Undergraduate: Yale College, A.B., 1966; University of Munich, 1963-1964 (no degree); Bates Traveling Fellowship (Yale College), Summer, 1965 (travel & study in Germany).
Law School: Harvard Law School, J.D., 1969; Harvard Law School, LL.M., 1972.
Post-Graduate: Fellow in Law & Humanities, Harvard University, 1976-1977; Visiting Scholar at Harvard Law School, Spring 1980 & 1981-1982.
Visiting Professor of Law, Harvard Law School, Spring Semester, 2002.
Huber Distinguished Visiting Professor, Boston College Law School, Fall Semester, 1989.
Visiting Member, Oxford University Law Faculty, May & June (Trinity Term), 1988.
Distinguished Visitor, Faculty of Law, Queen's University of Belfast Northern Ireland, March 8-12, 1987.
Senior Max Rheinstein Fellow (Alexander von Humboldt Forschungsstipendiat) & "Guest Professor," Institut für Rechtsphilosophie u. Rechtsinformatik, University of Munich, 1983-1984.
Temporary Member, Senior Common Room, University College, Oxford, November (Michaelmas Term), 1984.
Editor (with others), Law, Probability and Risk: A Journal of Reasoning under Uncertainty (Main editor, Colin Aitken; Oxford University Press; 2002 - present).
Member, Editorial Board, International Commentary on Evidence
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of the Forensic Institute
Occasional Peer Reviewer, National Science Foundation.
Occasional Peer Reviewer, Oxford University Press.
Member, International Advisory Group, Statistics and Law Working Group, Royal Statistical Society [U.K.]
Member & Organizer, network Quantitative Justice and Fairness (QJustice)
Court-appointed expert witness in United States v. Shonubi, U.S. District Ct. E.D.N.Y. (Weinstein, J.), 1994-1995. See Report
Director, International Seminar on Evidence in Litigation, Jacob Burns Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, Cardozo School of Law, 1986-1995.
Chair, Evidence Section, Association of American Law Schools, 1991; Secretary, 1989; Member, Executive Committee, Evidence Section, Association of American Law Schools, 1992; Program Chair, Evidence Section, Annual Convention of Association of American Law Schools, January 5, 1992.
Principal Consultant, NSF Grant Nos. SES 8704377 and 9007693 to George Mason University, "Marshalling of Evidence and the Structuring of Argument." Initial grant, 1986-1989; grant renewal, 1989-1992.
This was a joint research project with David Schum.
Member, Council on International Affairs, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, 1993-1996.
Executive Director, Baltic Legal Center, Inc.
- This organization is now dormant. The general purpose of the Center was to promote law reform efforts in the Baltic countries.
Delegate of the Republic of Latvia to the Sixth Committee, UN General Assembly, 48th Session. (I served as an unpaid legal adviser.)
Vice President, New York Chapter of the Alexander von Humboldt Association of America, 1995 - 1998(?).
1 & 1A Wigmore on Evidence (P. Tillers rev. 1983), reviewed, 70 American Bar Association Journal 90 (1984), 48 Modern Law Review 601 (1985) & [1987] Criminal Law Review 69.
P. Tillers, Modern Theories of Relevancy (1983) (Little, Brown & Co. reprint).
P. Tillers, "Mapping Inferential Domains," 66 Boston University Law Review 883 (1986) (republished in Tillers & Green, Probability and Inference, infra).
P. Tillers, "Introduction to Symposium on Probability and Inference in the Law of Evidence," 66 Boston University Law Review 381 (1986).
P. Tillers & D. Schum, "Charting New Territory in Judicial Proof: Beyond Wigmore," 9 Cardozo Law Review 907 (1988).
P. Tillers & E. Green, eds., Probability and Inference in the Law of Evidence: The Uses and Limits of Bayesianism (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988, now under imprint of Springer Verlag) (vol. 109 in series Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science).
P. Tillers, Correspondence: "Prejudice, Politics, and Proof," 86 Michigan Law Review 768 (1988).
P. Tillers, "The Value of Evidence in Law," 39 Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 167 (1988) (invited paper).
P. Tillers, "Webs of Things in the Mind: A New Science of Evidence," (review essay), 87 Michigan Law Review 1225 (1989).
P. Tillers & D. Schum, "A Theory of Preliminary Fact Investigation," 24 University of California at Davis Law Review 931 (1991) (invited paper).
- draft version of paper, without footnotes
D. Schum & P. Tillers, "Marshalling Evidence in Adversary Litigation," 13 Cardozo Law Review 657 (1991).
P. Tillers, "Decision and Inference" (preface), 13 Cardozo Law Review 253 (1991).
P. Tillers & D. Schum, "Hearsay Logic," 76 Minnesota Law Review 813 (1992) (invited paper).
P. Tillers, "A Curious Document Recently Discovered in the Archives," 14 Cardozo Law Review 149 (1992).
P. Tillers, "Intellectual History, Probability, and the Law of Evidence" (review essay), 91 Michigan Law Review 1465 (1993).
