JDRF Travel Grant - Round 1 2017
JDRF continues its support of excellence and innovation in research in the field of type 1 diabetes through striving to advance the level and impact of type 1 diabetes research in Australia. JDRF invites applications for grants of up to $2,000 for domestic travel or up to $4,000 for international travel to research institutions or scientific meetings, for the purpose of furthering the researcher’s expertise in the study of type 1 diabetes. There are two categories of application as follows:
· NB: The category of application is determined within the application form under ‘1. Details Summary – Type of Grant...’ then checking the appropriate box.
· Early-Stage Researcher Travel Grants
This program is designed to support medical or science graduates in the early stages of their research career (e.g. current PhD students, or not more than five years post-doctoral as of the current Travel Grant round deadline). The applicant must be committed to the mission of JDRF to prevent, treat and cure type 1 diabetes and its complications, and demonstrate relevance to one of JDRF’s therapeutic areas: Beta Cell Therapies, Immune Therapies, Complications Therapies or Glucose Control.
· Allied-Health/Nursing Travel Grants
This program is designed to support allied-health or nursing professionals, or allied-health or nursing students enrolled in a post graduate program, whose work/research will impact on the lives of people with type 1 diabetes and their carers and families. The applicant must be committed to the mission of JDRF to prevent, treat and cure type 1 diabetes and its complications, and demonstrate relevance to one of JDRF’s therapeutic areas: Beta Cell Therapies, Immune Therapies, Complications Therapies or Glucose Control.
The term 'allied-health' refers to health professionals usually considered part of the diabetes management team – i.e. diabetes educators, dieticians, psychologists, social workers, and podiatrists. In addition other allied-health professionals who are considered relevant to the management of type 1 diabetes, such as exercise physiologists, occupational therapists and pharmacists, will also be considered.
The applicant must be committed to the mission of JDRF to prevent, treat and cure type 1 diabetes and its complications.
§ NB: Allied-Health applicants who are allied-health practitioners must apply for the Allied-Health/Nursing Travel Grants as opposed to the Early-stage career grants.
Applicants must be:
· Currently working at an Australian institution, and;
· Australian citizens or permanent/temporary residents currently residing in Australia.
Applicants should also be:
· Engaged with Australian Diabetes research for more than 12 months, however if this does not apply, contact Dr Julia Warning on 02 9020 6105 to discuss possible eligibility.
NB: Previous winners of this award are eligible to reapply although preference will be given to those who have not received a JDRF Travel Grant within the 12 months prior to the current round’s ‘cut off for consideration’ date.
Applications will be considered in two funding rounds in 2017. Travel must occur after the date of cut off for consideration (March 15, 2017) and before the next round’s deadlines (September 20, 2017). Timelines for 2017 funding rounds are as follows:
Cut off for consideration / Announcement of AwardsRound 1 / March 15, 2017 / May, 2017
Round 2 / September 20, 2017 / November, 2017
If successful, applicants will be notified and will be sent a one-page report template that must be submitted to within 4 weeks after all travel has been completed. Failure to submit the report within the timeframe may affect eligibility of future applications.
Applications must be submitted on the following application form with headings in order:
1. Details Summary – Please complete all fields within the application form.
2. Lay Description – 1 page limit. Description appropriate for a lay audience addressing the following questions:
§ What is your research project?
§ How will your research improve the lives of people with type 1 diabetes?
§ How will your travel assist your research?
3. Travel Details – confirmation and details of your travel:
§ For scientific meetings this will include submitted abstract, invitation to present and copy of registration. If your abstract has not been accepted at time of application, please notify JDRF immediately upon receiving confirmation of acceptance. Please note, if you are successful, payment will not be made until confirmation of acceptance is submitted to JDRF.
§ For lab visits this will include lab details, invitation to visit and details of the work to be undertaken.
§ NB: Oral presentations and travel incorporating lab visits will be considered as a higher priority for funding.
4. Curriculum Vitae – 4 page limit. Please limit all information provided to that requested within the application form.
5. Budget – (not to exceed $2,000 if travel is within Australia, or $4,000 for international travel) and details of approaches to other sources for travel funds. If funds are received from other sources, please notify JDRF immediately.
6. Letter of support – 1 page limit. A letter of support from one supervisor commenting on your work, commitment to type 1 diabetes research, and the scientific benefits of the travel/visit.
7. Career Disruption (if applicable) – 1 page limit. A one-page detailed description regarding any career disruptions within the last 5 years, including dates, reason for disruption, Full Time Equivalent (FTE) of disruption and signed by the relevant head of school or department.
§ NB: Appropriate career disruption includes parental leave, extended carer’s leave and any significant illness.
