
35.Davis, J. R., and DeNardo, D. F. 2007.The urinary bladder as a physiological reservoir that moderates dehydration in a large desert lizard, the Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum). Journal of Experimental Biology 210:1472-1480.(IF 3.00)
34.Hoffman, T. C. M., Walsberg, G. E., and DeNardo, D. F.2007. Cloacal evaporation: an important and previously undescribed mechanism for avian thermoregulation. Journal of Experimental Biology.210:741-749.(IF 3.00)
33.Christel, C. M., and DeNardo, D. F. 2007.Absence of exendin-4 effects on postprandial glucose and lipids in the Gila monster, Heloderma suspectum.Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 177: 129-134.(IF 1.97)
32.Schuett, G. W., Repp, R. A.,Taylor, E. N.,DeNardo, D. F., Earley, R. L., Van Kirk, E. A., and Murdoch, W.J. 2006. Winter profile of plasma sex steroid levels in free-living male western diamond-backed rattlesnakes, Crotalus atrox (Serpentes: Viperidae).General and Comparative Endocrinology.149:72-80.(IF 3.27)
31.Christel, C. M., and DeNardo, D. F. 2006.Release of exendin-4 is controlled by mechanical action in Gila monsters, Heloderma suspectum. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology143:85-88.(IF 2.24)
30.Taylor, E. N., and DeNardo, D. F. 2005. Sexual size dimorphism and growth plasticity in snakes: an experiment on the Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox).Journal of Experimental Zoology 303A:598-607.(IF 1.64)
29.Taylor, E. N., Malawy, M. A., Browning, D. M., Lemar, S. V., and DeNardo, D. F. 2005. Effects of food supplementation on the physiological ecology of female western diamond-backed rattlesnakes (Crotalus atrox). Oecologia144:206-213.(IF 3.41)
28.Taylor, E. N., and DeNardo, D. F. 2005. Reproductive ecology of Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnakes (Crotalus atrox) in the Sonoran Desert. Copeia 2005:152-158.(IF 1.10)
27.DeNardo, D. F., Zubal T. E., and Hoffman, T. C. M. 2004.Cloacal evaporative cooling: a previously undescribed means of increasing evaporative water loss at higher temperatures in a desert ectotherm, the Gila Monster Heloderma suspectum.Journal of Experimental Biology 207:945-953.(IF 3.00)
26.Lourdais, O., Brischoux, F., DeNardo, D., and Shine, R. 2004. Protein catabolism in pregnant snakes (Epicrates cenchria maurus Boidae) compromises musculature and performance after reproduction. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 174:383-391. (IF 1.97)
25.Taylor, E. N., DeNardo, D. F., and Jennings, D. 2004. Seasonal steroid hormone levels and their relation to reproduction in the Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnake, Crotalus atrox (Serpentes: Viperidae). General and Comparative Endocrinology 136:328-337.(IF 3.27)
24.Taylor, E. N., DeNardo, D. F., and Malawy, M. A. 2004.A comparison between point- and semi-continuous sampling for assessing body temperature in a free-ranging ectotherm. Journal of Thermal Biology, 29:91-96. (IF 1.37)
23.Lourdais, O., Bonnet, X., DeNardo, D., and Naulleau, G. 2002. Do sex divergences in reproductive ecophysiology population translate into dimorphic demographic patterns. Population Ecology 44:241-249. (IF 2.29)
22.DeNardo, D. F., Luna, J. V., and Hwang, M. 2002. Ambient temperature and activity of horned adders, Bitis caudalis:how cold is too cold? Journal of Herpetology 36:688-691. (IF 1.08)
21.Lourdais, O., Bonnet, X., Shine, R., DeNardo, D., Naulleau, G., and Guillon, M. 2002.Capital-breeding and reproductive effort in a variable environment: a longitudinal study of a viviparous snake. Journal of Animal Ecology 71:470-479. (IF 4.94)
20.DeNardo, D. F., and Helminski, G. 2001. The use of hormone antagonists to inhibit reproduction in the lizard Eublepharis macularius. Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery 11:4-7. (IF N/A)
19.DeNardo, D. F., and Autumn, K. 2001. The effect of male presence on reproductive activity in captive femaleblood pythons, Python curtus. Copeia 2001:1138-1141. (IF 1.10)
18.Eisen, R. J., and DeNardo, D. F. 2000. Life history of a malaria parasite (Plasmodium mexicanum) in its host, the western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis): host testosterone as a seasonal cue? Journal of Parasitology 86:1041-1045.(IF 1.41)