P. Tillers, "Exaggerated and Misleading Reports of the Death of Conditional Relevance," 93 Michigan Law Review 478 (1994).
P. Tillers, "Introduction: Three Original Contributions to Three Important Problems in the Law of Evidence" [special Evidence issue], 18 Cardozo Law Review 1875 (1997) (four papers were submitted).
- A Statistical Oddity: United States v. Shonubi
P. Tillers & D. Schum, "A Theory of Preliminary Fact Investigation," in The Philosophy of Legal Reasoning: Scientific Models of Legal Reasoning (Scott Brewer & Robert Nozick, eds., Garland, 1998).
P. Tillers, "What Is Wrong with Character Evidence?," 49 Hastings Law Journal 781 (1998).
- lightly-footnoted draft version of this paper
P. Tillers, "Introduction: A Personal Perspective on 'Artificial Intelligence and Judicial Proof,'" (with appendices), Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Judicial Proof, 22 Cardozo L. Rev. 1365 (July, 2001), reprinted sub nom. "Making Sense of the Process of Proof in Litigation" in The Dynamics of Judicial Proof, infra.
M. MacCrimmon & P. Tillers, eds., The Dynamics of Judicial Proof: Computation, Logic, and Common Sense (Physica- & Springer-Verlag, 2002) (vol. 94 in series Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Janusz Kacprzyk, editor).
- Table of contents (pdf)
C. Aitken, M. Redmayne, F. Taroni & P. Tillers, "Law, Probability and Risk," 1 Law, Probability and Risk 1 (Oxford University Press, 2002).
P. Tillers, "Introduction" [to four reviews of R. Posner, Breaking the Deadlock], 1 Law, Probability and Risk 49 (Oxford University Press, 2002).
P. Tillers & E. Green, eds., A. Mura, trans., L'Inferenza nel diritto probabilistica nel diritto delle prove: Usi e limiti del bayesianesimo (Giuffrè editore, 2003) (translation of Probability and Inference in the Law of Evidence, supra).
P. Tillers, "Picturing Factual Inference in Legal Settings," in Gerechtigkeitswissenschaft (B. Schünemann, M.-Th. Tinnefeld & R. Wittmann, eds.; Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2005) (online preprint sans references available at
P. Tillers, "If Wishes Were Horses: Discursive Comments on Attempts to Prevent Individuals from Being Unfairly Burdened by their Reference Classes," 4 Law, Probability and Risk 33 (2005).
P. Tillers, "Legal History for a Dummy: A Comment on the Role of History in Judicial Interpretation of the Confrontation Clause," 71 Brooklyn Law Review 235 (2005).
P. Tillers, "The Death of a Youth and of a Drunkard: A Remarkable Story of Habit and Character in New Jersey," in Richard Lempert, ed., Evidence Stories (Foundation Press, 2006).
P.Tillers & J. Gottfried, "United States v. Copeland: A Collateral Attack on the Legal Maxim that Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt Is Unquantifiable?," 5 Law, Probability and Risk 135 (Oxford University Press, 2006).
P. Tillers, guest editor, Special Issue on Graphic and Visual Representations of Evidence and Inference in Legal Settings, 6 Law, Probability and Risk Nos. 1-4 (Oxford University Press, 2007).
P. Tillers, "Introduction: Visualizing Evidence and Inference in Legal Settings," 6 Law, Probability and Risk Nos. 1-4 (Oxford University Press, 2007).
P. Tillers, "Representando la inferencia de hechos en el ámbito juridíco," 30 Doxa 383 (Igor Yáñez Velasco, trans., 2007) (translation of "Picturing Inference in Legal Settings," supra).
P. Tillers, "Introduction of William Twining," 38 Seton Hall L. Rev. 871 (2008).
J. Jackson, M. Langer & P. Tillers, eds., Crime, Procedure, and Evidence in a Comparative and International Context (Hart Publishing, 2008).
P. Tillers, "Are There Universal Principles or Forms of Evidential Inference?," in Crime, Procedure, and Evidence in a Comparative and International Context, supra (2008).
P. Tillers, ed., Evidence Module of Spindle Law (draft released, Nov. 16, 2009).
P. Tillers (with many others), Bayes Wars Redivivus — An Exchange 8 International Commentary on Evidence 1 (2010).
P. Tillers, "The Logic and the Structure of Proof in Trials" (discussion paper), 10 Law, Probability and Risk 1 (2011).
P. Tillers, "Trial by Mathematics - Reconsidered," -- Law, Probability and Risk (forthcoming 2011).
Major work in progress: P. Tillers & Joannes Pilapil, The Structure of Proof in Modern American Trials (Aspen Publishers) (for multivolume set The New Wigmore).
