



$1.3 Trillion on War, 398

$1.65 billion, Google paid, 169

$100 billion commercial intelligence, 113

$1000 computer, 164

$2 billion being wasted, 126

$2 trillion organized crime income, 37

$2.5 trillion a year private sector information industry, 113

$22 billion could be saved, 127

$227 Billion for Peace & Prosperity, 398

$230 billion in community-friendly products & services, 401

$230 billion on restorative, 406

$25 billion (secret budget 1996), 111

$3 billion, invest in commons, 126

$3 trillion a year, EarthGame can, 398

$30 billion for diplomacy, vi

$300,000 shoestring budget, 30

$40 trillion unfunded future obligations, 114

$60 billion

a year, 113

a year, for 4% of need, 107

secret budget 2007, 111

$66 trillion economy 2006, 31

$8-10 billion for protection of secrets, 114

$9 trillion debt, 114

$900 billion a year, U.S. defense, 113

$975 billion for war, vi

.cflist 190, 192

records preferences, WELL, 190

‘cabling’, human and infrastructural, 231

1 million MySpace pages, 167

1, number of conscious processes, 165

1,700 gallons of water to make gallon of ethanol fuel, 392

1.1% population growth, 31

1.8 billion water scarce by 2025, 37

1/3 of US adults represented by LOHAS, 401


days old, news stories, 121

High-Level Threats, 389

months old, articles as published, 121

years old, books as published, 121


did 80% talking on the WELL, 189

legitimate protection of secrets, 123

to 20% of known, published, 114


people I don’t know, 183

years, 395

100 billion nerve cells, 254

100 e-mail addresses, 206

100 million

regular users, 167

teachers, 397

volunteers, viii,389

100 top people on any topic, 117


of humanity, 395

passive 100% solar house for a cold climate, 457

100,000 organizations in 243 countries, 415

1000+ non-fiction book reviews, 110

10-1 ROI on information shared, 116

108 community colleges, 140

114 to report suspicious activities, 130

119 to report threats, 130

1-2 dollars a day, 397

12 policy domains, 391

120 authors have participated, 91

1200 people at a time, World Café, 48

1-3%, outside attack, computers, 110

13.7 billion year evolutionary process, 6

13-15 million AIDS orphans, 37

136 patterns of thought and action, 83, 91

15 Global Challenges, 29, 34

18 methodologies for change in 1999, 57

183 languages we do not speak, viii, 107, 129

18th century, 511

1974 U.S. Government ignored, 110

1995, inception of World Café, 48

1996 U.S. Government ignored, 110

1999, 18 methodologies for change, 57

19th century, 511

2 billion affected by natural disasters in last decade, 37

2% of people own 50% of wealth, 31

2,400 policy makers, 32


suffixing, xxiv

University, 131


Global Problems, 20 Years to Solve Them, 389

June 2005, Business Week, 117

20% physical disruption, computers, 110


authors in online project, 83

emerging environmental security issues, 33

