Beginner Housing Rooms in a House Tutor Notes



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Beginner Housing Rooms in a House:

Tutor Notes

Rooms in a house

Task 1: / Can identify and name rooms in a house
Vocabulary: / kitchen, dining room, living room, bedroom, bathroom, laundry, garage, balcony, favourite
Language structure: / Do you have a ___ (laundry, garage etc) in your house?
How many bedroom/bathrooms do you have?
What is your favourite room? Why?

Activity instructions

Name the rooms in a house

/ Worksheet 1: Rooms in a house

Show pictures on the worksheet and ask learner to read or name the rooms.

Ask the learner to identify specific rooms: Show me the ___ (bedroom, laundry etc).

Talk about the rooms in their house

Ask questions: Do you have a ___ (laundry, garage etc) in your house? Learner responds: Yes I have. No I haven’t.

How many bedrooms /bathrooms do you have? Learner responds: I have ___ bedrooms/bathrooms in my house.

Ask: Can you name the rooms in your house?

Together walk around their house and ask learner to name the room.

Ask: What is your favourite room? Why?

Acknowledgement of image source

©2011 Photos.com, a division of Getty Images. All rights reserved.

Daily activities

Task 2: / Can identify and match daily activities to specific rooms
Vocabulary: / breakfast, lunch, dinner, bath, get dressed, make, wash, iron, clothes, bed, dishes
Language structure: / Where do you ___ (wash, watch TV etc)? I wash the clothes in the laundry.

Activity Instructions

Identify the different daily activities

/ Worksheet 2: Daily activities

Show the pictures on the worksheet and ask learner to name the activities.

Learner reads the words and writes the words under the correct picture.

Match daily activities to rooms in a house

/ Worksheet 3: Which room?

Read the room words at the top of the worksheet. Learner repeats or reads.

Ask questions: Where do you ___ (watch TV, listen to music etc)? or In which room do you ___ (cook, have a shower etc)? Learner responds: I watch TV in the ___. I have a shower in the ___.

Learner reads the room words and then completes the sentences.

Learner reads the completed sentences. (Check for correct pronunciation, intonation and punctuation.)

Floor plans

Task 3: / Can demonstrate understanding of simple plans
Vocabulary: / floor plan, abbreviation

Activity instructions

Read abbreviations and name the rooms of a house on a floor plan

/ Worksheet 4: Floor plans

Show the house floor plans on the worksheet and explain what they represent. (Some learners have may have difficulty with this spatial concept.)

Ask learner to read the house words and then the abbreviations.

Learner looks at the floor plans and names the rooms.

Write simple sentences

/ Worksheet 4: Floor plans

Learner writes some simple sentences about the two houses represented by the plans:

There is one ___ (bathroom, kitchen etc). There are ___ (bedrooms etc).

Draw a plan of their house

Together draw a plan of the learner’s house and label the rooms using the abbreviations.

Household furniture

Task 4: / Can identify some household objects
Vocabulary: / chair, table, curtains, bookshelf, armchair, heater, cupboard, dining table, dishwasher, bed, mat, sofa, wardrobe, lamp
Language structure: / In which room is the___ (lamp, dishwasher etc). The ___ (lamp, dishwasher, etc) is in the ___.


Prepare flash cards 1.

You will need a die and counters to play the ‘Housing’ game.

Activity instructions

Name the furniture

/ Flash cards 1: Household furniture

Show picture cards and ask learner to name the items. Introduce any new vocabulary.

Read word cards. Learner listens and finds the correct picture cards.

Match words to pictures

/ Flash cards 1: Household furniture

Learner reads the words and matches the words to the pictures.

Find the housing words

/ Worksheet 5: Find the words

Learner says the words, then finds and circles the words.

Play ‘Housing’ game

/ Worksheet 6: Housing game

Together play the game.

First player rolls the die and moves their counter the number of spaces shown on the die. Then asks the question to the second player. The second player answers the question then rolls the dice and the game continues.

If the players are unable to answer the question they miss a turn.

The first person to land exactly on the space marked ‘Finish’ is the winner. However if the number on the dice makes the player move beyond the winner space they need to continue around the board again.