Gusukuma, Isaac CV 1
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor3006 Maple Hill Circle
Social Work ProgramWaco,TX 76708
UMHB Box 8014(254) 757-2347
900 College StreetEmail:
Belton, Texas76513
Doctor of Philosophy, May 1997
University of Texas at Austin, School of Social Work, Austin, Texas
Dissertation: Intercountry Adoption: The Experiences and Adjustments of Families Adopting Children from Latin America, China, and the United States
Master of Religious Education, May 1981
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas
Concentration: Social Services and Family Ministries
Master of Social Work, May 1976
University of Hawaii at Mano’a, Honolulu, Hawaii
Concentration: Practice with Children and Families, Medical Social Work
Thesis: The Ewa Beach Family Planning Clinic: A Comparison of Active and Inactive Patients and Their Satisfaction with Clinic Services
Bachelor of Arts, May 1974
University of Hawaii at Mano’a, Honolulu, Hawaii
Major: Sociology
Licensed Master Social Worker (Texas), Independent Practice Recognition, License #01604
Academy of Certified Social Workers, National Association of Social Workers
Adoption outcomes, planning and programCultural diversity, social work practice and
evaluation, safety issues in practice, support networks,methods, research methods, human behavior and
service outcomes, research with minority populationsthe social environment, field practice, medical
andcross-cultural studies, survey research, quantitativesocial work, rural social work, practice with
and qualitative research issues, social work leadershipchildren and families, social welfare policy
Program evaluation, Education administration, Agency administration, Leadership,
Development of organizational vision, mission, goals and objectives,
Organizational change
PresentChair, Department of Social Work, Sociology, and Criminal Justice
2008Director, Social Work Program
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, Belton, TX
Providesleadership and administrative oversight for the three programs in the department. Conducted two successful faculty searches. Established, with the Program Coordinators, a four-semester schedule for courses in each program to facilitate course scheduling for the Fall, Spring, May Minimester, and Summer Sessions. Initiated a re-configuration of the Social Work Program’s curriculum to adhere to the 2008 Council on Social Work Education’s (CSWE) Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) for social work programs. Expanded the Social Work Advisory Board (SWAB) from 10 to 12 members and revised the SWAB’s By-laws. Initiated a Peer Observation Program in the Department of Social Work, Sociology, and Criminal Justice in 2009 for both full-time and adjunct faculty. Initiated a discussion in the department about a teaching philosophy that will culminate with revised faculty teaching philosophy statements that will support the mission of the university, department, and program.
2012Interim Director, Graduate Counseling and Psychology Program,
2010Graduate School, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, Belton, TX
Provided leadership and administrative oversight for the Graduate Counseling and Psycholgy Program, and effectively managed in two departments, nine full-time faculty, nine adjunct faculty, and six budgets. Provides daily management responsibilities for the conduct of the department faculty. Responded to student concerns. Conducted faculty evaluations. Initiated for the Graduate Counseling and Psychology Program. Revised, updated and submitted the CACREP (Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs) Self-Study Report for the Re-accreditation of the Clinical Mental Health Counseling (CMHC) Program of the Graduate Counseling and Psychology Program and prepared the faculty, students and Program’s Advisory Board for the CACREP site visit in the Spring 2012. Established the By-laws for the Graduate Counseling and Psychology Program’s Advisory Council.
2008Director of Field Education, Social Work Program
2005University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, Belton, TX
Directed the field internship program for the Social Work Program. Established positive relationships with agencies and programs in Waco, Temple, Gatesville, Killeen, Georgetown, and Round Rock. Revised the field evaluation forms. Updated the Student Field Handbook. Implemented a Safety Review and Assessment Program for students and field agencies. Served as the Chair for the Texas Field Educator’s Consortium (T-FEC) for two years.
2010Principal Investigator for “Asian Pacific Island Cultural Supports: Resilience and Protective Factors.” An exploratory study of cultural supports that enhance the development of resilience within Asian and Pacific Islander cultures.
2009Principal Investigator for “Community and Family Social Work Services: Client Satisfaction
Survey” for the Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services. A survey of client satisfaction across all program sites in Texas.
2009Co-Investigator for “The Utilization and Impression of NASW Resources on Social Work
2008Educators in Texas” with Christen Argueta and Vicki Hansen, Executive Director of NASW/TX.