pages of expert advice, 184

2000 people, 323

2001, fateful events of, 95

2007 State of the Future, 29

2010, 158

2020 A.D. Scenario, 23

2025, 157

2030 endstate for 2007 report, 32

20-30 of us, pot-luck dinner, 205

20-screen display, 164

20-something generation, 497

20th Century, centralized media, 164

21st Century, xix, 14, 108, 112-113, 119, 121

challenges, 57

demands, 100

Internet is old hat, 210

primitive drives, 41

to survive, 107

225 people $ same as 2.7 billion poor, 31

24 co-founders of EIN, 394

24,000 kilometers of desert coast lines, 37

24/7 remote translation, 129

27 Secessionist movements in US, 390

29 different countries, 30


ways to structure CI, 82

years, 395

3/4s of MySpace page created by, 169

30,000 pages of information at, 112

3000 years of human history, 138

31 major languages, 129

32 Millennium nodes, 30

3-6 dollars a day, 397

3D diff tool, 424

3-D modeling of

the city, 153

patents, 281

printing, 423, 457

visualization of differences, 424

3R’s of living in a society, 100

3x more trick-or-treaters, 206

4 months between meetings, 81


secret contribution to Command, 107

viruses, computers, 110


of adults in the West, 103

to 80% of data is open source, 111

400 patterns have been submitted, 91

486 dimensions, 315


billion poor, vi, viii, 129, 397

levels of civic intelligence, 96

times people affected by natural disaster versus conflict, 37

5.4% global economy grew, 31


Cent as signal, 168

million consumers, 405

50% poorest own 1% of wealth, 31

500 viruses in factory-shipped products, 111

55% human error, computers, 110

6 secessionist movements in Canada, 390

6.6 billion

in urban areas, 35

people would want to live in,

a world, 425

60 methodologies for change in 2007, 57


members of the WELL in 1985, 189

village banks, Nepal, 137


page CD (Compact Disc), 29, 31

people on WELL today, 189


Years from Somewhere, ix

magic number, and attention, 165

70% of

“secret” intelligence is open source information, 112

U.S. GDP, consumer, 399

75 failed states in 2005

750 practitioners speaking at, 112


friends, social network, 171

major players, 393


of all inputs not secret, 111

of all questions can be answered, 112

resource waste, 442

8-12 people in a Wisdom Council, 81

9 major information sectors, 114

9% disgruntled employees, computers, 110

9/11, tragic events, 95

90-95% of knowledge is open, 113

911 call in all languages, 129

9-11 DVDs, 392

A More Secure World, 110

A renewably powered world full of safe and healthy things: economically, ecologically, equitably, and elegantly enjoyed, 426

A Writer’s Time, 460

Abbe, John, 207

ABC Model of Organizational Improvement 339

ABC Model, 363-364

Abdullah, Sharif, 131

Ability, cognitive, 496, 498

Absorption, self, 41

Abstractions and cyberspace, 179

Abuse, eliminating, 398

Academia, confused about, 74

Academic discipline(s)

