Directions: Students will complete the Graphic organizer below which helps build support for a potential CCOT Essay prompt discussing changes and continuities between the Qin and the Han Dynasties. I have started the activity below as a model.

Culture/Civilization: China

Time Period: Classical Period (Qin Dynasty 221 B.C.E.-207 B.C.E.; Han Dynasty 202 B.C.E.-220 C.E.)

Factual Information / Quote accompany with Page # / CCOT
·  Leaders, Elites
·  Structure--Laws
·  Role of Religion
·  Conflict
·  Diplomacy, Treaties
·  Judicial / Qin Empire
·  Shi Huangdi: first emperor, dictator, made China a centralized nation
·  Bureaucracy
·  Legalism- enhance state power and wealth; enact strict laws creating social harmony
·  Unified China in 221 B.C.E
Han Empire
·  Liu Bang-former peasant and village headman; held coalition of forces together
·  Wudi-Han expansion
·  Wang Mang (ruled from 9 C.E.-23 C.E.)
·  Wu Ti (140-87 B.C.E.): known for creating a well-organized government in the Chinese empire
·  Aristocracy/bureaucracy / Generally, China’s political aspects remained unchanged due to the result of an organized and unified nation under a bureaucratic state. However, over time the various rulers introduced different, distinct methods to obtain this centralized nation. For instance, under Shi Huangdi, strict laws were crucial within the government, whereas during the Han Dynasty this aspect was not as significant due to the change in religious beliefs.
·  Philosophy
·  Focus
·  Trade, Commerce
·  Capital/Money
·  Role of merchants
·  Origins
·  Beliefs, Teaching
·  Conversion
·  Holy Books
·  Influence on Society
·  Family
·  Gender Relations
·  Social Classes
·  Inequalities—coercive labor
·  Life Styles
·  Art, Music
·  Writing, Literature
·  Philosophy
·  Math & Science
·  Education
·  Technology
·  Location
·  Physical
·  Movement
·  Human/Environment
·  Region