2008Co-Investigator for a Faculty Development Research Grant Project, “An Evaluation of the
2007Leadership of NASW/TX, A Small, Nonprofit, Professional Association,” with Dr. Marty McMahone, College of Business.
2007Principal Investigator for a Faculty Development Research Grant Project, “Stability and
2006Support for Students Who Are Homeless: A Study of the Homeless Student Program of the Belton Independent School District” with co-investigator, Ms. Barbara Agee, M.Ed., Director of Federal Programs for the Belton Independent School District examining and determining the characteristics of and services provided to homeless students in the school district.
2006Principal Investigator for “An Evaluation of the Presbyterian Children’s Homes and
2005Services (PCHAS) Community Social Work Program” an unfunded program evaluation of
the community-based social work programs located in seven Texas communities. This project is just getting under way and data should be collected by the end of the Spring semester with a final report submitted to PCHAS by the end of the Summer, 2005.
2005Project Coordinator for “The Changing Role of Religiously-Affiliated Child and Family
2004Service Agencies” Annie E. Casey Foundation Planning Grant. Project goals are to conduct a survey of child serving agencies in 13 states across the nation to determine the types of services provided and collect basic information of historically religiously-affiliated child serving agencies and their programs.
2004Project Director for the Heart of Texas Partnership for End-of- Life Care (HOTPEC)
2003“Community Needs Survey and Interviews of End-of-Life Services” an unfunded researchproject conducted for HOTPEC, a new community agency, consisting of a mailed survey to end-of-life care providers in Waco and surrounding area. Report submitted to HOTPEC in the Summer, 2004.
1996Social Science Research Associate, Center for Social Work Research,
1994 School of Social Work, The University of Texas at Austin.
Project Coordinator for "A Project for the Development of a Curriculum in Cultural Diversity," funded through the Texas Department of Health. Project goals were to 1) Develop curriculum modules on African Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos/Hispanics, Disabled and Gay/Lesbians for dissemination to schools of social work; 2) Survey schools of social work to determine current diversity content in social work curriculums; 3) Develop activities and assignments to enhance self-awareness and for utilization with the various modules; and 4) Develop lists of videos and references.
Project Coordinator for a “Study of Post Adoption Services” an evaluation of post adoption services funded by and conducted for a private adoption agency. Project goals included, 1) Survey of adult adopted persons who had sought post adoption services; 2) Survey of post adoption providers in eight other agencies providing post adoption services; 3) Interviews with the post adoption service workers at the funding agency; 4) Follow-up telephone interviews with selected adult adopted persons who responded to the survey; 5) Development of an extensive reference list on post adoption services. Project was completed in December 1995.
Research Assistant for a “Study of Adoption Dissolution in Texas” funded by the Texas Department of Protective Regulatory Services. Project involved reviewing 40 intact and 40 disrupted or dissolved special-needs adoption case records to determine factors contributing to both positive and negative adoption outcomes. Extensive interviews were conducted with adoption supervisors throughout the state and detailed case reviews were conducted to determine protective service entries about birthparents, serve records, adoption home study records, placement and post-placement summaries, including court and medical records documents pertinent to each case. Project was completed in August, 1994.
Evaluation Team Member for a “Cultural Competency Assessment for Texas Center for Infectious Diseases” an evaluation of an agency of the Texas Department of Health. Goals of the evaluation were 1) conduct a site visit to the TexasCenter for Infectious Diseases; 2) Conduct interviews with selected administration and staff members; 3) Conduct focus groups with personnel from all levels of the agency; and 4) Develop recommendations for the Center administration related to enhancing cultural competency and improving agency services to minority populations. Evaluations were completed in October, 1994.
PresentProfessor,Chair Department of Social Work, Sociology, and Criminal Justice
2013and Director of the Social Work Program, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, Belton, TX
2013Associate Professor, Chair Department of Social Work, Sociology, and Criminal Justice
2008and Director of the Social Work Program, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, Belton, TX
2012Interim Director, Graduate Counseling and Psychology Program, University of Mary 2010 Hardin-Baylor, Belton, TX
2008Associate Professor and Director of Field Education,Social Work Program, Department
2005of Sociology, Social Work and Criminal Justice, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, Belton, TX.
2005Associate Professor, School of Social Work, Baylor University, Waco, Texas.