across boundaries, 195

issues rarely discussed, 171

scholarship, 346

study, CI, 2

Academics have envisioned, 6

Academics, needs of, 31

Acceptance, social, 66


Control, 355

for merchants, Interra, 405

instantaneous, 131

to cyberspace, 193

to higher learning, 141

to OSINT, 112

to people, instant, 177

Theory and Practice, 119

universal free, 129

Accountability, 361

critical step, 99

holistic, 410

political, 414


to all, x, 393

make politicians more, 82

Accounting, village women learned, 137

Accreditation, xvi, 136

bodies, 136

Accumulation and improvement of ideas, 503

Accuracy, how to judge, 139

Achala 23-8

Achievement awards, 115

Achievement of better outcomes, 103

Acknowledgements as signal, 171

Acne medication, xvii


ecology 150

technology 152

Acquaintances 173, 182, 190


information, 127

open source, 112

Across boundaries, 195

Act ruthlessly, 109

Action, 213, 214, 216, 217, 218, 222, 223, 225

collective problems, 504

collective, enabled by, 390

Inquiry, 223

logic of terrorists, 98

logic, 103

pattern, 59

schemes, collective, 280

world of, 206

Activation, spreading, 306

Activism/Activists, xix, 5

Beyond Borders, 93

community, 498

ecological, 414

free space, 85

in cyberspace, 175

more effective, 212

movements, divergent, 390

networks of, 92

non-violent, 13

pot-luck culture, 205

Activity/Activities, 90

CI, 7

common social, 167

done concurrently, 349

proprietary, 365

questionable, 130

Adaptability from paying attention, 39

Adaptation xxviii, 65, 134, 136, 246-64, 418

Adapters, proprietary, bad, 421


societies, 509

complex systems, 510

Addison-Wesley, 93


Addresses, object, 353

semantic, 17

Administering, complex, 390

Administrators, 206

Adolescent non-conformists, 257

Adopters, early, 437

Adult perspective-taking skills, 218

Advantage, competitive, 411

Adventure, network, 320

Advertising, 506-7

defense from, 140

wake up from, 206

Advertized expend money to, 165


Networks in International Politics, 93

transnational networks, 85

Aeronautical engineer, 3

Aesthetic dimensions, 320

Aesthetics, representation of, 168


card, Interra, 403

cards, 406

Affordable technologies, 406

AFIPS Press, 373

Africa/African, xvii

HIV/AIDS leveling off, 31, 35

Sub-Saharan poverty, 35

conflicts fell to 5 from 16, 35


not apparent in cyberspace, 182

of Connection, 445-6, 452

of Information 88, 108-9, 112, 119, 123, 127, 183-4, 445, 452

Agenda projected, 360

Agendas, common, 88, 112, 127, 133

Agent, software, 306

Agents of conscious evolution, 141

Aggrandizement, self, 41

Aggregate(d), 434-5

funds, 397

intelligence, 39

millions of consumers, 403

relationships, 177

synthesizing across disciplines, 497

Agora more than a site, 185

Agreements & Treaties, 397

Agriculture, 426

agronomists, xviii

core policy, 391

from sea, 37

subsidizing, bad, 392

sustainability, 414

AGSI, 119

AI, 16, 72, 260, 284, 330

Aid, listening more important, 101

AIDS orphans 13-15 million, 37

Airpower, School of Advanced Studies, 111

Air-quality, 431

AJAX, 294-5

Alexander, Bryan, 319

Alexander, Christopher 90, 153, 212


clever, 2

collectively shared medium, 263

developmental map, 313

world-model, 263

Alienation and cyberspace, 178

All departments of a university, 315

All Information, All Languages, All the Time, x

Alliance(s), 402-4

big, 259

multi-party, 369

Allocation of resources, 510

All-World Languages, 117

All-your-data-or-nothing approach, 202

Alt.flame, 187

Alta Vista Mapping Program, 327


hypotheses 259

investment scenarios, 396

people exploring, 187

scenarios, 392

spending plan, 398

strategies 259

Altruism 184, 246-64

self-interest in search, 184

