Equality Impact Assessments – Screening Questionnaire (Is an EIA required?)

Title: / Data Protection Policy
Version: / 1.0
Owner: / Neil Webster
Date sent to the Equalities Group:
1.1 Policy, Practice, Functions or Service being assessed and why are you writing the Policy/Proceedure/Stategy etc / Please state policy, procedure or service being assessed and why it will help serve members of the public (please also input onto the front cover)

The EBC Data Protection policy was approved by Council Executive in July 2005. It sets out the Council’s policy regarding Data protection and is written using the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998. The policy is being assessed as part of its scheduled review that coincides with a Data Protection Audit due to take place across the Council during 2012. An EIA was not carried out at the time of publication and the review period has given opportunity for the Policy to now be EIA screened.

1.2 Lead Officer / Please state name and contact detail of lead officer who will be conducting the review

The Data Protection Policy is owned by the ICT Manager. However, the policy review is being conducted by the Facility and Administration Manager on behalf of the ICT Manager as part of a wider review during 2012 of both this policy and those associated with information management.

1.3What do you think are the main issues relating to diversity within your policy or service area? / It is suggested that it would be helpful for those who carry out the assessment to begin by offering an initial view of what they think are the main issues relating to diversity for the policy or service being assessed. This can then help shape the questions that will form the basis of the assessment and ensure that the assessments are tailored to the specifics of the service, rather than just working through a set of standard questions.
Some things you may wish to consider.
  • How do you think that your policy or service currently meets the needs of different communities in Erewash?
  • Do you think that your policy/service specifically contributes to promoting Equality and Diversity in Erewash, if so, in what way?
  • Do you think that your policy or service presents any barriers to any community or group? If so please provide evidence.
  • How can your service or policy tackle these barriers ((gender, disability and race at least) age, religion/faith and sexuality))
  • Are there any equality objectives that are on-going or planned for the future? If so please state. (These could be included in your Equality Action Plans (Stage 3)
  • Please list our proposed equality objectives, at this stage, if any?

Initial assessment of the policy would indicate that a full EIA is not required at this stage.

The Council fully supports the objectives of the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Policy is intended to maintain the confidentiality of personal data held or processed either on computer or in manual files and to increase the access given to individuals to information relating to them. Development of the Policy was not undertaken with input or consultation from communities, staff or members and partners as the Council has a number of legal obligations to protect personal information through procedures and compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998 which are not optional or open for debate.

The Data Protection Policy does not present any barriers to any community or group. The Policy does not provide delivery of specific services and as such the conclusion is that it does not require either a partial or full impact assessment.

1. Is the policy, procedure or practice linked directly to providing services to customer’s or users? / NO
2. Is there any element of personal judgement by an officer involved in the delivery or implementation of the policy or procedure? / NO
3. If so could one group of people benefit favourably over another? / NO
4. If so could certain groups of people find access to the service difficult or have reduced / NO

If the answer any of the last four questions is yes then you have a statutory duty to complete a full Equality Impact Assessment.

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