2002Taught across the curriculum in both the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs.
2002Associate Professor,Director of the Social Work Program, Head,Department of
1997Sociology and Social Work, HowardPayneUniversity, Brownwood, Texas.
1997Associate Professor and Coordinator of Field Instructionfor the Social Work Program,
1996HowardPayneUniversity, Brownwood, Texas. Responsibilities included teaching various courses in social work and supervising students in field placement.
1994Assistant Instructor, School of Social Work, University Texas at Austin.
1991Taught courses in social work including, Research Methods I and Cultural Diversity to undergraduate students.
1991Teaching Assistant, School of Social Work, University of Texas at Austin.
1989Assisted with courses in social work including, Introduction to Social Work and Field Placement Seminar for undergraduate students.
1987Assistant Instructor, School of Social Work, University of Texas at Austin.
1985Taught undergraduate Field Seminar and Introduction to Social Work for undergraduate students.
1985Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Howard Payne
1980University, Brownwood, Texas. Responsibilities included teaching undergraduate sociology and social work courses. Served as a member of various university committees. Acting Department Chairperson, 1985.
1980Home Health Services of Tarrant County, Fort Worth, Texas.
1979Responsibilities included providing counseling and social work services to home bound, disabled patients in a four county area in North Central Texas in collaboration with other agency and health care providers. Supervised the activities of a social work student in field placement with the agency.
1979Crippled Children's Division, Department of Health and Environmental Control,
1976State of South Carolina. Employed as a clinical social worker headquartered in Beaufort, South Carolina. Responsibilities included coordinating medical services, providing counseling and supportive services to the children and their families on the program as well as working with the Orthopedic, Family Planning, Maternal and Child Health clinics and other health professionals in a five county area, including community mental health workers, public school teachers and counselors, and community outreach workers.
2002Army National Guard, Colonel (USA, Retired). Completed32 years of service
1970in the Army National Guard. Enlisted as a Private in 1970 and served in the states of Hawaii, South Carolina, and Texas. Initially commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant (Cavalry) with subsequent assignments including a Cavalry Troop, Infantry, Mechanized Infantry, and Armor units.Command assignmentsincluded several Platoons, two Company commands, a Battalion command, and concluded with a Brigade command. Staff assignments included serving at the Battalion level through Division and the State of Texas Joint Staff.
Undergraduate courses taught include:
Children and Disrupted Families
Cultural Diversity and Social Work
Death and Dying
Field Instruction I and II
Human Behavior and the Social Environment I and II
Human Needs in Complex Societies
Introduction to Social Work
Introduction to Sociology
Juvenile Delinquency
Problems of Contemporary Society
Research Methods and Techniques
Senior Seminar (Capstone)
Social Services in Rural Settings
Social Welfare Policy
Social Work Methods (Practice with Individuals and Families)
Social Work Practice with Groups
Social Work Practice with Organizations and Communities
Statistics for the Social Sciences
Graduate courses taught include:
Introduction to the Profession
Introduction to Advanced Internship: Physical and Mental Health
Professional Practice II (Groups)
Research for Practice
Research Seminar
Research Project Seminar
University Administrative Duties
Member, Student Development Committee, 2011 – Present
Member, UMHB Institutional Review Board, 2010 – 2013
Interim Director, Graduate Counseling and Psychology Program, UMHB, 2010 - 2012
Chair, Department of Social Work, Sociology, and Criminal Justice, UMHB, 2008 – Present
Director, Social Work Program, UMHB, 2008 – Present
Parliamentarian, UMHB Faculty Assembly, 2008-2011
Member, Professional Growth Committee, UMHB Faculty Assembly, 2007 - 2008
Member, Professional Affairs Committee, UMHB Faculty Assembly, 2006 - 2007
Associate Member, Graduate Faculty, University of Texas at Arlington, 2005– Present
Ex-officio Member, Social Work Advisory Council, 2005 – Present
Director, Field Education Program, UMHB Social Work Program, 2005 - 2008
Coordinator, HowardPayneUniversity, Social Work Program Self-Study, CSWE Reaffirmation Visit, 2001
Head, Department of Sociology and Social Work, HowardPayneUniversity(1999- 2002)
Director, Social Work Program, HowardPayneUniversity (1998 - 2002)
Member, University Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Teaching Load, HowardPayneUniversity (2001-2002)
Member, University Faculty Development Committee, HowardPayneUniversity (1998-2002)
Member, University Institutional Effectiveness Committee (1999)
Coordinator of Field Instruction, Social Work Program, HowardPayneUniversity (1996-97)
Member, University Library Committee, Howard Payne University (1998)
Member, Faculty Concerns, Faculty Assembly, HowardPayneUniversity (1997-1998)
Member, University Internet Web Supervisor Committee, HowardPayneUniversity (1997-1998)
Chair, Department of Sociology and Social Work, HowardPayneUniversity (1985)
Chair, Student Development Services Committee for the Institutional Self-Study in preparation for reaccreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, HowardPayneUniversity (1984-1985)
Member, Faculty Committee on Advising New and Undecided Students, HowardPayneUniversity (1984)
Member, University Ad Hoc Committee on Student Retention, HowardPayneUniversity (1984)
Doctoral Dissertation Committees
Price, William H. (2001). Vision and change: The relationship between vision statements and strategic change in organizations. Nova Southeastern University.