Amazon, 396, 14, 127

reviewer, 389

reviews, non-fiction, 110

Ambassador as Principal Deputy, 130

Ambiguity of words, 186

America, 163

America, Foreign Policy, Need, 390

America’s frequent tendency, 99


citizen juries, 6

electoral process, 193

teenagers, xvii

Ames Research Center, 197

Amidon, John, 3

Amount of information, controlling, 496

Amplification, intelligence, 329

Amplify intelligence, 328 153

An Inconvenient Truth (Movie), 405

An Inconvenient Truth, 36

Analysis, 65, 213-220, 225, 344

automated and human, 117

automated, vii

breakdowns, 7

clarity, 221

fusion 119

generic, 122

large-scale, 171

levels of, 121

must be multilingual, 113

of comments, mass, 170

organizational, 90

predictive, 129

symbolic, 126

symbolic, isolated at home, 179

tool to evaluate, 89

tool, civic intelligence as a, 89

tools, advanced, 127


cities, reconstructing, 455

languages, reconstructing, 455

Anderson, Sherry Ruth, 232

Animal brainpower 252

Animated, media 148

Anonymous individuals, 437

Anonymous, no one is on WELL, 189

Answering intelligence, 55

Antheil, George 448

Anthropologists, 166

Anthropology of Disaster, 390

Anthropology, 140, 328

Antibiotics as WMD 255

Antithesis of secret intelligence, 397

Ant(s) 11, 246, 268-9, 271, 306, 482

behavior, 246

colonies, 14

foraging, 266, 268, 269, 270, 271

Apache, 465, 508


Flickr, 434

open, 457

Apollo-like program, 30

Appearance not apparent in cyberspace, 182

Apple, newcomers, 194

Application(s), 65, 67, 71-2, 92, 343-4, 363

activities concurrent, 349

developments, groupware, 334

domains, 362

future, disruptive, 462

of knowledge, intelligence is not, 71

online software, 248

software, 18

Materials, 29


mutual, 75

Inquiry, 58, 138

questions, 60

Approaches to addressing any issue, 104

to shared problems, 96

Appropriate foreknowledge 149

Approval seeking vanishes, 40

Aptitudes not a limiting factor, 143

AQAL model, 103

Aquifers drop a meter a year, 392

Arabic, fluent students, 115

Arable land, lack of, 30

Arbib, Michael, 318

Arbitrage 121

Architecture(s)/Architectural, 426,503, 505, 508, 510

biomimetic information ,279

for integrating, 124

is Politics, 172

issues, system, 504

of documents, 352

of e-democracy, 505

of funnel, 503

planning, 90

requirements for 356

requirements, 356

of system, 508

systemic, 391

Social, Theory, 172 in perpetuity, 421, 465

Archives, public, mandatory, 207

Argument structure 477-9, 481-2

Argumentation, xxi, 140

ARINA 213-4, 223

Arithmetical processing, 18


standing, 109

use to improve world, 138

Army of Davids, 390

Arnold, H.D., 111

Arnold, Stephen E. xxix, 111, 375

ARPANet, 180

Arrington, Michael, 202

Art(s), 57. 461

by local artists, 435

in cyberspace, 174

of hosting, 54, 244

of memory, 290

show curation, 461

ART: Ask, Reflecting, Tell Stories, 56

Artful Integration, 93

Article, 346

Articles ten months old at publication, 121

Artifacts, circulating, 229

Artificial Intelligence see AI

Artists, 430

and cyberspace, 179

in cyberspace, 175

Art-science hybrid laboratory, 167

Arvidsson, Adam 239

As a whole, groups, 83, 96

As you are participation, 80

ASCII graphics, WELL, 191

ASG for Decision Support, UN, 397

Ashland, Oregon, 82

Ask deep questions, 460

Aspects of information continuum, 114

Assemblies of citizens, 6

Assembling motorcycles, 456

Assertions, unproven, 10

Assets, 102

Assistance, rapid response, 130

Assistant Secretary General for Decision Support see ASG UN

Association for Global Strategic Information see AGSI

Associations, profession, 136

Associative network, 303

Assumptions, suspension of, 43

Astronauts and hackers, right stuff, 109

