Willowgrove University Heights

Community Association


Date: Monday, November 23, 2015

Location: Willowgrove School Library (LRC)

Members in Attendance
Name / Present / Name / Present
Leanne Schellenberg (COS) / X / Michalina Wiatr
Glenda Clezy / X / Jennifer Oleksyn
Malvina Rapko / X / Debbie Dawe / X
Andrea Landell / X / Natalie Benoit
Luc Gauthier / X / Stephanie Hnatiw
Bill Johnson / X / Stacey Waters
Dani Schwab / Neil Harmon
Kristin Potter / Siobhan O’Connor
Erica Verity-Osicki / X / Gindy Klein / X
Melissa Glab / Shawna Stoicescu
Tamara Larre / X / Maxine Horstemeier / X
Amee Joshi / Kenelm Grismer / X
Maggie Li / X / Jaime Spencer
Juanita Klaassen

1.  Minutes:

2.  Call to Order @ 7:05 pm

3.  Motion to adopt Previous Meeting Minutes (Malvina 1st, Kenelm 2nd), carried.

4.  Motion to adopt agenda (Bill 1st, Debbie 2nd), carried.

5.  Guest presenters

1.  None

6.  President's report – Glenda Clezy

1.  A lot of correspondence this month, activities, programming, registration.

7.  Correspondence

1.  Comments about gym space (partitioning when more than one team, confusion when people come in from other organizations, both schools have a multi-purpose room)

2.  Activities at Meewasin Valley Center

3.  Nutana Resident– asking to contact city council to support policy change

1.  WUHCA decided to abstain from providing feedback to City Council on this issue.

4.  Drug Cop

5.  Stacey – Bus stop vandalized photo

6.  City of Saskatoon event

7.  CISV event

8.  Seniors event

9.  Go Out and Play Challenge – Blue Cross

1.  Motion that WUHCA register for this event (Luc 1st, Bill 2nd), carried.

10.  Leanne's report – Park rentals, community gardens, fall youth grant follow-up, park enhancement grant,

1.  Discussion: Park Enhancement Grant – would washrooms be eligible, or even porta-potty rental for summer or during soccer and ball

8.  City Councilor report – Zach Jeffries

1.  Not present

9.  Community Consultant report – Leanne Schellenberg

1.  Park enhancement grants – Leanne will see if washroom is eligible

2.  WUHCA still has an open Survey Monkey.

1.  WUHCA would like to keep it open for continuous feedback.

3.  Email about pickle ball sent to indoor coordinators.

10.  Treasurer’s report – Luc Gauthier

1.  Bank Balance as of October 31, 2015 is $59,081

2.  Discussed buying GICs at last meeting. Motion we purchase $50,000 cashable GIC (Luc 1st, Andrea 2nd), carried.

3.  Received confirmation from ISC that they have received and filed our 2014/15 financial statements and 2015/16 Board Member listing.

11.  Task Force Leader reports

1.  Vice president – Malvina Rapko

1.  December meeting moved to the 14th, February moved to the 22nd.

2.  Program coordinators

1.  Maggie wants to introduce new program, Thai Chi, instructor prefers weekend, but it is more expensive for us to book space in schools. Will contact local churches or library to see cost of gym rental.

2.  Kristin booked Wednesday, Jan 6, Holy Family Multi-Purpose Room for registration – need to make sure we have registration material ready – will discuss/assign duties at next meeting.

3.  Motion to approve Magnet signs for 2 months advertising registration for up to $1,000 (Luc 1st, Kenelm 2nd), carried.

4.  Gindy will ask school if they would allow us to advertise on their signs.

5.  School liasons will submit write up for school newsletters

6.  Tamara, Maxine – Correspondence on space for programs, the issues with thepartition wall has been resolved.

7.  Tamara – Soccer

1.  problems with coach recruitment and had to issue refunds. Lost one kindersoccer team. Considering reducing late registration fee because it is sometimes a disadvantage when trying to fill teams.

2.  Online registration worked well.

3.  Would like to purchase jerseys for under 8 in the future.

4.  Kindersoccer suggestions from Jennifer:

1.  30 min (vs. 45) per session

2.  shorter season (i.e. 6 weeks)

3.  In response to the complaints on the space we could charge less and have less scheduled sessions.

8.  In response to the complaints on the size of the gym, we could only allow one or two parent volunteers in the gym each week and the other parents would have to wait in the hallway.

9.  Bill – Basketball

1.  Motion to issue cheque to SMBA for $1,950 (Bill 1st, Erica 2nd), carried

3.  Social Coordinator – Jaime

1.  Not present

4.  Membership coordinator – Shawna

1.  Not present

5.  Media coordinators - Stacey Waters

1.  Not present

6.  Rink – Neil Harmon

1.  Not present

7.  School Liasons

1.  Gindy – Shane says we can just remove the construction materials from the storage room. We could also move our equipment in and store the construction materials.

2.  Glenda – Forest Grove – Christmas shopping and baking event.

3.  Holy Family – Jennifer (email) – heating and cooling problem has been solved. Cancelled gym space was just a first year booking hurdle. Rink location was brought up at school board. They suggested to put it in the square. (Note -City has already been determined that it can’t be there) Overcrowding issue was brought up

1.  WUHCA response – it was not an inquiry from us, but a reporter.

12.  New Business

1.  Rink – Glenda met with a City representative and the Holy Family principal to stake out the potential space behind the school. City planner has identified only 2 spots in Willowgrove where an outdoor rink would be possible. Waiting for response on support from Holy Family School before we bring the location to the Catholic School Board. City would move existing trees to the other side of the walking path.

2.  Online Registration – Pic a tic would be an option for indoor programming. Goal Line works well for soccer.

3.  Coffee with a Cop (March). Leanne – Pilot project. This program is aimed to people who don't normally have interactions with police. WUHCA proposes February 22 prior to and during the WUHCA meeting.

13.  Meeting adjourned @ 9:11 pm