RESA 2 Helps Future Audiologist Earn Doctorate
RESA 2 is helping to train the audiologists of tomorrow.
The Regional Education Service Agency that serves Cabell, Lincoln, Logan, Mason and Mingo counties works with Ohio University to place graduate students who need off-state placement as part of their education. The rotations are a required part of earning a doctoral degree in audiology.
Rhonda Lester-Parker of RESA 2 in Huntington teaches OU graduate clinicians about the world of educational audiology. She currently is the only off-site placement available to Ohio University.
“I appreciate the opportunity to broaden the scope of practice for young audiologists,” said Lester-Parker, M.S./CCC-A. “The educational implications of hearing loss have a major impact on the students’ educational achievements.”
The rotation is a critical part of the overall learning process, graduate clinicians need to have experience in different areas of the field during their studies so they can better understand scenarios they may encounter. The differences between an audiologist’s responsibilities, clinical tasks, and even patients can be drastic between office settings. Having the rare opportunity to work with an educational audiologist opens the door for OU students to experience a different career setting.
“Mrs. Lester-Parker and RESA 2’s willingness to continually accept graduate clinicians is a wonderfully generous and greatly needed kindness that is essential for the training of young audiologists,” student Allison Mester said. “I very much appreciate the opportunity to have an off-site educational placement to help me understand more about the field and about myself.”
RESA 2 is headquartered in Huntington and provides educational enhancement resources for students, teachers and the public in Cabell, Lincoln, Logan, Mason, Mingo and Wayne counties. For more information on its services, call 304-529-6205 or visit
Serving: Cabell, Lincoln, Logan, Mason, Mingo, and Wayne Counties