Asynchronous online conferencing, 360

spaces for conversation, 232

Athenium, ix

Atlas of civic intelligence, 85

none exists, 85

Atlee, Tom i, iv, xxv, 5, 50, 131, 133, 141, 211, 239, 242-3, 252

Atrocities, Other, threat, 389

Attain new discoveries 150

Attend meet-ups, 459

Attention and media studies, 166

ability to attract, 165

capital value of, 165

collective, focused on, 53

exchanges of, 164, 166

invested with comments, 167

is a commodity, 187

proper allocation of human, could solve, 172

public display of, 169

undivided, 165

Attentional capital, 163, 165

flows, 170

Attitude(s), 335

as the limiting factor, 143

changes, 137

different, 76

may not be adequate, 101


national, 127

people, majority are good, 210

powerful, 59

role of nations to be, 108

Attribution bias 275

individual 248

Audience, infinite, 392

Auger, Robert, 391

Augment(tion) xxv, 15

groupware, 334-335

Human Intellect, 372

human intelligence, 316

Lab, 198

of interpretation, 18

system, 331, 334, 337, 340, 362

Austrian Society for Cybernetics, 313

Authentic, 82

commitment to, 43

interest, 40

participation, 77

Authoring privileges 480

Authoritarian dictators, 316

Authority, 228

conflict between the head and the base, 230

no over-arching, 391

Authorized users do unauthorized, 121

Authorized users, 360

Authorship Provision in AUGMENT, 372


analysis, vii

bibliographic control, 327

classification and filtering, 326

operations, 19

scrutiny, 28

Vehicle Screening System see AVSS


calls for, 414

individual action, 246-9

inhibited, xv

local internet, 433

Auto-poetic systems, 286, 462

Availability (operational level), 121

Average person, 496, 502-3

Automated Vehicle Screening System see AVSS

AVSS, 197

Award for non-fiction, Governor General’s (2001), 495

Awards, lifetime achievement, 115

Awareness 6, 96, 103

collective, 414

from dialog, 50

global caring, 99

inter-personal, 100

levels, Figure, 97

Ayres, Ian 488

Azerbaijan Ministry of Communications, 29

Babel objection xv, xvi

Baboon(s) xxviii, 251-3, 255, 257-60

intelligence of xxviii, 251-3, 255, 257-60

mass mind 259

Backcast, 157

Backdrop, global, 225

Back-Link capability, 353

Back-link service, 358

Backlinking, 232

Backstories 410-1

Backstory management xxix, 409-12

Bacteria xxviii, 251-7, 259-60

colonies of, 253-6

mass mind 255

powers 255

species 252

teams 256

intelligence of xxviii, 251-7, 259-60

Baerwolff, M., 313

Bailey Jr., Charles, 116

Bakassi, oil rich, 138

Baker, James A. 118

Balance of agency and communion, 102

Balance of power, 391

Balance, 103

Baldwin, Carolyn 51

Bali water distribution, 271


Ballot initiatives, 6

Bamboo curtains between organizations, 114

Bandwidth, what to do with, 175

Banking, village women learned, 137

Banks, 600 village, Nepal, 137

Bantam Books, 112

Barbianos, Schoolboys of, 143

Barcyz, C., 314

Barn-raising model better, 185

Barriers x, 11, 40, 267-8, 283, 301, 325, 434, 436, 490

Bar-room brawl, hosts, WELL, 192

Basalla, George 84, 93

Base 136, 305, 349-50, 352, 360, 368

Basecamp, do not use, 207

Baseline, xvi

Bates Information Services, 117

Batteries replaceable, 421

Bay Area, San Francisco, 180

BBG, 128-129

BBS, 177

Bearing witness, 101

Becoming Virtual, 22

Beehives, 1

Beginner’s mind, Zen, 43

Behavior(s), 103, 221, 223

ant, 246

backstage, in cyberspace, 177

business, criteria responsible, 416

business, responsible, 416

changes in, 137

databases of social, 167

in cyberspace, 176

individual, 246-250

Beijing 85

Beingness, 12

Belonging as a factor, 39

Ben Jacob, Eshel 251-4, 260

Benchmark teams, 160


in near to long term, 392

of the policies, 392

soft, 406

Beni, Gerardo 252

