Action Plan – Editing Your Brand Story
Your Company Name/Title______
Date: ______
Use this Action Plan to zero in on your Brand Story for the greatest relevance to your ideal, paying audience.
- Your biggest epiphany concerning your brand has been:
- List up to 8 things you have in common with your ideal visitor
- List three things you are doing/did differently than your visitors.
- What secret have you learned that you most want to share?
- If your ideal visitor had to describe you physically and psychologically, what would he or she say?
(Imagine you are that visitor and look at yourself objectively: The more critical and spontaneous you allow yourself to be, the better you’ll gain an accurate picture of how you appear.)
- What can you take out of this story, to strip it down to one strong theme? Which of your favorite things to talk about aren’t really relevant to your brand story and your ideal client?
- “My biggest weakness, when writing, is…”
- Write your brand story, as directly and plainly as possible. Summarize it!
- Your top 2-3 keywords, gleaned from your own story, are:
- Get a real-life Reality Check. Share your brand story online in whatever platform or media feels comfortable, and observe and analyze the responses, to see if you are on target.
Practical Exercise – Create Credibility by Aligning your Story with your Purpose
Your Company Name/Title______
Date: ______
It is easy to analyze other entrepreneurs and see what they are doing wrong, and where they are losing credibility: It’s much harder to do the same for ourselves and our businesses. Complete the following exercises to help eliminate your own “blind spots”—and build your credibility.
Determine how you can effectively join in the conversation going on between the most passionate members of ideal client base.
Finally, make sure that you don’t get carried away by ideas or courses of action that do not align themselves with your brand story and promise, or with your own values and needs. Stay true to your mission!