Marketing Strategy: AIM-IRS National Mentoring Committee: National Career Assistance Mentoring Program
Marketing Strategy
AIM-IRS National Mentoring Committee
National Career Assistance Mentoring Program (CAMP)
Update - 2014 Table of Contents:
I. Strategic ComponentsPage
Strategic Initiative 3
Program Background3
Program Objectives/Outcomes3
Marketing/Communication Objectives3
Key Messages5
Plan Approval5
II. Tactical Action Plan Template6
Strategy Authors/Resource:
Cassandra Blackwell , Chair, National Mentoring Committee816-325-3853 Office
Laurel Cummings, Co-Chair, National Mentoring Committee 972-308-1731 Office
Sherry Brockman, Chair, National Marketing 972- 308-1503 Office
& CommunicationCommittee
Strategic ComponentsStrategic Initiative
AIM-IRS:Career advancement for AIM-IRS members by providing a structured mentoring program to identify career goals, developing a career plan and sharpening communications skills to achieve career goals.
Program Background
The AIM-IRS DC Chapter started the Career Assistance Mentoring Program (CAMP) in 2006. The program was founded by Career Assistance Committee Chair, Roslyn Brown and implemented by Chapter President, Vincent Peden. The program was well received by chapter members and was continued in 2007. In late 2007, the AIM-IRS National President adopted the program for national use for all AIM-IRS Chapters.
Current state:
The AIM-IRS National Mentoring Committee has updated the National CAMP Handbook for distribution to the chapters. The program is marketed nationally. The DC Chapter originally implemented the program, due to their prior experience. Four other chapters (Huston, Los Angeles, Austin, and Indianapolisfollowed. The program is included on the IRS Enterprise Learning Management System (ELMS).
Future state:
The Program willcontinue to roll out inas many AIM-IRS Chapters as possible with National Mentoring Committee support.
Program Objectives / Outcomes
- Provide a structured mentoring program for AIM-IRS members.
- (1) Identify career goals, (2) develop a career plan and (3) sharpen communication skills to achieve career goals
- Mentors will enhance their leadership skills and have a positive impact on the career advancement of fellow employees.
- AIM-IRS will enrich their membership by providing a valuable service and support the mission of the organization.
Marketing/Communication Objectives
AIM-IRS Members:Provide information about the National CAMP, so that chapters and members are aware of this benefit of membership. Solicit protégés and mentors to participate in the program as well as volunteers to coordinate and provide administrative support.
Non-AIM-IRS Members:Provide information to non-AIM-IRS members about the National CAMP, so they may volunteer as mentors or become members of AIM-IRS to participate as protégés and take advantage of membership benefits.
Organizations: Provide information to IRS management, NTEU, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), Human Capital Office (HCO), and Employee Organizations (EO) to promote CAMP and partner in our efforts for employee development and career advancement.
Audiences (AIM-IRS Members)
- Members that are interested in career development and advancement through a structured mentoring program as a protégé.
- Members that are interested in enhancing their leadership skills through participating in a structured mentoring program as a mentor, which does not require membership. They are also interested in being active members of their local chapter as a mentor or CAMPCoordinator.
- Chapter Presidents that are interested in delivering this service to their membership. Presidents that are also interested in increasing member involvement through opportunities to be a protégé, mentor, or CAMPCoordinator.
Audiences (Non-AIM-IRS Members)
- IRS employees that are interested in career development and advancement through a structured mentoring program as a protégé. This would require them to join the local AIM-IRS Chapter.
- IRS employees that are interested in enhancing their leadership skills through participating in a structured mentoring program as a mentor, which does not require membership.
Audiences (Organizations)
- IRS Management that is interested in alternative to employee development and career advancement tools. Mentors assisting protégés can assist management in developing their employees and supporting career advancement.
- Equal Employment Opportunity Office(EEO) may support the program as part of their partnership with Employee Organizations (EO) and provide communication channel to share information about AIM-IRS and the National CAMP.
- Human Capital Office (HCO)may add this program to the menu of options for employees for career development and education. CAMP is listed as a course on the Enterprise Learning Management System (ELMS).
- Employee Organizations (EO) can support the effort by providing mentors and their members may become protégés.
- NTEU may share CAMP information with their membership to support their career development and advancement.
Key Messages
All Audiences
- Identify your career goals, develop your career plan, and sharpen your communication skills through a structured mentoring program.
- Contact your local AIM-IRS Chapter or go to the National AIM-IRS Web Site at for more information.
- Go to the National AIM-IRS Web Site at for National Mentoring Committee contact information, National CAMP Handbook, Protégé Application, and Mentor Application.
Plan Approval
- Nesbit Parker, AIM-IRS National President.
Tactical Action Plan Template
The template below may be used as a guide to plan strategies for marketing CAMP.
Rev. 2014 - CAMP Marketing Strategy AIM-IRS National Mentoring Committee
Marketing Strategy: AIM-IRS National Mentoring Committee: National Career Assistance Mentoring Program
Rev. 2014 - CAMP Marketing Strategy AIM-IRS National Mentoring Committee