Palmyra Chamber of Commerce
Meeting Minutes
September 2, 2010
8:00 am
Main Street Family Restaurant
Meeting was called to order by Chamber President Rick Ball at 8:00 a.m.
Roll Call: Rick Ball, Lori Garlock, Kelly Anderson – Present
Also Present: Mary Squire, Jim Nelson, Karen Klatt, Pete Klatt, Jessica Kreger, Lee Cushman, Dave Turner, Cory Uebele, Kathy Walters, Denise Derry, Marie Koch, Paul Oehrke, Ruthann Mueller, Mike Temple, Wendy Lucth
Treasurer’s Report: Motion by Kelly Anderson, second by Marie Koch to accept August Treasurer’s report. All ayes-carried.
Approval of Minutes: one correction: Business #1 – correct spelling of crowd. Motion by Kelly Anderson to accept and second by Marie Koch.
- Christmas Parade – Mary Squire discussed the Christmas Parade. The date for the Parade will be December 5th at 5:00 pm. Line up for the parade will be moved to Anemone Ave instead of Maneys.
Mary also discussed there is a need to number the floats for judging, because it’s dark and hard to see. Rick suggested getting a flatbed truck in front of the Perfect Spot, with a spot light.
We need a judge, someone that doesn’t have any ties to Palmyra.
There was also concern about parking on Main Street; maybe we could get the police to put up temp no parking signs? Also need police to coordinate the traffic.
Mary said Lioness would be having hot chocolate and cookies again and they would also be selling chili. All are welcome to participate in the parade, the more the merrier.
- Discussion of Halloween – Lori Garlock, Laurie Mueller and Wendy Lucht will coordinate the Pumpkin decorating. We will also have a food drive.
- Karen Klatt talked about the Crop Walk it will take place on October 10th. Would like to get it on the calendar of events. Marti Froehlich is heading it up for the school. Students will go to businesses asking of support (donations).
- Falls social will be on October 16th at Palmyra Bowl from 2:00 – 6:00. Motion was made by Kelly Anderson to approve the Chamber spend $150 on door prizes. Rick suggested that members bring a potential new member.
- Chamber Certificates were given out to new members – Kiwanis Club, Palmyra Methodist Church, CuTax and Main Street Family Restaurant.
- Discussion of the downtown holiday lights – Date was set for October 23rd 9:00 a.m meet in front of Sheppard’s. Lunch at Hot Rod. Rain date will be set for October 30th
- Kathy Walters asked about business grants. She said that she had several people ask her where and how to get grants. Lori Garlock to ask Laurie Mueller if she knows where we could get this information.
- Dave Turner brought up the signs that advertise “shop local”. Denise Derry said that the GMA makes clings for windows. Whitewater has started a shop local campaign. Dave Turner to check on this.
- Denies Derry is putting together a Fall/Winter guide for the Daily Union. Would Chamber want to do something for that book? Rick Ball suggested the officer meet on this.
- Next meeting location – Palmyra State Bank. Lee Cushman will check availability and let Rick Ball know.
Rick Ball made a motion to adjourn at 9:15 second by Ruthann Mueller