Positive Student Behavior
I believe it is very important for every child to do his or her best academically and behaviorally. To help promote a positive attitude towards the necessity of good grades and behavior, my policy is as follows:
For students to participate in field trips, their behavior must be exemplary. Our students represent our school, classroom, and themselves during a field trip. Examples of exemplary behavior would be:
* following all school rules * outstanding citizenship
* staying organized * prepared to work
* paying attention * respects the rights of others
* being proactive * purposeful movements/actions
* putting best foot forward * make mindful and responsible choices
* cooperative behavior at all times * attendance
Any student with 3 behavior notices (any teacher can issue a behavior notice), 4 unexcused absences, or one (1) day suspension will be excluded from any field trip that trimester. Any student excluded from a field trip will be assigned regular classroom work to be completed in another classroom, and due at the end of the school day. At the beginning of each trimester, their record is cleared, and they start over.
To participate in the year-end activity, students must adhere to the behavior guidelines outlined in this letter. Please remember that three (3) behavior notices or a suspension will keep students from participating in year end activity(ies).
Please discuss this letter with your child, so that he/she understands the importance of good grades, behavior, and impact. This policy is restricted to room 21 only. There will be another set of policy for Science Camp eligibility that will come at a later date. If you have any questions, please contact me at 656-1611 x45121.
Ms. Wong
I have read the above letter and I am aware of the Positive Student Behavior policy regarding student participation in 6th grade field trips and the year-end party.
_______________________ ________________________
Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature
6th Grade Homework Policy
The task of keeping track of completed homework assignments is difficult, but extremely important. Homework assignments are not meant to be busywork, but as follow-up and reinforcement of lessons taught. Parents/guardians can help monitor this process and promote educational success by being aware of this policy and monitoring your student’s homework every night and check the website frequently (http://www.fremont.k12.ca.us/Page/5537). Homework is usually assigned Monday through Thursday. On seldom occasions there will be a weekend assignment, but this is an occasional exception. If your student says that there is no homework every night, please contact me as soon as possible through 656-1611 x45121, or . Please ask your child daily to see his or her homework planner. The planner should contain neatly written daily homework assignments on appropriate subject areas and dates. Please keep completed work in a neatly organized binder at all times, this would be very useful for students to keep track of their assignments and offer easy access for studying. Although you will be monitoring your child’s progress daily, these requirements are meant to help students become more accountable and responsible for him or herself and eventually independent and self-sufficient. All homework assigned is not collected daily, even if it is completed in class, so it’s important to hold all assignments, documents, and handouts in the appropriate section of his/her binder for safe-keeping.
When a student does not complete an assignment for whatever reason, the assignment will be marked down in the grade book as a zero (0 or “m”). The assignment may be made-up and turned in one (1) day late (due by 2:00PM the following day), but will only receive a maximum of ½ credit with no exceptions. For each day a project is turned in late, it will be lowered by half a grade. If a long-term assignment was made before the absence, it is due the first day when they return from an illness. Students will receive weekly progress reports listing missing assignments. This is one form of communication between home and school, teaching students to be responsible and accountable for their own success and work ethics. Any assignments, including tests, long-term projects, homework, etc., turned in without a name and student number will receive NO CREDIT.
No Name No Fame: All assignments must be turned in with student name and student number to receive credit. Occasionally Ms. Wong might give credit (minus one point) for papers with recognizable handwriting, but there is no guarantee. There is also no guarantee that no name papers can be retrieved for credit.
**Ms. Wong will not serve as a referee for no name papers and anyone can claim a no name paper for him/herself.
In the event of an absence, it is the STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to make up the work. All assignments are listed online when available or seek a classmate for the information. Students have two days for each day they are absent to make up the work for full credit, unless they make other arrangements with the teacher. If your child is absent, school policies states that only on the third absence can a homework request be made to pick-up work in the office.
Ms. Wong %********************************************************************************************************
My student, _________________________, and I have read and understood the homework policy for the 6th grade.
___________________________ ____________________________ ___________
Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature Date
___________________________ ____________________________
Home Phone Number Best time to reach me
6th Grade Supply List
It is extremely important for all students to be organized. This organization should be an extension of skills already learned in earlier grades. For every child to be successful, an organized binder is necessary. I am providing a list of highly recommended binder items. There are no obligations to purchase the listed items, however, I believe it will help students be focused and organized, in turn, do well in school. The more that can be kept securely in their binder and/or book bag, the less chance there is of something being lost or misplaced and hurt student’s achievement. Please do not purchase any supplies that are distracting to others and/or your child (stick erasers that click, large Velcro items, battery operated pencil sharpeners, light up pens, toy like object etc.). There should be no “toy” element to school supplies.
Recommended Items Good to have handy
Warm Springs Planner hand held pencil sharpener with receptacle
Sturdy 1½” 3-ring binder (no Velcro/zip-up) Zipper pencil pouch (no pencil box, it will
1 pkgs. of dividers with tabs not fit inside desk)
Binder paper (college rule) reusable water bottle (water cooler in class for refills)
1 pkg. post-it notes (3x3 size – no accordion style)
1 red/green + 1 black pen (for correcting/editing)
Pencils and eraser(s)
Good pair of scissors Donation for classroom use
2 different color highlight pens several boxes of tissue
3 glue sticks pkgs. of binder paper
1 black dry erase marker ream of copy white paper
1 ruler w/ inches and centimeter reams of bright single color paper
Box of markers (no mega multi-packs) (for newsletters, important fliers, handouts,
Box of colored pencils (standard) art, projects, and bookmaking)
1 each black fine and ultra fine marker (Sharpie)
3 separate single subject 8 ½” x 11” spiral notebooks
(red, blue and yellow)
1 positive attitude
1 strong desire to learn
1 strong sense of good citizenship
1 willingness to try and perform at your best
1 willingness to go above and beyond both in and outside of the classroom
If you have any questions about the above items, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your cooperation and support.
Ms. Wong
I have read the Room 21’s Sixth Grade Supply list.
____________________________ _____________________________
Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature