Les Clefs d’Or Foundationof the Americas

Grant Application

Grant Eligibility Requirements

Active ConciergeApplicant term is defined as Concierge having held full time concierge position for a minimum tenure of twelve (12) consecutive months. Concierge working a minimum of 32 hours a week within United States, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil as a hotel concierge.Concierge Applicant has to have been employed full time within the last six months.Any professional or social affiliate member of the Les Clefs d’Or USA of the Americas, in good standing, as well as an immediate family member and/or significant other of the above defined member categoriesis also eligible.

Grant ApplicationSubmitted Date Month/Date/Year:______/______/______

Concierge’s Name: (Last) ______, (First) ______(Middle)______

Social Security or Federal Identification Number: ______

Home Address: ______

Email: ______Personal Tel: ______Work: ______

List Contact In Case of emergency: Name: ______Contact Nr: ______

How long have you been employed as a concierge? Years: ______Months______

Name Your Hotel Employer & Contact Nr: ______

Are you still working full time at this hotel: Yes______No ______

If No, how many months has it been since you worked there on a full timebasis:______

If the above criteria cannot be completely fulfilled by the applicant, please explain: ______

Is this Grant Application for you: ______Your Spouse: ______Significant other: ______

Dependent Child: ______Parent:______

Full Name of the Applicant: ______Relationship ______

State Your Reason for the Grant Request:


I attest that the above information is complete, correct, and true.

Applicant’s Signature______Date: ______


Note: The completed Financial Information Application and a Statementof Diagnosis from the attending physician with his/her name, address, and signature of physician, must be enclosed/submitted with the completed Application.Signature above authorizes Les Clef d’Or Foundation of the Americas Board to participate in needed information exchange with the designated parties above with the intent of assisting

the Foundation in making eligibility determinations. These benefits are available to all qualified applicants regardless of race, creed, religion, national origin or sexual orientation.

Submit your Application to the LCD Foundation of AmericasChairs, below:

Olga S. Pierce, ChairGinny Thomason, Chair

Email: ospierce&conciergeunlimited.comEmail:
Mail: c/o Concierge Unlimited International5920 Bond Court, Alexandria, V22315
20 N. Wacker Drive, Ste. 1730 Chicago, IL 60606Tel: 703-971-5272

By 24hr Fax: 312-220-0525 Tel: 312-220-0500



Checking Account: $______$______

Savings Account:$______$______


Stocks/Bonds $______$______

Business Assets:$______$______

LIFE INSURANCE$______$______

Cash Value: $______$______

TOTAL: $______$______


Mortgage:$______Assessment $ ______

Rent:$______Bank Loans:$ ______

Transportation: (Gas, tolls, fares)$______Car Payments$______

Day Care: (children, senior, disabled) $______Child/Spousal Support (owed):$______


Medical Bills in Collection:

To WhomInitial TotalBalance DueMonthly Payments


Outstanding Medical Bills:

To WhomInitial TotalBalance DueMonthly Payments


Projected Medical Expenses:

To WhomInitial TotalBalance DueMonthly Payments


Additional Monthly Expenses:

To WhomInitial TotalBalance DueMonthly Payments

1) ______$______$______$______

Unexpected Expenses:

To WhomInitial TotalBalance DueMonthly Payments

1) ______$______$______$______


I attest that the above information is complete, correct, and true.

Applicant’s Signature______Date:______