7th Grade Algebra

Mrs. Stackhouse

(610)869-3022 ext. 9229

Welcome to a new and exciting year at Fred S. Engle Middle School. I am looking forward to meeting and getting to know each and every one of you. The following will provide you with the necessary information for our class. After reviewing the syllabus, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Course Content: Throughout the year we will be studying the following concepts: variables, functions, graphs, rational numbers, equations, linear equations, quadratic equations, inequalities, systems of equations and inequalities, exponents, exponential functions, polynomials, factoring polynomials, radical expressions and equations, and rational expressions and functions.


  • 3-ring binder with paper(used for math class only)
  • 1 pack of Dividers
  • Pencils/Erasers
  • Assignment book (school issued)
  • Extra Large Book Cover

Grading: Grades will be calculated using a weighted system. All work must be completed in pencil. If work is not completed in pencil, credit will not be given. In addition, omitting your full name on any graded assignment may result in point deduction. Graded coursework may include: tests, quizzes, homework, projects, notebook, and classwork. Extra credit will not be given.

Weighted System:

  • Tests-50%
  • Quizzes- 35%(may also include projects, notebook, and classwork)
  • Homework-15%

Algebra I is a high school level course. This course will maintain Algebra I curriculum, assessments, and expectations consistent with all Algebra I classes.

Homework:Homework is an integral part of math and will be given almost every day that we have math class. It allows the student to practice and reinforce the skills learned in class. Homework is graded based on completeness (including completing in pencil), showing work, proper labeling, and neatness. Since reviewing homework in class is as important as completing it, students will not receive credit for late homework.

Notebook: All students will be required to keep a math notebook in their 3-ring binder. Students must copy from the board the date, objective and any notes for the lesson. The notebook must have four separate sections: problem of the day, notes, homework, and graded assignments. Notebooks may be checked on quiz days for all requirements. If the student does not have his/her notebook in class when it is checked the student will receive a 0 for that notebook check.

Absence: If a student misses class for any reason, the student is responsible for getting the missed class notes from a reliable classmate, obtaining homework assignments and making arrangements to complete any missed quiz(zes) and/or test(s). Students will be permitted as many days as they were absent to make up all missed work and to take any quizzes or tests that were given. Students will be expected to turn in homework and assignments that were assigned prior to the absence when they return to school.

If a student knows that he or she will be absent from school before the day of the absence(s), it is the student’sresponsibility to check with the teacher to see if there is any work that can be completed during the absence. It is not always possible to provide work/homework assignments in advance of scheduled absences. Upon their return to school, students must check with the teacher to ensure all work has been completed.

As we build our partnership I am here to ensure your success. If you would like to arrange extra math help during 8th period, please see me. Do not hesitate to ask questions during class! Again, if you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please contact me via email or phone. I look forward to a great year.


Mrs. Stackhouse

7th Grade Math Teacher

Please sign and return this form by Friday, September 10th stating that you and your child have read and understand the policies for our algebra class.


(parent’s signature)(student’s signature)


(student’s name, please print)