District 10 Environment Committee
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Attendees: Betti Iwanski, Sharon Shinomiya, Val Cunningham, Dana Saeger, Debra Pursley, Ted Benson, Anne Kulenkamp, Bill Sylvester, Ted Blank, Susan Jane Cheney
Acting Committee Chair Dana Saeger called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Attendees introduced themselves.
Minutes from the April meeting were reviewed and approved.
New business
1.Betti Iwanski presented the possibility of a public “Preventing Wasted Food” workshop by Eureka Recycling, whose mission is zero-waste, with Environment Committee co-sponsorship. The idea elicited an enthusiastic response, timing of a workshop was discussed, and the Streetcar Station was suggested as a potential location. Betti will check with Eureka regarding available dates for their presenters, and a definite date will be set in June.
2.Val Cunningham brought up the issue of vehicles parking on grass in the park to the detriment of park property, despite a provision in City contracts stating that parking on turf is prohibited without special dispensation. She asked that the Committee send a letter supporting a more strictly enforced no parking position to a June 11th meeting (6:30 p.m. at the Streetcar Station) of the Como Park Regional Advisory Commission where the issue will be discussed. Members present endorsed Val’s proposal, and Dana will draft a letter to be sent to the District 10 Executive Committee in advance of the 6/11 meeting.
3.Debra Pursley announced that she will be conducting an in-lake kayak clean-up of the lake on Sunday, May 19th, from 9 to 11 a.m. and invited participation by anyone interested. She is borrowing “grabber” tools from Parks staff.
4.Ted Blank reported that he had received a call from a representative of Co-op Energy Futures regarding a low- or no-cost insulation and weatherization program with a neighborhood block club approach; she will attend the June Environment Committee meeting to provide more information.
5.Ted also issued a reminder that the City is soliciting public input about recycling expansion on the Open St. Paul site.
Upcoming events
Dana and Ted Blank are working on a District 10 website calendar page for upcoming environment-related events, such as the following:
1.Spring clean-up of the Como Pavilion Native Plant Garden is scheduled for Saturday, May 18th, 9 to 11 a.m. All volunteers are welcome. Bring rakes, trowels, loppers, plastic yard waste bags, and large buckets for hauling wood chip mulch.
2.The annual Landscape Revival Native Plant Expo and Market will take place on Saturday, June 1st, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Rainbow Foods Outdoor Pavilion on the corner of Larpenteur and Fernwood Avenues.
3.Environment Committee member Chet Mirocha will lead a Tree Trek, highlighting a number of Como Park tree species, on Saturday, June 22nd. Meet at the Como Carousel at 10 a.m. The free tour will end at the Como Lakeside Pavilion. Sharon Shinomiya has prepared a poster for publicity, and Ted Blank will submit announcements to the Bugle and Monitor and send out weekly e-blasts a couple of weeks prior to the event.
4.Deadline for submission of Tree Appreciation nominations is May 25th.
5.Deadline for Blooming Saint Paul Award nominations is June 25th. This awards program, sponsored by the St. Paul Pioneer Press and an initiative of St. Paul Parks & Rec Dept., the St. Paul Garden Club, Ramsey County Master Gardeners, and Public Art St. Paul, recognizes beautification efforts by St. Paul citizens in public spaces.
Como Woodland Outdoor Classroom (CWOC)
Environment Committee liaison to the Como Woodland Advisory Committee (CWAC), Susan Jane Cheney reported on the April 29th Advisory Committee meeting.
- Much of the meeting was devoted to discussion of progress on the Minnesota Historical Society-funded field guide to the Woodland, which is underway.
- Upcoming Spring/Summer CWOC events include:
May 9th garlic mustard pull and clean-up;
May 22nd Como High School Environmental Studies field day;
June 9th Urban Birding Festival CWOC bird walks (11a.m to noon and 1 to 2 p.m.);
July 15th – 17th North American Monarch Institute Woodland tour (tentative).
- There was an article about the CWOC in the April Midway Monitor.
- Fox “kits” have been sighted in the Woodland on several occasions this spring.
The next meeting, including a potluck picnic, is scheduled for Monday, June 24th, 6 p.m. at the Woodland.
Susan Jane will check into recent Woodland tree or shrub plantings and clarify communication issues with District 10.
For more information about the CWOC, check their website:
Capitol Region Watershed District (CRWD)
No report this month. For more information about the CRWD, check the website:
The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
[Meeting summary prepared by Susan Jane Cheney]