Gibside School – Annual Governance Statement 2015-16
Annual Governance Statement for the Governing Body of Gibside School.
“Together we make a difference”.
- Gibside is an inclusive, happy and nurturing environment with education, equality and understanding at the heart of everything we do
- Our aim is to provide the highest quality learning opportunities
- It is a school where everyone is respected and valued for their contribution
- As most of our pupils experience communication difficulties, we have an ethos where all forms of communication are valued equally
The three core strategic functions of the governing body are:
- Establishing the strategic direction of the school and ensuring clarity of vision, ethos, values and strategic direction
- Holding the Headteacher to accountfor the educational performance of the school and its pupils
- Ensuring financial probity through setting and monitoring of budget and ensuring value for money is obtained
The full governing body met formally once each term. We also have the following Committees which met at least once per term to consider important areas of the school’s work.
- Finance and Staffing
- Curriculum and Pupils
- Premises, Health and Safety
Individual governors have responsibilities for Safeguarding, Looked after children, Safer- recruitment in school, Appeals and the Headteacher’s performance management review. Any other committees will meet as and when required.
During 2015-16, the Governing Body has undertaken the following specific activities:
- Monitored school’s management of safeguarding
- Agreed and monitored school budget
- Monitored spend of Pupil premium and Sport’s premium funding
- Strategy group established which met regularly to develop and discuss the school’s 3 to 5 year strategy
- Ensured plans for Blaydon growth were implemented successfully
- Appointment of all new teaching staff in school
- Completed Head teacher’s performance management and approved teaching staff pay progressions
- Reviewed Senior Leadership team and staffing structure
- Contribution and approval of current School Improvement Plan (SIP)
- Completed Governing body self-review
- Ensured all relevant policies were reviewed and updated accordingly
- Governor development and training day held in May with a focus on Ofsted preparation
- Many Governors also attended additional individual training
- Received regular reports on teacher learning and assessment including pupil progress, achievement and target setting
Our plans for 2016-17 include:
- To ensure our school aims, ethos and vision are embedded into practice across both sites and underpin the development of a short, medium and long term strategy for Gibside school
- To effectively generate income for Gibside school enabling us to further enhance our high level of resources
- Through the expansion of our Blaydon site, establish a centre of excellence for pupils with SEN in the Early Year’s
- To develop “specialism” groups to lead research and development across areas significant to our pupil needs
The constitution of the governing body is:
- 2 parent governors (appointed by parents)
- 1 staff governor (appointed by staff)
- 1 local authority governor (appointed by Gateshead Council)
- 1 headteacher governor (ex officio)
- 8 co-opted governors (appointed by the governing body, based on a skills audit)
Mrs Amanda Smith (VICE CHAIR) / Co-opted
Mr Brian Pereira / Co-opted
Mr Chris Miller / Staff
Mrs Claire Parkinson / Parent
Mrs Cynthia Holley / Co-opted
Mr David Mitchell / Co-opted
Mrs Emily Aitken-Fell / Co-opted
Mrs Gillian Moffit / Co-opted
Mrs Joyce McAndrew (VICE CHAIR) / Local Authority
Mrs Judith Donovan / Head Teacher
Miss Julie Allen / Parent
Mrs Michelle Chapman (CHAIR) / Co-opted
Miss Pat Gilbert / Co-opted