25 July2017
The “love chapter”,1 Corinthians 13, mentions that love “always protects”. The Greek word for “protects” isstegei, which literally means “to cover”.The love that protects is one that watches out for others. It withstands difficulty, and, if there is a shortcoming or fault in the loved one, love has the ability to cover it (seeProverbs 10:12). It is the kind of love that seeks the benefit of the other person. It aims to give rather than receive.
A wonderful example of this kind of love is to be seen in the story of Jesus’ birth. When Joseph learned of Mary’s pregnancy, he was faced with a choice: “expose her to public disgrace” or “divorce her quietly” (Matthew 1:19). Joseph decided to keep the matter quiet. He was willing to covering up what he saw as a fault in Mary, and to protected her from public shame.
To display a love that “always protects” does not mean that we excuse wrongdoing or seek to evade the consequences of sin; it means that we strengthen what is weak, shield what is vulnerable, and forgive provocation.
Read: 1 Corinthians 13:6,7
Read this passage a few times, read it out loud, read it quietly. Focus on the words.
Look at the passage again. What stands out for you? Are there any words or phrases or sentences that really jump out at you? What is going on in this passage?
- Is there someone in your life that you need to “protect” with your love?
- Is there someone whom you have not protected? What can you do to remedy this situation?
- How can love protect your loved ones, or those who are close to you?
Lord you are a loving God and through your Son you have modeled how we should love. We confess that we so often fall short of your higher calling to love. Please help us to love today with your love. May your love flow through us so that those around us my experience you in a very real and practical way. For your glory!Amen.
26 July 2017
Love Includes (Jacqui Rivas)
(Economic Empowerment)
Then the Lord said, what is in your hand in Exodus 4:2?
Have you not often wondered about how many questions are asked of you everyday?
Questions are sometimes deep enquiries about who we are and what we believe and at other times simple human engagements.
The plainest of all questions for people of faith is what Jesus asked when he examined the asked his followers and disciples, do you love me?
Its puzzling that in challenging times the issue we confront is whether we are ready to declare our faith in real expression. So we see again that scripture asks questions about our souls and spiritual journey as well as our material world.
Today we are confronted to reflect what skills, talents and passions we have to use so that others will see how much we love Jesus.
Read: Exodus 4:2
Read this passage a few times, read it out loud, read it quietly. Focus on the words.
Look at the passage again. What stands out for you? Are there any words or phrases or sentences that really jump out at you? What is going on in this passage?
- What is the hardest question you are struggling with at the moment when it comes to your material world?
- What do you think a Christian’s responsibility is in terms of sharing what influence and material worlds we possess?
- How do love and our possessions make a connection?
- What is the most valuable thing for you?
Lord I pray that my life will be a testimony of LOVE lived out and felt by others.