Year 5- Homework
Topic- Is there anyone out there?
Each week choose a piece of homework from a new box
Thinking skill / TaskRemember
Factual answers, recall and recognition /
- Create a timeline to show the history of space travel.
- Create a new mnemonic that will help others in the class remember the names of the planets and their order from the sun.
- Produce a fact file on a famous astronaut/cosmonaut.
understand /
- Find out facts about the space missions – What was the first reature sent into space? Who was the first astronaut? Who was the first man on the moon? What other interesting facts can you find?
- Draw a detailed map of the Moon’s surface – find out the names of the seas and lakes, as well as the names of the craters. What is the dark side of the moon?
- Make a fact sheet about asteroids. What do they look like? Are they dangerous?
Using different information gained in different situations /
- Write a diary as Neil Armstrong or Buzz Aldrin after they had landed on the moon.
- Keep a sky at night journal for a whole week. Write about everything you can see in the sky. You could draw a picture of the moon every night. Does it change over the course of the week?
- Imagine you have been chosen to go on a space mission. Draw 8 useful things you would take with you and explain why you should be allowed to take them in a sentence below each picture.
Break into parts to examine more closely /
- Write a biography ofValentina Tereshkova, the first woman in space.
- Choose two planets and compare them.
- Compare the different types of stars.
Combine information to create new products and ideas /
- Make a 3D model rocket with a parachute to aid re-entry.
- Use scrap paper, foil, sweet wrappers etc to create your own space collage.
- Make a space mobile you could hang in the classroom.
- Make an acrostic for one of the planets.
Judge, use criteria, rank substantiate. /
- Create an advertisement to entice people to travel to outer space highlighting the things they would see.
- Become a news reporter and write a report about the first moon landing.
- What five questions would you like to ask an astronaut?