Muscular System WebQuest

To answer questions 1 and 2 click here
1. You have over _________ muscles in your body.

2. Muscles often work in pairs so that they can __________ in different or opposite directions.

To answer questions 3 and 4 click here.
3. The three different types of muscles that you have are ______________, ___________________, and ___________________ .

4. Smooth muscles are also sometimes called __________________ muscles because your body and brain tell these muscles to work without you even thinking about it

To answers questions 5 and 6 click here.
5. Cardiac muscle is very specific tissue found in your________________.

6. Read the section called, Interacting With Other Systems. What do the smooth muscles that line your digestive system do?

To answer questions 7 and 8 click here and read the sentences under Science Factfile.
7. Muscles work in a very simple way. All they do is tighten up--that is, __________--and____________.

8. Muscles can only ____________. They never_____________.

To answer questions 9-11 click here.
9. The innermost part of a bone that is sort of like a thick jelly is called ________________ ___________________ .

10. Click continue and read the section called, How Bones Grow.

A baby’s body has about _______ bones at birth. These eventually fuse (grow together) to from the __________ bones that adults have.

11. Click continue and read the next section called, Your Spine

The spine is made up of 26 small bones called _____________________.

To answer questions 12-14 click here.
12. What are the 4 main types of bones in the human skeleton?





13. Scroll down to the section about bones in the hand. What is the total number of bones in one hand?

14. Why do the bones in your feet form arches?

To answer questions 15 and 16 click here.
15. The spine is made of separate irregular bones called ___________________.

16. What is the purpose of the layer of cartilage in between each vertebrae of the spine?

To answer question 17 click here.
17. Bones are connected to other bones at __________________.

To answer questions 18-21 click here.
18. Name the three main layers of your skin.

___________________________, ____________________________, _________________________

19. Name three important things that the epidermis is in charge of:




20. Which layer of your skin controls making sweat, helping you feel things, growing hair, making oil and bringing blood to your skin?

21. Which layer of your skin helps keep your body from getting too hot or too cold?