MarshalPlan 4.0
Professor of Law, Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University, 1986-present; Associate Professor, New England Law School, 1981-1986; Visiting Associate Professor, University of Colorado Law School, 1980-1981 & Summer 1981; Associate Professor, Rutgers/Camden Law School, 1977-1978; Visiting Associate Professor, Boston College Law School, 1975-1976; Assistant & Associate Professor, University of Puget Sound School of Law (now Seattle University School of Law), 1972-1977.
Law practice twice, once in Los Angeles (1969-1970) and once in San Antonio, Texas (1978-1980); in both instances primarily in litigation.
Recent courses: Basic Evidence, Advanced Evidence, Fact Investigation, Theories of Evidence.
Earlier courses: Philosophy of Law, Jurisprudence, seminars on Kant & Hegel, Criminal Law, Civil Procedure, Criminal Procedure.
Languages: German and Latvian.
Naturalized citizen, born in Riga, Latvia.
Panelist, Conference on Crawford, Brooklyn Law School, November 11, 2011.
Chair (with Giovanni Sartor), Member of Program Committee & Panelist, Workshop on AI & Evidential Inference, in Conjunction with ICAIL 2011, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 10, 2011.
Panelist, Co-Organizer & Member of Program Committee, Conference on Quantitative Aspects of Justice and Fairness: Proportionality and Justice, European University Instute, Florence, Italy, Feb. 25-26, 2011.
Moderator (with Dan Kahan), Evidence Panel, Conference in Honor of Mirjan Damaska, Yale Law School, Oct. 31 - Nov. 1, 2008.
Introduction of William L. Twining for AALS Evidence Section's Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Law of Evidence and the Process of Proof, New York City, January 5, 2008.
Lecture, "Are There Universal Principles or Forms of Evidential Inference?," Plenary Session on "Unity and Diversity," Conference on "Enquiry, Evidence, and Facts," British Academy, December 13-14, 2007 (co-sponsored by the British Academy and the Leverhulme/ESRC programmes on Evidence at University College London and the London School of Economics).
Chair, Conference on "Graphic and Visual Representations of Evidence and Inference in Legal Settings," Cardozo School of Law, January 28-29, 2007.
Talk, "Quantification of Reasonable Doubt," Evidence Colloquium, Brooklyn Law School, November 21, 2006.
Panelist, "Legal History for a Dummy: A Comment on the Role of History in Judicial Interpretation of the Confrontation Clause," Conference on "Crawford and Beyond: Exploring the Future of the Confrontation Clause in Light of Its Past," Brooklyn Law School, February 18, 2005.
Lecture, "Picturing Inference in Legal Settings," at Sichuan University, People's Republic of China, April 6, 2004.
Lectures, "Probability and Uncertainty in Law," at the International Summer School, University of Konstanz, July 27 - August 2, 2003.
Chair & Panelist, Conference on Inference, Culture, and Ordinary Thinking in Dispute Resolution, Cardozo School of Law, New York City, April 27-29, 2003.
Panelist, AALS Evidence Conference, June 1-4, 2002.
Panelist & Member of Workshop Organizing Committee, Workshop on AI & Legal Evidence, Eighth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL-2001), St. Louis, Missouri, May 25, 2001.
Panelist, Workshop on Science, Evidence, and Inference in Education , National Research Council (Center for Education) & National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., March 8, 2001.
Speaker, "The Architecture of Reasoning about Facts in Legal Proceedings," University of British Columbia Faculty of Law, sponsored by Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, September 8, 2000.
Co-Chair (with Marilyn MacCrimmon), Symposium on Artificial Intelligence & Judicial Proof: The Dynamics of Forensic Investigation & Proof, Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University, New York City, April 30, 2000.
Member of Scientific Committee & Organizer of Program on Artificial Intelligence and Judicial Proof, Second World Conference on New Trends in Criminal Investigation and Evidence, Amsterdam, December 10-15, 1999.
Participant, 1999 Workshop on Inference for Decision Making in Dynamic and Uncertain Environments (WIDM '99), September 30 & October 1, 1999, Arlington, Virginia, sponsored by Information Systems Office (ISO) of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) & hosted by Information Extraction and Transport, Inc. (IET). See
Panelist, "Is Proof in Litigation Predictable?", International Conference on Law, Technology, and Information, Tel Aviv University, May 13-18, 1999.
Speaker, "Is Systematic Decision Making about Proof in Litigation Possible?", Decision Analysis Colloquium, Decisions and Ethics Center, Stanford University, April 22, 1999.