Benkler, Yochai xi, xxv, 113, 247, 391, 455, 486

Berkeley, University of California, 90, 92

Berkeley, xix

Berkman Center for Internet and Society xi, 407, 445

Berlin Wall, Fall of, 272

Berners-Lee, Tim, 291, 330

Berrett-Kochler, 55, 131

Best practices, 458

Bets, aggregating, 14

Better educated public opinion, 316

Bias see Cognitive Bias

Bibliographic control, automated, 327

Biezunski, Michel, 291-292


box retailers, 403

questions, 41

tent conferences, 83

World Out There, 211

Bill of Rights, 9

Maker’s, 421

for social network users, 201

Billion brains, 315

Bin Laden, Osama, 98

Bingham, Alph, CEO, 2

Biography, mini, user profile, 168

Biological brain, 67

proliferation database, 115

weapons, 37

Biologist, 24

Biology, evolutionary, 13


analysis lab, 25

chemical signals 254

fuels from sea, 37

mimetic information architectures, 279

mimicry, xxii

physical capital, 289

regional hubs, 416

sphere, xxii, 228, 233

Bird flu, 28

Birds, study, 3

Bits, 18

Blessed Unrest, 131

Blogs 24, 65, 207-8, 232, 242, 305, 321, 409, 423, 435, 439, 459, 475

group, 460

networks, 245

noosphere, 458, 460

of Collective Intelligence 235, 283

public, 207

Bloody arena, hosts, WELL, 192

Bloom, Howard xxviii, 251, 391

Blue Genie, IBM, 118

Blue-collar workers, 430

Blunt instrument, crowd, 279

Blurring lines among, 389

BMS (Bristol-Myers-Squibb) xviii, xix

Body language, 186

Bohm, David 11, 50

Boids, 10

Bollen, Johan, 306, 310, 313, 460

Bonds, social, 166

Bookmarking, social, 232

Books, 346

conference, WELL, 192

learning skills. 140

ten years old at publication, 121

Bootstrap Institute, 333-334

approach, 363

teams, 161

value, 367

Border police, 25

Borders, sanctity of, 109

Bornstein, David, 462

Boston Social Technology Society, 245

Boston, pilot, Interra, 406

Bothell lets-get-together system, 205

Bottom-up emergent systems, 163


braking, collective spirit, 44

spanning, 216

stay within, 77

Bowling Alone, 93

Box system of organizing, 75-76, 82

Boy’s school, 78

Bozo filter, 187


and Cognitive Sciences Department, 3

billion, 315

can recall, 69

capacity, 495-6

does not equal intelligence, 73

drain, 125

global, 302-305

group, 253

human 1, 31, 69, 73, 252, 254-6, 259, 261, 275, 285, 300-1, 303, 305, 310-1

matter 252

planetary, 306

power, animals, 252

storm in cyberspace, 174

world, 306

Brand(s)/Branding, 427

identity, 429

Personal, vii

story, 427

Brand, Stewart i, 116, 187-189, 392


strategic partnerships, 429

venture capital, 429

How the 'certification revolution' is transforming global capitalism, 410

Bransford et al, 87, 93

Braungart, Michael, 426


Curitiba, 144

major demographic, 393

Breakdown, brink of, 131


achieved, 77

from story-telling, 51

how to bring forth, 57-58

machine, 256

within reach, 131

Brian Eddy, 463

Bridges, build, 105

Brilliant, Larry 115

Brin, David, 211

Bring the other, objects, 353

Brings together, Interra, 402

Bristol-Myers-Squibb (BMS) xviii, xix

British citizen juries, 6


nation, end of, 445-6, 451-2

assumptions of, 451-2

Broadcasters, xiii

Broadcasting Board of Governors see BBG

Brochures, 346

Brokers, 114, 116-7, 125 see also Bates

information, 114, 116

Brooks, Martin 486

Brosnan, Pierce, played part of, 281

Brown, A., 93

Brown, Juanita xxvi, 47

Brown, Lester R. 493

Buchanan, Mark, 315

Budget(s), 345-346

and EarthGame, 397

deficit, 125

differentiate, 363

framework online, 396

harmonized, global, 397

information, 392

issues, 503

peace, 397

trade-offs, 396

transparency, 397

Bug fix, 424

reports to the Journal, 360

Bugliarello, G., 316

Builders, 430

Built, designed, and funded, mass-collaboratively, 430

Bulletin board(s)

