Minutes Board of Directors Meeting/Conference Call
Friday, July 21, 2017
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Pam Alderman
Cynthia Persily
Mary Beth Barr
Shelia Kyle
Brenda Mason
Ron Moore
Gerald Bragg
Leah Salyers
Laura Boone
Drema Pierson
Cheryl Basham
Greg Chiartas
Rachel Bowman
Frank Mace
Call to Order-Dr. Pam Alderman
Standing Business:
Approval of MinutesBoard Meeting of Friday, May 19, 2017
Ron Moore motioned to approve and Cyndi Persily second,
Minutes approved.
Financial Report
Drema Pierson provided the May and June 2017 financial reports showing an ending balance of $545,578. Dr. Persily said the new excel format is much easier to review and the board appreciated the change. Drema reported that the missing LPN funds were received. A deposit of $75,580 was received in May and $8,600 in June. The LPN license renewal deadline is June 30th so addition funds are expected this fiscal year.
Brenda Mason motioned to approve and Ron Mooreseconded. Financials were approved.
Strategic Priorities
Nursing Scholarship Program
Ron Moore, Chair, Recruitment/Retention Committee reported that the Education/Recruitment and Retention Committee met on July 13, 2017 to review the 343 applications received for the 2017 – 2018 academic year. Drema provided a spread sheet to the review committee sorted by GPA and midpoint (for LPN and RN programs). The summary is attached. There were 121 eligible who met criteria (2.5 GPA was used again this year) and 91 additional students will reach the midpoint of their program within this academic year and will not need to reapply to be reviewed for the Spring and/or summer semesters they applied for as they reach the midpoint of their program.
Sixty nine applicants had less than 2.5 nursing GPA, eleven had already graduated and 48 applicants would not reach the midpoint of their program within this academic year. The total award amount is currently at $398,000.
There had been discussion by the review committee that some of the midpoint dates did not look correct or were not provided by the school. The board discussed this at length and directed Drema to contact the 48 students whose eligibility may have been impacted. Drema will contact these applicants and advise them to contact their Financial Aid office if they believe their eligibility was impacted and any updates will be reevaluated by the review committee.
Due to the increase in applications and the potential for additional awards,Ron Moore recommended increasing the award budget from $325,000 to $425,000 for the coming year. Not every student will accept the award and new license renewal money will become available this fiscal year so the board unanimously voted to approve the recommended increase.
Two $2,500 grants were made for Jr Nurse Academies to CAMC and Thomas Hospitals. The CAMC and two of the three Thomas academies have taken place. Drema attended pinning ceremonies to represent the Center and reported they are very well done and parents and students were appreciative of the Center’s grant support.
Nursing Workforce Shortage Data
Dr. Cynthia Persily, Chair Data Management Committee
reported that Shared Data Council members are on the planning committee, working with the Future for Nursing WV for the upcoming Nursing Workforce Summit. The Summit will build on data presented at the Roundtable that was held on March 17th. The keynote speaker is JoAnne Spetz, a nationally known speaker for nursing workforce issues. It is scheduled for September 15th at the Tech Center in South Charleston. It was noted that this will coincide with the regularly scheduled WVCN board meeting.
She reported that the Shared Data Council will meet in early August to provide background data/information to Dr. Spetz. Dr. Spetz will dial in for the discussion.
WVCN Website
Drema Pierson shared statistics showing that traffic to the web continues to increase in part due to online scholarship activity.
It is updated regularly and current WVCN Board meeting agenda and minutes are posted.
Expansion Capacity of Nursing Programs/Resources
Clinical Scheduling Program
Drema Piersonsaid that a memorandum of understanding with WVNET
Has been signed and we will be invoiced for the one time development cost of $2,500 that was previously approved and a monthly $50.00 support fee for each workforce region using they system. Currently one region is being billed for quarterly. The program continues to work well.
WVCN Board of Directors:
The Vice Chancellor for Administration has reminded the new Director for DHHR to appoint Connie Cantrell’s replacement to the board and will be contacted again.
Laura Boone provided a legislative update saying that the interiums are scheduled more frequently this year and that it has not been announced as to which study resolutions they will pursue. The study resolution regarding nursing shortages is likely to be picked up for the interims.
Dr Persily requested the minutes and financials be sent out for September 15th even though the regular board meeting will coincide with the workforce summit.
Committee Reports-(See above)
Executive Session: None
Future Board Meetings 2017:
September 15 (Nursing Workforce Summit) and November 17th
9:30 – 11:00 am Presidents Conference Room HEPC Offices, 9th Floor
Adjourned 10:40 am