[DRAFT] Summary of Actions from the Board meetingon 28 June 2017
Relevant Item / Action / ResponsibilityActions held over from previous meetings on 26 April and 24 May 2017
BOD 60/17(h)
BOD 21/17 (b)
BOD 32/17(b) / Strategic Partnerships Report
Future reporting to include more evaluation of whether progress achieved was as expected. Development pending completion of substantial reworking of all performance reporting due in the new financial year 2017/18.
As reporting developed: the relative scale of the partnerships to be set out as these were quite diverse and some had more long term strategic objectives than others; consideration be given as to the governance and management arrangements in place to deliver on the partnerships; the amount of funding involved to be included; the amount of relative risk to the Trust to be included.
Status: in progress – action from February 2017 was pending reworking of performance reporting (as presented to the Board meeting on 26 April 2017 in a new format) and next scheduled strategic partnership updates to the Board (September and November 2017). / DH/MW/KR
BOD 62/17(l) / Proposed new structure for Operations
To bring back for further review by the Board in the future so the Board have an opportunity to review and input into the development of the new structure.
Status: on hold – to keep on the Summary of Actions until completed / DH
BOD 82/17(l) / Finance committees’ oversight of FY18 Oxfordshire contract
To follow-up/provide an update on the meeting which was to take place between the Chair of the Trust’s Finance and Investment Committee and the chair of the finance committee at OUH.
Status: tbc in meeting / CHt
Actions from the meeting on 28 June 2017
BOD 100/17(a) / Minutes of the Meeting held on 24 May 2017
Amend to include references to the importance of the Trust ensuring that it delivered on those mitigation plans/activities which it was responsible for.
Status: complete / HS
BOD 100/17(b) / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) service
To provide an update on determining the pathway of care for CFS/ME (for follow-up in a few months’ time after June 2017).
Status:on hold for update in Q3. / DH
BOD 100/17(e) / Strategic Partnerships update
To provide an update to the Board Seminar on 12 July 2017.
Status: complete / KR
BOD 103/17(b) / ICareYouCare leaflet
To be circulated to the Board after the meeting and made available on the website as part of the Board packs.
Status: complete– 28/06/17 / DH/HS
BOD 103/17(d) / Board Strategic session
To revisit the strategy for the Trust and consider how more recent developments such as the Centre for Quality Improvement and the School of Nursing and Midwifery informed it. To also consider the skills and capabilities necessary to support the Trust in its future strategic development.
Status:planning in progress; and see agenda item 19. / MGH/KR
BOD 103/17(f) / Stonewall ranking and Equality & Diversity
Board Seminar to consider equality and diversity further.
Status: in progress - item scheduled for the Board Seminar on 13 September 2017 on Stonewall findings and LGBT equality and inclusion. / HS
BOD 103/17(h) / Finance reporting
To develop more integrated financial reporting including more information on new business and opportunities as well as performance against year to date. To provide a clear overall picture of where the Trust had got to, how well it was doing and what the plans were for delivery of further CIP schemes.
Status: in progress – extended Finance item on the agenda for the private Board meeting. / MME
BOD 103/17/(j) / Chief Operating Officer’s Report
To redraft and update in relation to the procurement of McKinsey to lead on future RTT improvement work.
Status: complete – 28/06/17 / DH
BOD 104/17(c) / Out of Hours (OOH) service
Update to be provided from the new Interim Associate Director of Service Improvement to the Board Seminar on 12 July 2017
Status: complete / DH
BOD106/17(c) / Inquests and Quality Committee
Quality Committee to receive reporting on the two inquests where the Trust had received Regulation 28/Preventing Future Deaths reports from the Coroner.
Status: complete – Quality Committee meeting on 12 July 2017. / RA
BOD 107/17(c) / Recruitment and housing support
To consider housing or accommodation support which could be offered to support relocation.
Status:tbc in meeting. / TB/MME
BOD 109/17(c) / Workforce themes for Executive discussion
The following key workforce themes to be subject to more in-depth Executive discussion:
- the pace of change and development of the staff bank and workforce management system;
- streamlining the recruitment process;
- housing availability and costs;
- recruitment opportunities in other parts of the country;
- the pace of change of the Trust’s approach to recruitment and actions to address underlying issues; and
- stress management, especially following a meeting which was scheduled to take place with Trade Unions and which would consider the impact of workload, case load and work design.