Student Government Senate Meeting
Thursday, December 1st, 2016
President: Cal Jimenez
Vice-President: Edward Correa
Treasurer: GeovannyCortorreal
Secretary: Kirshani Gunaratnam
Place: Roosevelt 111
Time: 11:04 am-11:57am
Minute Writer: Kirshani Gunaratnam
- Roll Call
Edward, Kirshani, Megan, Jessica, Rebecca, Messiah, Raymer, Sanjida, Caleb, James, Wagner, Julio
- Finance Committee Updates.
- Almost all clubs have submitted their budget for Spring 2017
- Administrative Updates
- Considerations for Vice-President.
- Self-Nomination- Justin, Messiah, and Shania
- Old Business
- By-Laws, meetings possible change.
- Penalties for unexcused absences.
a)second- Jessica
b)all in favor- 10
- New Business
- Ideas for the Distribution of Movie tickets for spring 2017
- Wagner proposed to sell movie tickets at a discounted price as a promotional gear for SGA. These ticket will be distributed at SGA events.
a)second- Raymer
b)All in favor- 4
c)All opposed- 6
- Edward proposed to give out certain amount of tickets to clubs/organization active during the semester. These club/organizations must give a description of their event in order to receive tickets. These events will be attended by a senator and the tickets will be given accordingly
a)Seconds- Megan
b)All in favor- 6
c)All opposed- 4
- Movie Ticket Committee
a)Rebecca, Sanjida, Julio, James
- Proposed payment plan for E-board and Senators.
- Stipend Amount per semester
E-board………………………………. $1,300.00
Senators……………………………… $800.00
New Senators…………………………Pro Rata (Proportional Rate) - Penalties
a)Every unexcused absence in a meeting, $24 dollars will be deducted from your stipend. Applies to SGA senators.
Every unexcused absence in a meeting, $30 dollars will be deducted from your stipend. Applies to E-board members.
- Compensation
a)Meetings – Past every 30 minute mark will be considered an hour
Office Hours – 1 hour
Tabling – 1 hour
Attending Club events (As a representative of SGA) – 1 hour
Town Hall – 2 hours
- Amendments to the By-laws
- To become members of the Eboard
a) The student shall be a member of the Senate for a minimum of 1 semesters prior to the election. Exception shall be made if no senators were to run for the election. In such case, student leaders from club/organization on campus shall run for senate or Eboard.
(1)Tabled for Spring 2017
- Senate Leader
a) The senate leader shall be responsible for any proposed bylaw and constitutional change regarding SGA.
b)The Senate leader shall work with Senate, organizations etc. to edit/ format their proposed changes to the bylaws. It is the job of the chair to work with said people to detail these changes. Then, the proposal shall be edited and formatted in order to be presented in the senate meeting.
(1)Second- Jessica
(2)All in favor- 10
(3)All opposed- 0
c)The Senate Leader shall present a draft of the agenda that will be discussed in the senate meetings after consultations with the senators and executive boards at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. Such agenda shall be approved and edited by the chair of the senate.
(1)Second- Messiah
(2)All in Favor- 10
(3)All opposed- 0
- Attendance
a)Senate meetings shall be mandatory for all senators.
b)Senators may miss up to two meetings per semester provided that they have been granted approval to be excused by the chair of senate.
c)After two unexcused absences in a given semester, the senator shall be replaced through an appointment process through senate.
d)Such an election is subject to approval by the Committee on Elections and Appointments.
e)Excused absences are to be decided at the discretion of the chair of the senate.
f)Emergency situations will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
(1)Second- Megan
(2)All in Favor-10
- Open Floor (Suggested topics to discuss if time allows)
- Activities for students over 25 years old.
- Paint and Sip
- Cooking Class
- Wagner is in process of developing an online petitions system which will allow students to come forth with their issues. In addition, it will allow SGA to know what requires immediate attention.
- Announcements
- SGA Training conference
- January 28th-29th, 2017
- All SGA members are required to attend
- Adjournment