computer, 174

neighborhood, 207

System see BBS

Bundling relevant open source software, 460

Bureaucracy. 112, 312, 390, 505-7

pigeon-holes, 390

massive, 112

role in national security, 95

traditional concept, 390

Bureaucrats must realize, 114

Burtynsky, Ed, 461

Bus tickets for trash, 144

Bush, Vannevar, 328, 330

Bush-Cheney regime, failed states, 390

Business Alliance for Local Living Economies see BALLE

Business, 125, 425

and political models, challenge to, 444

as information sector, 114

behavior, criteria determining responsible, 416

collective intelligence in, 330

communities, 114

competency, core, 344

groups and World Café, 48

hold data, 116

intelligence, vii, viii

literature, 85

local small, 502

model, 428

people, 430

practices, responsible 414, 416-7

schools, 3

sector, 401

taxonomy of practices, responsible, 417

village women learned, 137

Business Value of Computers, 127

Business Week cover story, 117

Business Week, 189

Businesses, 346, 428

fight, xix

local 402-3

re-align, 212

sustainable, 403

BYTE Magazine, 189, 372

C Communities, 364

C language programming code, 188

C4I: Issues of Command and Control, 123

Cable TV, shaken, 164

Cacophony, electronic, 508

CAD data base, 358

models, 424

Open Source, 456, 457

CAE, 362

Café conversations can be designed, 48

Calendar(s), 418, 439

individuated, 416

syndication 438-9


Community Colleges, 131

Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technology see Calit2

faculties in, 140

Calit2, 164, 168


centers, 129

for autonomy, 414

to arms, 108

CALS, 362

Cambrian era of media objects, 165

Cambridge University Press, 93

Cameron, A., 111

Cameroon-Nigeria “non-war”, 138

Cammaert, MajGen Patrick, v


of civic intelligence, 87

plans, 394

Campbell, D.T., 313

Canada/Canadian, xi, 505-507

citizen assemblies, 6

citizen, 24

government, 323

Intelligence Community, 125

Prime Minister, 495

Public, 501, 503, 506-7

Security Intelligence Service see CSIS

service published unclassified, 111

six secessionist movements, 390

Toronto, 324

Canary in a coalmine, 503

Canter, Marc, 202

Capacity/Capability 334-5, 343-4, 349, 339, 363, 365

brain, 495-6

Cluster, 341

enhancing, how, 48

for coping with complexity, 338

infrastructures, 333

of civic intelligence, 96

to bring dreams to life, 58

to cognitively process information, 496

to generate and deliver information, 496

to improve needs role, 339

to learn new, 10

tool system, 337

Capital, 425

attentional, 163

biophysical, 289

characters, 21

communication, 289

epistemic, 289

ethical, 289

expenditure, media, 164

information as a substitute, 116

Knowledge, vii

Movements, 108

physical, xii

practical, 289

resource, human, 165

social, 84, 289, 501

value, attention, 166

Capitalists, 430

Cappe, Mel, 504

Capra, Fritjof, 51

Capture, group memory, 319

Carbon, sequestered, release of, 442


holders, Interra, 404

production, Interra, 404

swipe of Interra, 400

Caring person, local culture, 205

Carter, Barry, 113

Cascadia, 24-27

Cascading ecological crises, 414

Case studies, 2-3, 138

CASE, 362

Cases easy to open, 421

Cast real time data to citizens 150

Casualness and user profile, 168

Catalog number, 355

Cataloguing incompatibility, 15

Catastrophe & Culture, 390

Catastrophes from disasters, 389

Categorization, Figure, 70

Categorize experiences, 262

Categorizing, conventions for, 361

Causation, 218, 220, 222

cc:host, 465

cc:Mixter, 461, 465

CCC, converts to, 129, 461

CDCs (Citizen Deliberative Councils) 6

CE (Concurrent Engineering) 362

CE, 362

Cell phone

one at a time to educate poor, 129

friend-location-service, 438

free, vi

hand out, ix


metabolic machinery, 253

brain, 252


automata, 10

makes possible, 390

Cement overcoat of classification, 111

Censored now not censored, 392

Censors, 194

Censorship and CMC, 191-192

Center for

Collective Intelligence 1-3, 475

Nonviolent Communication, 158

Wise Democracy, 75

Center of gravity, 98, 103

civil sector, 113

financial systems, 111

Center(s) of

excellence, 126, 129

distributed, 112

of learning, 132


Asia, HIV/AIDS, 31, 35

Command, 107

Intelligence Agency see CIA

intelligence will fail, 113

intelligence, oxymoron, 107

Centralization/Centralized, 246-7

decision-making, 510

generation of electricity, 442

production and distribution models for electricity, 442

Century, 18th & 19th, 511

CEO, one-pager, 117