17.Reiserer, R.S., and DeNardo, D. F. 2000. Natural history observations on Bitis peringueyi (Reptilia: Viperidae). Cimbebasia 16:195-198.(IF N/A)
16.Sinervo, B., Miles, D. B., Frankino, A., Klukowski, M., and DeNardo, D. F. 2000. Testosterone, endurance, and Darwinian fitness: natural and sexual selection on the physiological bases of alternative male behaviors in side-blotched lizards. Hormones and Behavior 38:222-233.(IF 3.87)
15.Wozniak, E. J., and DeNardo, D. F. 2000. The biology, clinical significance, and control of the common snake mite, Ophionyssus natricis, in captive reptiles. Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery 10:4-10.(IF N/A)
14.Wozniak, E., DeNardo, D. F., Brewer, A., Wong, V., and Tarara, R. P. 2000. Identification of adenovirus- and dependovirus-like agents in an outbreak of fatal gastroenteritis in captive born California mountain kingsnakes (Lampropeltis zonata multicincta). Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery 10:4-7.(IF N/A)
13.Wozniak, E., McBride, J., Tarara, R., Wong, V., and DeNardo, D. F. 2000. Isolation and characterization on an antigenically distinct 68-kilodalton protein from non-viral intracytoplasmic inclusions in boa constrictors chronically infected with the inclusion body disease virus (IBDV: Retroviridae). Journal of Veterinary Pathology 37:449-459.(IF N/A)
12.Autumn, K., Jindrich, D., DeNardo, D., and Mueller, R. 1999. Locomotor performance at low temperature and the evolution of nocturnality in geckos. Evolution 53:580-599.(IF 5.15)
11.Rodriguez-Robles, J. A., DeNardo, D. F., and Staub, R. E. 1999.Phylogeography of the California mountain kingsnake, Lampropeltis zonata (Colubridae). Molecular Ecology 8:1923-1934.(IF 5.52)
10.Wozniak, E. J., Telford, S. R. Jr., DeNardo, D., McLaughlin, G. L., and Butler, J. F. 1998. Granulomatous hepatitis associated with Hepatozoon sp. meronts in a southern water snake (Nerodia fasciata piciventris). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 29:68-71.(IF 0.38)
9.Colberg, M. E., DeNardo, D. F., Rojek, N. A., and Miller, J. W. 1997. Surgical procedure for radiotransmitter implantation into aquatic, larval salamanders. Herpetological Review28:77-78.(IF N/A)
8.Wozniak, E. J., and DeNardo, D. F. 1997.Understanding the snake mite and current therapies for control. Proceedings of the American Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians 137-147.(IF N/A)
7.Sinervo, B., and DeNardo, D.F. 1996. Cost of reproduction in the wild: path analysis of natural selection and experimental tests of causation. Evolution 50:1299-1313.(IF 5.15)
6.Wozniak, E. J., Telford, S. R., DeNardo, D. 1996. The biology of reptilian Hepatozoon species and their potential influence on the health status of captive reptiles.Bulletin of the American Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians 6:8-12.(IF N/A)
5.Autumn, K., and DeNardo, D. F. 1995.Behavioral thermoregulation increases growth rate in a nocturnal lizard. Journal of Herpetology 29:157-162. (IF 1.08)
4.DeNardo, D. F., and Sinervo, B. 1994.Effects of steroid hormone interaction on activity and home-range size of male lizards. Hormones and Behavior 28:273-287.(IF 3.87)
3.DeNardo, D. F., and Sinervo, B. 1994. Effects of corticosterone on activity and home-range size of free-ranging male lizards. Hormones and Behavior 28:53-65.(IF 3.87)
2.DeNardo, D. F., and Licht, P. 1993. Effects of corticosterone on social behavior of male lizards. Hormones and Behavior 27:184-199.(IF 3.87)
1.DeNardo, D. F. 1992.The effects of stress on reproduction in lizards and its application to captive management, In Proceedings of the International Herpetological Society's 19th Conference.
Synthetic reviews (both book chapters and articles):
12. Lillywhite, H. B., Shine, R., Jacobson, E., DeNardo, D. F., Gordon, M. S., Navas, C. A., Wang, T., Seymour, R. S., Storey, K. B., Heatwole, H., Heard, D., Brattstrom, B., and Burghardt, G. M. 2017. Anesthesia and euthanasia of amphibians and reptiles used in scientific research: should hypothermia and freezing be prohibited? Bioscience 67: 53-61.
11.DeNardo, D. F.,Lourdais, O., and Stahlschmidt, Z. R. 2012. Are females maternal manipulators, selfish mothers, or both? Insight from pythons. Herpetologica 68: 299-307. (IF 1.61) [solicited article]