Regulation of Medical Facilities and Activities in China
Yahong Mao
Northern Regional Office for Nuclear and Radiation Safety,
Ministry of Environmental Protection of People’s Republic of China.
Abstract. In China, the State exercises classification administration of medical facilities and activities. The licenses for radiation safety for units producingmedical radioisotopes, units selling or using Category Ⅰ radioactive sources and units selling or using Category Ⅰradiation-emitting devices are issued by the competent environmental protection department of the State Council upon examination and approval. The licenses for units other than those specified in the preceding paragraph are issued by the competent environmental protection departmentsof the people’s governments of the provinces, autonomous regionsand municipalities directly under the Central Government upon examination and approval. A medical and health institution using radioisotopes or radiation-emitting devices for diagnosis and treatment shall, in addition, obtain alicense from health department for diagnostic and therapeutic technique with radioactive sources and medical radiation. Thecompetent environmental protection departmentof the people’s government at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the unified procedure, content and frequency, supervise and inspect medical facilities and activities.
China has basically established the system and body of laws and regulations of radioactive sources and radiation-emitting devices. There are five levels in the legislation system, and there are 6 regional inspection offices and 31 provincial radiation safety offices for regulation of medical facilities and activities. All relevant medical radiation activities shall obtain a license, and shall be performed surveillance and inspection for the safety and security in scheduled time. This paper introduced briefly the regulation of medical radiation activities of China.
2. ClassifiedManagement
The State implements classification administration of radioactive sources and radiation-emitting devices. On the basis of the potential hazards that radioactive sources and radiation-emitting devices may cause to human health and the environment, radioactive sources are classified as Category I, Category II, Category III, Category IV and Category V, referring the documents of IAEA, with Category I as the most hazardous and Category V as the least hazardous; radiation-emitting devices are classified as Category I, Category II and Category III. The categories of some medical radiation facilities are shown in Table 1.
The licenses for radiation safety for units concerningCategory Ⅰ radioactive sources and Category Ⅰadiation-emitting devices are issued by Ministry of Environmental Protection of People’s Republic of China (MEP) upon review and approval. The licenses for radiation safety for units other than those specified in the preceding paragraph are issued by provincialenvironmental protection departmentsupon examination and approval.
A medical and health institution using radioisotopes or radiation-emitting devices for diagnosis and treatment shall, in addition, obtain alicense from health department for diagnostic and therapeutic technique with radioactive sources and medical radiation.
Table 1. The categories of medical radiation facilities
Category Medical facility
Ⅰ Blood/tissue irradiators
Multi-beam teletherapy (gamma knife)
Teletherapy apparatus
Accelerator ( E≥100MeV)
II Brachytherapyapparatus (high/medium dose rate)
Accelerator ( E≤100MeV)
X-ray deep therapeutic apparatus
Digital subtraction angiography system(DSA)
III Pacemakers
X-ray Diagnosis apparatus
3. Import and export control
The Regulation requires that import license for radioisotopes listed in the catalogue of radioisotopes subject to import and export restriction shall be issued by the competent foreign trade department of the State Council in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State on foreign trade, upon examination and approval by MEP. To import radioisotopes other than those listed in the catalogue of radioisotopes subject to import and export restriction and the catalogue of radioisotopes subject to import and export prohibition, the import formalities shall be gone through in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State on foreign trade.
Aunit that imports radioisotopes listed in the catalogue of radioisotopes subject to import and export restriction shall apply to MEP, and submit relevant materials certifying that it meets the requirements specified in the Regulation.
4. Transfer control
For the transfer of radioisotopes, the transfereeshall make an application therefore to the competent environmental protection department of the province where it is located, and submit materials certifying that the requirement of the Regulation have been met.
The transferor and the transferee of radioisotopes shall, within 20 days from the date on which the transfer is done, respectively report, for the record, such transfer to the provincialenvironmental protection departments where they are located.
5. Disposal of disused sources and facilities
Where a unit holding radioactive sources returns its disused sources to the original producer or exporter, or send them to a centralized storage unit of radioactive wastes for storage, it shall, within 20 days from the date on which such activities are completed, report, for the record, the completion thereof to provincialenvironmental protection departments where it is located.
The sites whereradioactive sources of Category I, Category II or Category III are used, the sites where radioisotopes are produced, and the medicalfacilities that cause radioactive pollution upon termination of operation shall be decommissioned in accordance with law.
6. Surveillance and inspection
The competent environmental protection department of people’s government at or above county level and other relevant department shall, in accordance with their respective function and duties, supervise and inspect the medical radiation facilities. The 6 regional offices of the MEP are responsible for the inspection of units whose licenses issued by the MEP. The inspections of other units are taken charge by the provincialenvironmental protection departments. The inspection contents are instituted by MEP and include 4 parts: the running circumstances of radiation safety and protection facilities; the performing circumstances of management system; the executing circumstances of law and regulation; the fulfilling circumstances of inspection instance last time. The facilities in use of Category I shall be inspected 2 times every year. The facilities under Category II shall be inspected 1 time and the producer of medical sources 4 times every year.
Table 2. Running circumstances of radiation safety and protection facilities for gamma knife
Inspection items state (order or not)
Control of console Facility is controlled by key
Display of radiation source located
Surveillant and talk-back system
Passageway control Door and source interlock
Fixed dose meter in the therapy room
Personnel dose meter
Personnel dose annunciator
Emergency stop system On therapeutic bed
In the therapy room
On the console
Return source system by hand
Warning sign Radiation sign at the passageway
Display of source situation at the passageway
Rest Fire warning