Welcome Back!!
January 4, 2016
Lessons covered: Week of Dec. 14, 2015
Language Arts
“The Science of Snowflakes” “Honey Bees”
Genre: non-Fiction
Strategy: summary, noting details, text features
Writing: informative (written and google slides)
Topic 5 Multiplication Facts: Using Patterns
5-6 Multiplying by multiples of 10
5-7 2 question problems
Topic 5 test
-THANK YOU SO MUCH FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEARTfor all the gift cards. Your kindness and generosity are much appreciated!!
~ Special thanks to Snigdha and Brina’s mom and all the parents who came and helped with the Poetry and Pizza Party. After listening to the children recite their poems, I’m inspired to have a Poem and PIZZA Valentine Party in February!! Again, the children had a great time because of your support! THANK YOU!
-Collaboration Days, Wed., Jan. 6 & 27. School dismisses at 2:00 p.m
~No School Monday, Jan. 18, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
-Continue to master multiplication facts 2, 3, 4, 5.6, 7, 8,9, 10 gives great ideas for helping your child master multiplication facts. Other highly recommended websites for reviewing math facts, rounding, place value, money, skip counting: , ,
~ is a great reading comprehension website. It models after the AR tests. This will be a good check to see if your child is ready to take the AR test on the book they are reading. After you register, click kids zone, click quizomatic, type in book title, take the test, print and turn in the test to me.(These tests will not replace the AR tests)
-Please sign the Monday Memo and return the slip. I have just discovered that some students did not give their parents the Monday memo thus missing important information. I will be posting the Monday memo on my web page too so there will not be any missed communication.
-Expense Report for the Poem & Pizza Party: INCOME $169.00
Expences: Pizza & water $53.00 Paper goods $5:50 Balance: $110. 50
We will use the balance of the money toward the Valentine and Pizza party, Friday, Feb., 12.
Welcome Back!!
January 4, 2016
Lessons covered: Week of Dec. 14, 2015
Language Arts
“The Science of Snowflakes” “Honey Bees”
Genre: non-Fiction
Strategy: summary, noting details, text features
Writing: informative (written and google slides)
Topic 5 Multiplication Facts: Using Patterns
5-6 Multiplying by multiples of 10
5-7 2 question problems
Topic 5 test
-THANK YOU SO MUCH FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEARTfor all the gift cards. Your kindness and generosity are much appreciated!!
~ Special thanks to Snigdha and Brina’s mom and all the parents who came and helped with the Poetry and Pizza Party. After listening to the children recite their poems, I’m inspired to have a Poem and PIZZA Valentine Party in February!! Again, the children had a great time because of your support! THANK YOU!
-Collaboration Days, Wed., Jan. 6 & 27. School dismisses at 2:00 p.m
~No School Monday, Jan. 18, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
-Continue to master multiplication facts 2, 3, 4, 5.6, 7, 8,9, 10 gives great ideas for helping your child master multiplication facts. Other highly recommended websites for reviewing math facts, rounding, place value, money, skip counting: , ,
~ is a great reading comprehension website. It models after the AR tests. This will be a good check to see if your child is ready to take the AR test on the book they are reading. After you register, click kids zone, click quizomatic, type in book title, take the test, print and turn in the test to me.(These tests will not replace the AR tests)
-Please sign the Monday Memo and return the slip. I have just discovered that some students did not give their parents the Monday memo thus missing important information. I will be posting the Monday memo on my web page too so there will not be any missed communication.
-Expense Report for the Poem & Pizza Party: INCOME $169.00
Expences: Pizza & water $53.00 Paper goods $5:50 Balance: $110. 50
We will use the balance of the money toward the Valentine and Pizza party, Friday, Feb., 12.