Minutes of WEVS meeting Monday 21st February 2007
Attended: Graham Alleway, Marc Bedwell, Stuart Cazaly, Pete Jones, Yvette Jones, Savitri Kegge, Jeff Llewelyn, Duncan Peebles, Vanessa Perry, Robin Short,
Geoff Walker, S Curr, Jill Catley, Guy Constadine, Ken Wreatham, Ian Cameron, Bob Griffin, Naomi Wolf, Nicholas Wolf, Angela Llewellyn, Sheila Cherryman, Anita Benfield, Stella Pasley, Adrienne Peebles, Linda Sadler, Jack Kegge,
1 Apologies
Mary Adler, John Smith.
2 Minutes from previous Annual General Meeting (9th February 2006)
Were agreed. There were no matters arising. It was suggested that minutes could be e-mailed to members before the next AGM to provide more time. As a result it was requested that e-mail addresses be left, currently very few members e-mail addresses are held.
3 Chairman’s report –Mark Bedwell
Six committee meetings have been held since the last AGM. The main thrust, apart from progressing members concerns was to set direction, raise profile of Society, get involved in village life, clubs, sports, events and publicise activities. This has been achieved with WEVS newsletters, posters and presence at several events. The priority for the coming year is to develop the website and use this to identify clubs, activities and opportunities in the village.
4 Vice Chairman’s statement and issues summary –Graham Alleway
Graham confirmed he would be stepping down as Vice Chairman but remaining as a committee member. There have been many compliments for the improved newsletter. Current status of major issues:
- Kings Road Housing Development –Rejected by SHBC, however builders have launched appeal.
- Benner Lane traffic calming –Parish Council can now implement speed reductions
- Ditch maintenance and flood prevention –Continued lobbying of Parish and Borough Councils to alleviate the risk of flash floods.
- Lucas Green industrial expansion and heavy goods traffic dangers –continued lobbying of Parish and Borough Councils to address road safety and inappropriate industrial expansion.
- Brentmooor traffic lights right hand turn protocol –County Council reviewing best option to implement.
- West End Parish Warden –Proposal to appoint withdrawn by Parish Council
- West End clock on Tringham Hall –Protective cover has been made and expect to be fitted by end of February.
- Herne Cottage housing development –Rejected by Surrey Heath Borough Council
- Garden refuse collection –SHBC proposals challenged, purchasable green waste sacks to remain available and low cost composters.
- Jubilee and Canadian War memorial trees near Post Office –Tree specialist will report on condition and restoration action.
- Planning application for BP connect site redevelopment –Planning inspectorate dismissed BP appeal.
New issues raised or added from ‘the floor’
- Road surface of Lucas Green road in poor condition with curbstones dangerously upturned
- Additional 128 prisoner spaces have been applied for at the prison
- Idea to include web link to ‘highways’ in the next newsletter ACTION SIVITRI KEGGE
- Speed limit around Benner Lane when tested gave result of average 25mph. The spot check was thought to be placed on the corner, therefore not representative of whole Lane. ACTION STUART CAZALY to check with Police where speed gun positioned
- It was suggested residents of Benner Lane should be consulted with respect to what type of traffic calming would be preferable.
- Delay in permanent road arrangement of Church Road is due to ‘lack of funds’
5 Treasurers report (Robin Short)
Interim figures 5th Jan 07: balance £1430.33. Income is from subscriptions which amount to between £1100 and 1200 annually and WEVS stalls at summer fair and other local events. Expenditure is mainly for newsletter plus small donations to local charitable events, e.g. Surrey Wildlife Trust for pond near Martyns tyres, local garden project, Webcare.
6 Membership secretaries report (Stuart Cazaly)
26 distributors and 2 reserves.
Approximately 646 members. This number remains reasonably stable although members come and go. This represents approximately one third of village households being Society members.
If anyone would like to put their names forward to become a distributor or reserve please let Stuart know
7 Communications team report (Pete Jones)
Monthly posters have been placed on notice boards and local shops including update on local issues and things that were happening that month. If anyone would like anything included please contact Pete or a committee member. Feedback was also sought.
It was suggested that an article in the Parish magazine and the local paper might highlight WEVS activities ACTION PETE JONES
Only 19 e-mail copies of the newsletter are currently being sent, despite this suggestion being in every newsletter. It was suggested there was a drive to collect e-mail addresses of members.
8 Election of officers:
Officers were nominated and seconded en block. The only change to committee is that of Duncan Peebles to take on Vice Chair. Secretary position remains unfilled and resignation from committee of John Smith for personal reasons. Minutes to be taken by committee on a rolling basis. The vote was nominated by Stuart Cazaly and seconded by Geoff Llewellyn
9 Review/Agree subscriptions
Currently subscriptions are £50 for life membership, £2 per household and £1.50 for OAP. A proposed increase of £2 to £3 was carried by a majority vote. This will take effect from September 2007. No change to life or OAP subscription.
10 AOB
Ken Wreatham thanked the committee for the work carried out.
Marc Bedwell added his thanks for support provided by his committee and members.
A vote was taken to agree a change of accounting year to run January to December to better fit with AGM date. This was carried.
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