Madrigal, Candida R. (2008). Acculturation, ethnic identity, resilience, self-esteem and general well-being: A psychosocial study of Colombians in the United States. School of Social Work, University of Texas at Arlington.
Harris, Helen H. (2010). Student attention difficulties. College of Education, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor.
Graduate (Master) Research Projects Supervised (Baylor University)
Brown, Timothy M., Collaborative End-of-Life Care for Terminally Ill Residents of Nursing Care Facilities: Do Hospice and Nursing Care Facility Staffs have an Adversarial or Cooperative Relationship When Caring for Terminally Ill Individuals?
Doskocil, Angela G., Educational Outcomes of Programs for Divorcing Parents
Everett, Amy M. An Evaluative Study of World Hunger Relief Inc.’s Internship Program
Forquer, Sue E., Use of Community-Based Services by the Elderly of BellCounty
Gouldie, Jennifer - An Insight Into the Behavior Management System at the Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services
Johnson, Jill, NeurodevelopmentalRisks of Homeless Infants and the Impact of Caretaker Attributes and Stressful Life Events
Kneisc, Jeren M., The Impact of Alcohol Dependency and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder on Close Intimate Relationships of Vietnam Veterans
Lott, Holly J., An Examination of Behavioral and Mental Health Issues of Children from Military and Non-military Families
Lynn, Brandy, AdvocacyCenter: A Client Satisfaction Survey
Matthey, Michelle A. The Role of Sex Offender’s Wives: The Reasoning Behind the Choice to Remain and How This Affects Household Relationships
Peeler, Linzi R., The Effects of Attending “Parenting Is For All” (PIFA) on Parenting Skills
Sargent, Melanie An Evaluation of the Parent Education Program
Todd, Stephanie Learning Styles, Literacy Skills and Their Relationship with Activities at Home
Ussery, Kristy, J., What are the bio-psycho-social-spiritual needs of people with diabetes?
Wallace, Kari, L., Memories and Grief
Wiatrek, Allison, G., Physical, Spiritual, & Social Needs of Women Who are Homeless
York, Melody Advocating Accessibility: Providing Services for the Hispanic Community and Victims of Violent Crime
Undergraduate Honors Thesis Supervised (Baylor University)
Trandem, Sarah, Terminal illness in children and the effects on the family: A case study. Waco, TX: Baylor University, May 2005.
Gusukuma, I. V. (2013). Resilience, cultural assets and social work practice with Asian and Pacific Islanders. Conference Proceedings of the Global Symposium on Social Sciences (pp. 363-372). Okinawa, Japan: IBSSS.
Gusukuma, I., & McRoy, R. (2012). What works in intercountry adoptions. In P. A. Curtis & G. Alexander, What works in child welfare (rev. ed.) (pp. 343-365). Washington, DC: Child Welfare League of America Press.
Garland, D., & Gusukuma I. (2006). The changing role of religiously-affiliated child and family service agencies. Center for Family and Community Ministries. School of Social Work, Baylor University.
Yu, M., & Gusukuma, I. (2001). Working with Asian immigrants and refugees: A social work curriculum and practice model. Journal of International and Comparative Social Welfare, 17(2), 113-117.