8. Certification – Both the Applicant and their Institution’s Research Administration Office must complete and sign this section.
§ NB: Scanned signatures and/or electronic signatures are acceptable.
§ All applications for funding must be submitted on the following application form
§ Applicants are to enter their name in the Footer as per the naming convention – ‘Applicant Last Name, First Name’, and retain all page numbering.
§ All text is to be a minimum of size 12 Times New Roman font with borders no less than 2cm on each side, top and bottom. Pages must be A4. Do not alter the formatting of the pro-forma document. All text boxes may be expanded but must comply with any indicated page limits.
NB: JDRF may reject applications that do not meet any of the above requirements. Incomplete applications will NOT be accepted without prior discussion with JDRF staff. For any further information, please contact JDRF travel grants admin via or 02 9020 6143 for more details.
Applications close: 5:00pm AEDT, Wednesday March 15, 2017Applications are to be submitted by your Institution’s Research Administration Office as one document in PDF format with the naming convention of:
“Surname_Firstname_Allied-Health/Early-Stage.pdf” (as appropriate) to
**Please do not include the above instruction pages within the submission**
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JDRF Travel Grant - Round 1 2017
1. DETAILS SUMMARYType of Grant: (please select one)) / Allied-Health/Nursing ☐ / Early-Stage ☐
Applicant Details
Name and title:
Current Institution:
E-mail address:
Daytime phone number:
Where did you hear about the JDRF Travel Grant Award?
Country and Residency status:
Date PhD was or is to be conferred (if applicable):
Please indicate any funding awarded by JDRF:
Have you been engaged in Australian diabetes research in the field of type 1 diabetes for over 12 months? / (Yes/No)
Travel Details
Name of intended research laboratory or institution and/or scientific meeting:
Dates of travel:
Total $ amount requested for funding:
Administering Institution Details
Name of Institution:
Postal address of institution:
Research Administration Office Contact
Name and title:
E-mail address:
Office phone number:
Please address the below with language suitable for a lay audience. Do not exceed 1 page.
What is your research project?
(Insert text)
How will your research improve the lives of people with type 1 diabetes?
(Insert text)
How will your travel assist your research?
(Insert text)
Please insert all information pertaining to Scientific Meetings and/or Lab Visits below as per the following:
Scientific Meetings
· Please include submitted abstract, invitation to present and copy of registration.
· NB: If your abstract has not been accepted at time of application, please notify JDRF immediately upon receiving confirmation of acceptance. Please note, if you are successful, payment will not be made until confirmation of acceptance is submitted to JDRF.
Lab Visits
· Please include invitation to visit and details of the work to be undertaken.
(Insert text)
4. CURRICULUM VITAEPlease include your CV as per the categories below: Do not exceed 4 pages.
Academic and Technical Qualifications – Please include any qualifications in descending chronological order
Career Summary – Please include any relevant experience and expertise in descending chronological order
Awards and achievements – Please include any relevant awards and/or achievements in descending chronological order
Research Publications A – Choose the 3 most important and relevant peer-reviewed publications within the past 3 years (in order of merit) with a short paragraph indicating their importance.
Research Publications B – List all peer-reviewed publications within the past 5 years.
Grants and funding – Please indicate any awarded grants including the funding body and amount funded if applicable.
(N/A if not applicable)
Research Translation – include impact of previous research including translation of research into changing policy or practice.
(N/A if not applicable)
Insert a new line item as appropriate for the budget below. Do not exceed $2,000 if travel is within Australia, or $4,000 for international travel.
Item / Details / Cost (in AUD)
Have you applied for other sources of funding for this travel? If so, please list details:
(Insert N/A if not applicable)
Insert one letter of support from one supervisor commenting on your work, commitment to type 1 diabetes research, and the scientific benefits of the travel/visit below. Do not exceed 1 page.
(Insert letter here)
7. CAREER DISRUPTION (if applicable)Include a detailed description regarding any career disruptions within the last 5 years below. This is to include dates, FTE, reason for disruption and must be signed by the relevant head of school or department. Do not exceed 1 page.
(Insert N/A if not applicable)
8. CERTIFICATIONApplicant certification
I certify that I understand all requirements of me and that the information I have provided is true and correct.
Name: ………………………………………………….. Date: ……………………….
Signature: ……………………………………………………………………………….
Institutional Research Administration Office certification
I certify that the Administering Institution supports this application and that all institutional requirements have been satisfied.
Name: ………………………………………………….. Date: ……………………….
Position: ………………………………………………..
Signature: ……………………………………………………………………………….
(Applicant Last Name, First Name) Page 5 of 7