CISF Engineering Board (CEB)
APPLICABLE TO: / Proposed changes to the Centralized Integration Support Facility (CISF) managed baselines or change action states.
DATE OF ISSUE: / 25 Feb 2008 (Latest Update, 09 Dec 2008)
SCOPE: / The CEB is responsible for the technical integrity of the architecture, hardware, software and system baselines of support and delivered systems maintained by the SBIRS CISF Depot, as defined in the CM Plan.
PURPOSE: / This process provides guidance for CISF personnel in the management and execution of CEB responsibilities.
RESPONSIBILITIES / The CISF Engineering Board (CEB) is responsible for the analysis, review, and coordination of all proposed changes to the program technical baselines. The key responsibilities are:
CEB Chair. A Systems Engineering Team member serves as CEB Chair and serves as meeting moderator.
CEB Administrator. The administrator manages the CEB documents, maintains minutes, and maintains concurrence signature sheets on each adjudicated issue.
System Leads. The System Leads are the individuals charged with oversight of the technical baseline of one or more of the managed systems. System Leads include:
· Fixed Sites
· Mobile
Special Project Leads. Designated Leads for specific projects i.e. S2E2
Functional Leads. The Functional Leads are the individuals charged with oversight of the different functional disciplines at the CISF. This includes:
· Systems Engineering
· Software Engineering
· Hardware Engineering
· Integration and Test
Change Sponsor. The individual presenting a CEB change proposal. Typically a System Lead or System Lead representative.
Configuration Management (CM). Manages administrative functions of the CEB and maintains CEB record (Minutes, agendas, record copies of packages etc.).
Quality Assurance (QA) provides advice to the CEB on appropriate process and documentation for proposed changes.
Subcontractor Representative evaluates packages that impact subcontracted activities only. Usually attends separate forum held just before and in conjunction with the general CEB.
Required CEB meeting attendees: / CEB Chair, System Leads, Special Project Leads, Functional Leads, CEB Administrator, CM, QA, Change Sponsor, Subcontractor Representative (if applicable to package evaluated). All areas must be represented for a meeting quorum. Some members may fill multiple roles if appropriate. In the event a member or representative will not be present it is the responsibility of the member to either appoint a designee with the authority to speak on his/her behalf or provide advance input/voting on packages.
CEB Voting Members: / CEB Chair, System Leads, Special Project Leads, Functional Leads, CM, QA, and the Subcontractor Representative (if applicable to package evaluated).
CISF Centralized Integrated Support Facility
CEB CISF Engineering Board
TDP Technical Data Package – documentation describing a proposed change. As defined in the TDP Checklist on the Program Support Web, Forms and Checklists Catalog.
Change Action A request to change a baseline. Can be any of, but not limited to,
the following: Depot Case Number (DCN), Standard Change Form (SCF).
The CEB will meet on a regular schedule as published in the CISF Business Rhythm on the Program Support Web Page under the Business Rhythm Tab. Urgent requirements may result in an ad-hoc CEB as determined by the CEB Chair. In the case of an ad-hoc CEB, the CEB chair or representative will determine minimum CEB attendance based on the content of the review package.
2.1 Review Topics
CEB meetings conduct reviews of the following topics. Change Sponsors are responsible for ensuring Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) are present to answer questions that may arise. Packages that require additional schedule or budget, that is beyond the scope of the baseline contract, may be approved on technical content but must be forwarded to the CSCB for approval of schedule or budget.
2.1.1 Standard Change Form (SCF)
New SCFs based upon the SCF template will be reviewed to evaluate the SCF for proper and complete problem definition, analysis, and documentation.
2.1.2 Depot Case Numbers (DCN)
HW DCNs that impact the system baseline, such as firmware upgrades, HW upgrades, HW replacement recommendations (including due to End of Life/Support issues), new HW, COTS changes, etc. will be presented after design completion but prior to implementation. Simple HW fixes or repair actions will not be evaluated by the CEB. The completed DCN and technical data package (TDP), based upon the DCN and TDP checklist, will be the primary items reviewed.
2.1.3 Baseline
Changes to baseline/baseline documentation (requirements, hardware, software, architecture etc.) will be presented. These are changes that implement new requirements, delete/modify existing requirements, and/or modify a configuration controlled baseline document. Documentation changes which are part of a Software Unit Development Folder (SUDF) do not need to be presented to the CEB. The purpose of the review is to determine how all engineering elements are impacted, potential cost and schedule impacts, and any potential unintended system degradation. The primary evaluation vehicles are a completed CEB Presentation Template, located in the CEB folder, and the baseline document with changes.
2.1.4 Architectural Designs
Proposed architectural designs/changes will be presented to the board. These changes may be brought at any time for advisory input from the CEB during the conceptual stage of the change; however, a final review for approval will be conducted by the CEB as part of baseline finalization. The primary evaluation vehicles are a completed CEB change template and the baseline document with changes.
2.1.5 SBIRS CISF Status Report
Review the SBIRS CISF Status report for accuracy/sufficiency prior to customer turnover.