Panelist, "What Is Wrong with Character Evidence?", Hastings Evidence Conference, San Francisco, California, September 25-27, 1997. See
Participant, Workshop on "Using Data and Quantitative Analysis to Obtain Evidence for International Criminal Tribunals," Center for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University, April 12, 1997.
Lecture (with Kenneth Auerbach & David Schum), "A Computer-Aided Approach to Pretrial Discovery and Fact Investigation," Cardozo School of Law, March 17, 1997.
Talk on Investigation, Graduate Seminar hosted by Professor Glenn Shafer, Department of Accounting and Information Systems, Faculty of Management, Rutgers University, April 4, 1996.
Lecture, "Entdeckung und Beweis" ("Discovery and Proof"), Institut für Rechtsphilosophie und Rechtsinformatik, University of Munich, December 7, 1995.
International Committee of Recommendation, Lecturer & Panelist, STAR Congress on New Trends in Criminal Investigation and Evidence, sponsored by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Hague, Netherlands, December 1-5, 1995.
Lecture, "The Fabrication of Facts in Investigation and Proof: Some Possible Relationships between Investigation and Proof," Honors Seminar sponsored by All Souls College & Oxford University Law Faculty, May 9, 1995.
Participant, Roundtable on Developments in United Nations Peacekeeping, Council on Foreign Relations, May 6, 1994.
Organizer & Moderator, Debate on Human Rights in the Baltic States and the Russian Federation, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, March 29, 1994.
Participant, Program on Justice in Action/Justice as Text, Law & Society Association, Chicago, Illinois, May 28, 1993.
Organizer, Moderator & Panelist, International Conference on Judicial Systems and Civil and Criminal Procedure, Riga, Latvia, May 28-June 2, 1992.
Lecture (with David Schum), "Hearsay Logic," Conference on Hearsay, University of Minnesota Law School, September 6-7, 1991.
Organizer, Chairman & Panelist, Cardozo Conference on Decision and Inference in Litigation, Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University, March 24-26, 1991.
Lecture (with David Schum), "Marshalling Evidence in Adversary Litigation," Cardozo Conference on Decision and Inference in Litigation, March 24, 1991 (see directly above).
Reply to William Twining, Cardozo Conference on Decision and Inference in Litigation, March 24, 1991 (see above).
Comment on Talk by Reid Hastie, Annual Evidence Section Meeting, Association of American Law Schools, January 6, 1991.
Invited Speaker, Conference on Classification in Law, Boston University School of Law, December 7, 1990.
Lecture, "American Adversary Procedure as a Model for Reform of Latvian Procedure," First World Congress of Latvian Jurists, Riga, Latvia, October 8-13, 1990.
Faculty Seminar (with David Schum), George Mason University School of Law, October 2, 1990.
Opening Address, "Jury Persuasion," Massachusetts Advanced Trial Advocacy Institute, August 5, 1990.
Lecture (with D. Schum), "Imaginative Inquiry," International Conference on Forensic Statistics, sponsored by the Royal Statistical Society & the University of Edinburgh (Scotland), April 2, 1990.
Evidence Workshop (with David Schum), "Fact Investigation," Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University, January 25, 1990.
Faculty Seminar, "Ordinary Inference and Theoretical Art," Boston College Law School, October 27, 1989.
Lecture, "A New Science of Evidence," University of Southern California 28th Annual Bayes Conference, February 15-17, 1989. Lecture, "Stories & the Opening Statement," Massachusetts Advanced Trial Advocacy Institute, August 8, 1988.
Talk (with David Schum), "Proof & Investigation," Oxford University Law Faculty Seminar, May 30, 1988.
Lecture, "The Logic of Proof," University College London, June 11, 1988.
Lecture, "Charting Judicial Proof," Flaschner Judicial Institute, May 12, 1988.
Faculty Seminar, "The Logic of Fact Investigation," University of Southern California Law Center, April 12, 1988.
Panelist, Symposium on Hegel and Legal Theory, Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University, March 1988.
Public Lecture, "The Value of Evidence in Law" & Law Faculty Seminar on the relations between three types of uncertainty in litigation, The Queen's University of Belfast, Northern Ireland, March 8-12, 1987.
Chair (with E. Green), Moderator, and Panelist, Boston University School of Law Symposium on Probability and Inference in the Law of Evidence, April 4-6, 1986.
Faculty Seminar, "Hegel and Inferential Theory," University of Miami Law School, April 1985.
Oxford University Honors Seminar (with A. Zuckerman), "Probabilities in the Law of Evidence," November 1984.
Lecture, "Hegel and Legal Theory," Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, London, July 1984.
Lecture, "Probability and Inference," University of Edinburgh, May 1984.
Faculty lecture, "Rethinking Relevancy," University College London, May 1984.