Prophecy and Predictions 2009

The Difficulty with Prophecy

Multiple factors conspire for the first time in the history of the Earth to make it virtually impossible for reliable prophecies to be given. It is not that the future cannot be seen at any given moment, but in most cases it simply cannot be accurate for the following reasons:

· Our Calendars are Incorrect. Much mileage is given to the issue of 2012, a date we passed in 2005 during the month of October. The planetary ascension that began in earnest in February 2005 moved us up through higher and higher realms. We consequently experienced a tremendous acceleration of time, rendering our calendars obsolete. My own prophecies became either void overnight or fulfilled in ways that could not have been anticipated. (See The Ring of Truth for ways in which the prophecies of the Book of Revelation were fulfilled.)

· During Ascension, possibilities become sublimated. Let us suppose that an ill-intentioned conspiracy is predicted for tomorrow. Today, however, the cosmic and planetary ascension moves us up in frequency and light. The conspiracy now becomes a collaboration to do life-enhancing work. Another shift could produce a huge cooperative effort for good.

These vertical shifts in consciousness cannot be calculated nor foreseen even by beings who are being channeled. The strong suit of the beings from the hidden realms is to tell us what is known. It is, in fact, in the physical where the previously unknowable meets the known. Man is the entity most likely to see what is coming. The reading of signs in his dreamtime and environment could, to some extent, predict the immediate future.

· Growth is now exponential. Due to massive cosmic events, growth is no longer the linear, slow process that inches its way forward, hurdle by hurdle. If I change by growing in perception in the moment, the effects ricochet back and forth throughout the cosmos. That change will affect a being in the Pleiades, whose change will in turn affect me and I grow again.

Like the vertical ascension, this "growth through grace" changes any linear predictions moment by moment.

What can be Predicted

Trends that depend for their fruition on higher consciousness are good candidates for predictions. When predictions concern broader trends rather than dates and specifics, they are called prophecy. Psychics work with predictions. Seers work with trends. Channeling could produce either, but the accuracy in prophesying trends depends on asking the correct questions and the level of the being who is being channeled.

Trends for 2009

· Expect the unexpected. The walls of the self-made and society-produced boxes humans have lived in are breaking apart in a life-enhancing way.

· Major religions will loose their grip. People will opt for individual spirituality.

· The impact of media. The media of the masses, such as YouTube, iTunes, blogs and other Internet sources will herald in a huge paradigm shift, making planned attempts to control populations inadequate.

· Lightworkers will mature. We will take more responsibility for our environment. If we want child abuse to cease, we must stop neglecting our own inner child. If we want financial stability, we live abundantly – giving ourselves abundant rest, abundant self-nurturing and fun.

· Financial markets will shift and rock. But they will not crumble.

· More Earth awareness and Goddess tradition will rise.

It would seem that all trends are positive. Why would that be? What about the disrupted weather patterns and other discomforting events? All that can be predicted are the positive trends! Everything else is being changed through the great blessing of being part of an Earthly Ascension.