2.2 CEB Material Preparation
a. The CEB Administrator extracts the required data from the DCN and SCF databases and places the data in the CEB Agenda charts.
b. Change Sponsors prepare presentation templates and provide materials and links to the Administrator at least 5 working days prior to the CEB. There is no additional templates and materials required for a new SCF.
c. The Administrator collects all CEB inputs and places them into the meeting charts. A link to the charts is sent to the CEB members 3 working days prior to the CEB.
d. The Administrator prepares voting signature sheets.
e. CEB materials are stored in a CM controlled folder on the I: drive located at I:\ISO\SES\CEB. A folder called “working” contains the materials for the next scheduled CEB.
2.3 Pre-Meeting Material Review
a. CEB members or their designees, review material in the CEB charts and associated materials for technical content and impact in their programmatic area.
b. Members not able to review the material ensure an alternate is available to do so. Members must ensure any member designees (in the event of a member’s absence) thoroughly review and are prepared to discuss/vote on any package to be reviewed.
c. Members must ensure their review is adequate to determine impact and vote. (Note: No voting is required for new SCFs.)
2.4 Meeting
a. The Administrator (or alternate) prepares the meeting room including display of the charts, and pre-opening material to be presented.
b. The Chair ensures required CEB members are present and moderates meeting.
c. Action items are recorded by the Administrator and reviewed at the end of the meeting.
d. Votes on individual items are recorded in the CEB meeting minutes. Desenters along with rationale for desention are also recorded in the minutes.
e. Unanimous vote is desired and typical, however, the chair may elect to either approve or defer a given item depending on the substance of any dissent.
f. The Chair ensures that CEB decisions are clearly understood by the Administrator.
g. Packages that require additional schedule or budget, that is beyond the scope of the baseline contract, may be approved on technical content but must be forwarded to the CSCB for approval of schedule or budget.
h. As necessary, Program Action Items are identified.
2.5 Post-Meeting
b. The Administrator prepares minutes within 2 working days; sending a link to the CEB members.
c. Members review the minutes and send comments to the CEB members within 2 days of publication.
d. The Administrator archives the CEB materials and minutes and creates the template for the next meeting.
e. The administrator opens necessary Program Action Items.
f. The CEB administrator prepares a folder with all packages for CSCB referral.
g. The CEB administrator forwards copies of all packages requiring action to the CSCB.
3 Detailed Responsibilities
CEB Chair. A Systems Engineer serves as CEB Chair. The Chair will:
· Moderate the CEB meetings
· Ensure appropriate coordination occurs with internal and external program personnel
· Ensure action items are assigned to resolve issues
· Oversee status on external and internal dependencies
· Review change action status prior to the CEB meeting
· Review CEB minutes for accuracy
CEB Administrator. The administrator will:
· Collect CEB inputs and prepares the CEB agenda
· Generate voting signature sheets
· Document CEB action items and their status
· Capture and publish CEB minutes
· Prepare change action status material for the CEB
· Maintain and ensure completion of CEB item signature sheets
· Ensure record copies of CEB materials and signature sheets are maintained
· Manage CEB Action Items in accordance with SES 31-Program Action Item Recording and Tracking procedure
System Lead. The System Leads are the individuals charged with oversight of the technical baseline of one or more of the managed systems. The System Lead will:
· Review CEB material prior to the CEB
· Support Change Sponsors in material review prior to CEB publication
· Work with the baseline change sponsor (defined below) to complete the analysis and coordinate the presentation of the proposed change(s)
· Review CEB minutes for accuracy
Functional Lead. The Functional Leads are the individuals charged with oversight of the technical baseline from the perspective of a given engineering discipline. The Functional Lead will:
· Review CEB material prior to the CEB
· Assess impacts of proposed changes their given engineering discipline
· Quantify the impact to the CEB in terms of technical feasibility and schedule or cost impact
· Assist the CEB in determining if change is in scope to current activities or if Cost/Schedule Control Board (Boulder CSCB for SBIRS, CISF CSCB for Sustainment) consideration is necessary.
· Review CEB minutes for accuracy
Subcontractor Representative. Responsibilities identical to that of a combined functional/system lead but from the perspective of the subcontractor.
Change Sponsor. The Change Sponsor is the individual presenting a CEB change proposal. The Sponsor will:
· Request a time slot on the CEB agenda from the CEB Administration
· On a timely basis, provide the CEB Administrator with materials to include in the CEB agenda, or links to material to be presented during the meeting
· Present the request to the CEB with the assistance of Subject Matter Experts as needed.
[Return to Process Section]
· SES 31, Program Action Item Process
· CM Plan
· CEB materials and minutes
· Inputs for CSCB
· Program Action Items
· Record copies of voting sheets
Change Date: / Approved By: / Description of Change25 Feb 2008 / Jeff Doney / 0.0, Initial release
09 Dec 2008 / 1.0, Extensive revision in all areas to re-define scope and responsibilities of the CEB.
This document was last certified as correct on 09 Dec 2008.
Softcopy digitally signed by the PCB Lead and retained by QA.
Jeff Doney \\signed\\ 09 Dec 2008
Process Control Board (PCB) Lead's Signature Date
SES 32 Page 1 of 7 C101204
Hardcopy versions of this document are for reference only. Check the Program Support Web online copy to be sure you have the latest revision level.