Computers and Music, Grade 11, AMM 3M1


Course Description/Rationale

This course provides students with opportunities to develop their musical literacy through

the creation, appreciation, analysis, and performance of music, including traditional,

commercial, and art music. Students will apply the creative process when performing

appropriate technical exercises and repertoire and will employ the critical analysis

processes when reflecting on, responding to, and analysing live and recorded performances.

Students will consider the function of music in society and the impact of music

on individuals and communities. They will explore how to apply skills developed in

music to their life and careers.

Overall Expectations

Expectations are organized into three strands: Creating and Presenting, Reflecting, Responding and Analysing and Foundations.

A. Creating and Presenting

A1. The Creative Process: apply the stages of the creative process when performing notated and/or

improvised music and composing and/or arranging music;

A2. The Elements of Music: apply the elements of music when performing notated and improvised

music and composing and/or arranging music;

A3. Techniques and Technologies: use a range of techniques and technological tools in a variety of

applications relating to music.

B. Reflecting, Responding and Analysing

B1. The Critical Analysis Process: use the critical analysis process when responding to, analysing,

reflecting on, and interpreting music;

B2. Music and Society: demonstrate an understanding of social and cultural influences on and effects

of traditional, commercial, and art music;

B3. Skills and Personal Growth: demonstrate an understanding of how performing, creating, and

critically analysing music has affected their skills and personal development;

B4. Connections Beyond the Classroom: analyse opportunities and requirements for continued

engagement in music.

C. Foundations

C1. Theory and Terminology: demonstrate an understanding of music theory with respect to concepts

of notation and the elements and other components of music, and use appropriate terminology

relating to them;

C2. Characteristics and Development of Musical Forms: demonstrate an understanding of the

development, function, and characteristics of various forms of music;

C3. Conventions and Responsible Practices: demonstrate an understanding of conventions and

responsible practices relating to music.

Units of Study:

Unit 1
History / History of Synthesis / 8 hours
Unit 2
Elemental Choices / Music Theory / 10 hours
Unit 3
Music Around The World / Listening / 6 hours
Unit 4
Composition / Computer Music / 86 hours

Learning Skills:

Teamwork, working independently, organization, work habits/homework and initiative are the key learning skills to be assessed in this course, using appropriate rubrics and checklists. These learning skills are evaluated using a four-point scale: (E) Excellent, (G) Good, (S) Satisfactory, (N) Needs Improvement

Policies and Procedures:

See the Victoria Park C.I. Student Agenda for details of School Policies on Homework, Attendance, Lateness, Missing and Late Assignments and Assessments, Course Modifications and Academic Honesty.

Course Evaluation Plan:

Assessment in this course is comprised of performances, written tests, written assignments and daily assessment. Activities and assignments in Computers and Music are organized into three strands: Theory, Creation, and Analysis. These Strands correspond to the following categories: Students are clearly notified of upcoming assignments both by verbal confirmation in class and by written description. Students are to keep copies of assignment specifications and notes in their binders. Please make an appointment with your teacher for extra help. Success @ Your Library with the 4-stage model of the research process incorporated into these assignments either in part or in whole. Students will receive instruction and be assessed/evaluated on various aspects of the research process by either their teacher or one of the teacher-librarians. These lessons may include, but are not limited to, the development of research questions, note-taking, adherence to a specific documentation style, facility with a variety of resources, etc

Category Category / Weighting / Strand(s)
Knowledge/Understanding / 15% / Foundations
Thinking/Inquiry / 15% / Reflecting, Responding and Analysing
Communication / 70% / Creating and Performing

Course Evaluation Plan - AMM 3M1 - 70% Course Work

Unit 1: History

Task / Achievement Chart Focus
History of computer music, synthesizers, recording technique. / Knowledge/Understanding, Thinking / 50%
The Mac Computer –Students will acquire in depth theoretical knowledge necessary for the operation of the Mac computer and its software. / Knowledge/Understanding, Thinking / 25%
Testing - students will identify historic and technical elements in a written test. / All categories / 25%

Unit 2: Music Theory

The essential building blocks of music - rhythm, melody, harmony and texture. / Knowledge/Understanding, Thinking, Application / 50%
Testing – students will identify and use the elements in a written theory test. / All categories / 50%

Unit 3: Listening

Listening is an active component of all musical activities. Students will study a variety of musical periods and styles. Students will identify and describe musical forms such as Binary, Ternary, Canon, and Theme and Variation. / Theory, Analysis / 50%
Testing – students will identify themes, composers, eras, instrumentation using an aural listening test. / All categories / 50%

Unit 4: Composition

The ability to read and interpret the traditional language of music will be emphasized. Students will make artistic decisions concerning the interpretive
aspects of music, both individually and in an ensemble context using computer technology. / All categories / 60%
Mixing music, mastering, preparation for CD burning, burning of CD or other. / All categories / 20%
Testing – students will be assessed on music creation. / All categories / 20%

Final Evaluations - AMM 3M1 - 30% Exam

Course Culminating Activities / Achievement Chart Focus / Weighting
Examination - music creation. Two minutes of original music to video provided using multi-tracking recording device. / All categories / 20%
Examination - oral theory questions based on piece of music created. / All categories / 10%

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